205 research outputs found

    The distribution of polynomials over finite fields, with applications to the Gowers norms

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    n this paper we investigate the uniform distribution properties of polynomials in many variables and bounded degree over a fixed finite field F of prime order. Our main result is that a polynomial P : F^n -> F is poorly-distributed only if P is determined by the values of a few polynomials of lower degree, in which case we say that P has small rank. We give several applications of this result, paying particular attention to consequences for the theory of the so-called Gowers norms. We establish an inverse result for the Gowers U^{d+1}-norm of functions of the form f(x)= e_F(P(x)), where P : F^n -> F is a polynomial of degree less than F, showing that this norm can only be large if f correlates with e_F(Q(x)) for some polynomial Q : F^n -> F of degree at most d. The requirement deg(P) < |F| cannot be dropped entirely. Indeed, we show the above claim fails in characteristic 2 when d = 3 and deg(P)=4, showing that the quartic symmetric polynomial S_4 in F_2^n has large Gowers U^4-norm but does not correlate strongly with any cubic polynomial. This shows that the theory of Gowers norms in low characteristic is not as simple as previously supposed. This counterexample has also been discovered independently by Lovett, Meshulam, and Samorodnitsky. We conclude with sundry other applications of our main result, including a recurrence result and a certain type of nullstellensatz

    Correlation Testing for Affine Invariant Properties on Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n in the High Error Regime

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    Recently there has been much interest in Gowers uniformity norms from the perspective of theoretical computer science. This is mainly due to the fact that these norms provide a method for testing whether the maximum correlation of a function f:Fpn→Fpf:\mathbb{F}_p^n \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_p with polynomials of degree at most d≤pd \le p is non-negligible, while making only a constant number of queries to the function. This is an instance of {\em correlation testing}. In this framework, a fixed test is applied to a function, and the acceptance probability of the test is dependent on the correlation of the function from the property. This is an analog of {\em proximity oblivious testing}, a notion coined by Goldreich and Ron, in the high error regime. In this work, we study general properties which are affine invariant and which are correlation testable using a constant number of queries. We show that any such property (as long as the field size is not too small) can in fact be tested by Gowers uniformity tests, and hence having correlation with the property is equivalent to having correlation with degree dd polynomials for some fixed dd. We stress that our result holds also for non-linear properties which are affine invariant. This completely classifies affine invariant properties which are correlation testable. The proof is based on higher-order Fourier analysis. Another ingredient is a nontrivial extension of a graph theoretical theorem of Erd\"os, Lov\'asz and Spencer to the context of additive number theory.Comment: 43 pages. A preliminary version of this work appeared in STOC' 201

    Every locally characterized affine-invariant property is testable

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    Let F = F_p for any fixed prime p >= 2. An affine-invariant property is a property of functions on F^n that is closed under taking affine transformations of the domain. We prove that all affine-invariant property having local characterizations are testable. In fact, we show a proximity-oblivious test for any such property P, meaning that there is a test that, given an input function f, makes a constant number of queries to f, always accepts if f satisfies P, and rejects with positive probability if the distance between f and P is nonzero. More generally, we show that any affine-invariant property that is closed under taking restrictions to subspaces and has bounded complexity is testable. We also prove that any property that can be described as the property of decomposing into a known structure of low-degree polynomials is locally characterized and is, hence, testable. For example, whether a function is a product of two degree-d polynomials, whether a function splits into a product of d linear polynomials, and whether a function has low rank are all examples of degree-structural properties and are therefore locally characterized. Our results depend on a new Gowers inverse theorem by Tao and Ziegler for low characteristic fields that decomposes any polynomial with large Gowers norm into a function of low-degree non-classical polynomials. We establish a new equidistribution result for high rank non-classical polynomials that drives the proofs of both the testability results and the local characterization of degree-structural properties

    Testing Low Complexity Affine-Invariant Properties

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    Invariance with respect to linear or affine transformations of the domain is arguably the most common symmetry exhibited by natural algebraic properties. In this work, we show that any low complexity affine-invariant property of multivariate functions over finite fields is testable with a constant number of queries. This immediately reproves, for instance, that the Reed-Muller code over F_p of degree d < p is testable, with an argument that uses no detailed algebraic information about polynomials except that low degree is preserved by composition with affine maps. The complexity of an affine-invariant property P refers to the maximum complexity, as defined by Green and Tao (Ann. Math. 2008), of the sets of linear forms used to characterize P. A more precise statement of our main result is that for any fixed prime p >=2 and fixed integer R >= 2, any affine-invariant property P of functions f: F_p^n -> [R] is testable, assuming the complexity of the property is less than p. Our proof involves developing analogs of graph-theoretic techniques in an algebraic setting, using tools from higher-order Fourier analysis.Comment: 38 pages, appears in SODA '1
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