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    E-voting is a service or system which serves to get individual human inputs and to sumarize them to a ceratain group decision. Usually, e-voting is a take for e-government part, but in this paper we consider e-voting for particular and specific population. The proposed e-voting system is intended for student population and student parliament election. In this paper, we describe concept of P.U.T. (personal unique token) and ways to distribute P.U.T.s to students. At the end, we present a software which is designed for the student parliament use case

    8th SC@RUG 2011 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2010-2011

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    8th SC@RUG 2011 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2010-2011

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    The design of a secure anonymous Internet voting system

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    In this paper, we propose a very practical and secure anonymous Internet voting protocol. Our scheme does not require a special voting channel and communications can occur entirely over the current Internet. This method integrates Internet convenience and cryptology. Issues such as the kinds of "certificate authority" and "public proxy server" are integrated in our scheme to solve the Internet identification and anonymity problems. This protocol combines the RSA blind signature scheme and secret sharing cryptosystem, to provide a fair and practical election. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Study of Security Mechanisms for Billing and Web Services in E-commerce

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    摘要 由於通訊和電腦技術的進步,網際網路的普及提供了廣泛的服務,人們可以使用這些普及的公共網路進行交易,方便地存取各種網路資源和傳送敏感性資料。無論如何,這些交易產生了許多安全性的議題;由於網路交易的關係者彼此不能面對面地驗證彼此身份,傳統上”一手交錢,一手交貨”的交易目標難以達成。因此,在行動通訊及電子商務方面的應用上安全機制研究就顯得格外重要。本論文主要著眼於密碼學技術中兩項主要的議題;其中之一是提出關於網際網路上的應用,如電子投票、電子彩券、電子現金等主要網路服務應用。另一項議題則是透過植基於行動設備上關於行動加值服務的公平性和建構不可否認性的交易平台。 在本論文中,我們首先將討論幾個熱門的網路服務:電子投票、電子彩券和電子現金等議題。就電子投票這個議題而言,此法整合了憑證授權、公開代理伺服器、RSA盲簽章和秘密分享機制來解決在網際網路上的身分識別以及匿名性的問題,進而提出一種匿名式的網際網路電子投票系統。接下來我們將介紹一種實用、匿名且可公開驗證的網際網路電子彩券協定,協定中我們整合公開金鑰基礎建設、赫序鏈和盲簽章等密碼學上的技術。另外我們也引入一個可信賴的代理中心來協調整個抽獎過程,使得得獎號碼的產生可以公開地被驗證。而且所有的參與者的電子彩券都有相等的獲獎機會,此舉將會提高抽獎過程的可信性及實用性。值得一提的是,我們的協定模式能夠很容易地在網際網路上被實作,這樣的機制將對網路行銷很有幫助。接著我們介紹”存款委任”協定,使得商人只須維持一個交易銀行的帳號,即可處理所有的委任存款業務。在本文中我們提出了兩種數學模式即ElGamal及RSA scheme。這樣的設計方式,使得我們的架構能適用於任何電子現金系統。 其次,我們將討論行動電話計費的公平性。據我們所知,目前每一通電話的計費方式都由行動網路服務提供者的計費管理系統所提供的。而行動電話用戶本身根本無從判斷這些帳單的正確性。過去曾發生在手機及用戶模組卡片都遺失的情況下被盜打或偽造模組卡片的事件,更是時有所聞。因此,關於帳單上計費的紛爭更是層出不窮,行動電話用戶將會因此拒付這些有爭議的電話費。所以設計一種公平且不可否認的計費方式是我們努力的目標。在本論文中我們引入”觀察者”的觀念來監視計費過程,使得計費能更公平,而能被行動業者及用戶所接受。經由引入”觀察者”的設計觀念,我們致力於提出在行動商務應用上的另外兩種協定;其中之一是提出關於B2C的行動商務系統,另一項則是提出行動票券系統,這樣的設計系統能確保顧客和服務提供者之間不會有不公平和可否認的情況發生。 目前行動設備使用者可隨時隨地透過行動設備(諸如行動電話、個人數位助理和膝上型個人電腦)來處理他們日常的事務,人們使用這些行動設備來存取各種網路服務已經成了普遍的應用。儘管這些可信賴的行動設備比個人電腦更個人化,但這些設備往往存在著許多先天上的缺點,諸如受限制的計算能力、電池電力、頻寬及螢幕大小等因素都將阻礙行動商務的發展。在本研究中我們將專注於幾個研究議題:公平性、不可否認性、不可盜用、匿名性、簡單性及實用性等。我們引入一個可信賴的觀察者來協調整個行動交易過程。由於觀察者的介入,任何不實的否認將不會發生在買方和賣方身上。 總之,我們僅用簡單的運算提出有效率且實用的架構,經由這種公平且不可否認的交易模式,任何假的否認機會可減少到最低,使用者對電子及行動商務的信心因此得以加強。Abstract With the progress of the mobile communications and computer technology, Internet becomes extremely popular and offers various services to users. People thus can use these ubiquitous public networks to perform a transaction, access a variety of network resources and transmit sensitive data conveniently. However, these transactions always raise security issues; due to the problem of transaction parties cannot authenticate each other face to face. The traditional “Cash on Delivery” is a difficult aim in network transaction. Therefore, the study of the secure mechanisms is very important for billing and web services in E-commerce. In this dissertation, we investigate two major issues about cryptographic technologies. One is to propose some security control mechanisms in Internet application, and the other is to design a fair and non-repudiated transaction platform in mobile commerce. At first, we will discuss some hot web services: E-voting, E-raffle, and E-cash in the first part of our dissertation. These Internet services are widely discussed in current literatures and involved in the digital society. According to the E-voting issue, this method integrates Internet reality and cryptology. The issues, such as the kinds of “certificate authority” and “public proxy server”, are integrated into our scheme to solve the Internet identification and anonymous problems. Based on the RSA blind signature scheme and the secret sharing cryptosystem, this protocol can be implemented to a fair and practical election. Subsequently, we proposed a practical, anonymous and publicly verifiable raffle protocol for using on the Internet. This method integrates cryptology such as public key infrastructure, hashing chain and blind signature etc. We also involve a trust proxy center to coordinate the raffle. The winning number generation is publicly verifiable. All of the participant's raffle tickets must be involved with each participant having an equal chance to win the prize. This will give the raffle higher credibility and practicability. Most importantly, our scheme can be easily implemented on the Internet. The proposed method will be very useful for network marketing. Besides, we will introduce the concept of deposit-delegation protocol in this paper such that a merchant only has to maintain an account at its trading bank (acquirer) and delegates all deposit business to it. We propose two mathematic models (for ElGamal and RSA scheme) in this protocol. Moreover, we shall discuss the fairness of the mobile billing system. Generally speaking, the mobile network service provider counts each phone call unilaterally. The subscribers have no basis for determining the correctness of their mobile phone bill. As we know, the cell phones with Subscriber Identity Module cards are lost. This will lead subscriber's services to be usurped or forged, leaving the subscriber with large phone bills. This situation causes disputes between the subscriber and the mobile network service provider. Sometimes a subscriber will refuse to pay for those phone calls. Therefore, creating a fair and non-repudiated billing system is our goal. In this dissertation, we introduce the “observer” concept to supervise the billing to make it more objective and acceptable by both cellular carriers and subscribers. Extensions to the basic “observer” concept provide mobile value-added services. We devote to propose another two kinds of methods in mobile commerce. One is the B2C mobile commerce system, and the other is the mobile ticket system such that the customer and the service provider will not suffer from the unfair and repudiated resolution. Nowadays, all mobile subscribers can use personal trusted devices (such as mobile phone, personal digital assistant and laptop computer) to access various resources and conduct their businesses anytime from anywhere. In spite of these personal trusted devices are more personal than personal computer, there are some inheritable drawbacks (such as limited computation power, battery power, bandwidth, screen etc.) that will hinder the development in mobile commerce. In this investigation, we focus on the following issues: fairness, non-repudiation, non-usurpation, anonymity, simplicity, and practicability and involve a trusted “observer” to coordinate the mobile transaction. Due to the observer's intervention, any false denial will not occur between the buyer and the seller. To sum up, we only use simple operations to propose some efficient and practical schemes. By providing a fair and non-repudiated scheme, any false denial can be minimized; user's confidence on E-commerce and M-commerce can thus be enhanced.Contents Abstract (in Chinese) I Abstract (in English) III Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Research motivations and primitive ideas 1 1.1.1. Research motivations 1 1.1.2. Primitive ideas 2 1.2. Preliminaries 6 1.2.1. Digital signatures 6 1.2.2. Blind signature 7 1.2.3. One-way hash functions 8 1.2.4. Secret sharing 9 1.3. Research results and dissertation organization 10 Chapter 2. The Design of a Secure Anonymous Internet Voting System 12 2.1. Introduction 12 2.2. Our E-voting scheme 14 2.2.1. The participating parties and notations 14 2.2.2. The detailed protocol 16 2.3. Analyses 19 2.3.1. Fairness issue 19 2.3.2. Eligibility issue 20 2.3.3. Uniqueness issue 20 2.3.4. Uncocercibility issue 20 2.3.5. Anonymity issue 20 2.3.6. Accurancy issue 22 2.3.7. Efficiency issue 22 2.3.8. Robustness issue 23 2.3.9. Mobility issue 23 2.3.10. Practicability issue 23 2.4. Conclusions 23 Chapter 3. Design of a Fair Proxy Raffle Protocol on the Internet 25 3.1. Introduction 25 3.2. The proposed raffle scheme 26 3.2.1. Raffle ticket issuing phase 28 3.2.2. Raffle ticket casting phase 29 3.2.3. Raffle drawing phase 30 3.2.4. Raffle prize claim phase 31 3.3. Analyses 32 3.3.1. Anonymity issue 32 3.3.2. Accuracy issue 32 3.3.3. Fairness issue 33 3.3.4. Verifiability issue 34 3.3.5. Security issue 34 3.3.6. Practicability issue 35 3.4. Conclusions 35 Chapter 4. A Novel Proxy Deposit Protocol for E-cash Systems 37 4.1. Introduction 37 4.2. Our schemes 38 4.2.1. Our ElGamal base deposit delegation scheme 38 4.2.2. Our RSA base deposit delegation scheme 41 4.3. Analyses 43 4.3.1. No damage from intrude issue 43 4.3.2. Non-repudiation issue 44 4.3.3. Fairness issue 45 4.3.4. Economy issue 45 4.3.5. Independence issue 46 4.4. Conclusions 46 Chapter 5. A Fair and Secure Mobile Billing System 47 5.1. Introduction 47 5.2. Our mobile billing scheme 51 5.3. Analyses 55 5.3.1. Fairness issue 55 5.3.2. Non-repudiation issue 56 5.3.3. Non-usurpation issue 57 5.3.4. Simplicity issue 57 5.3.5. Practicability issue 57 5.4. Conclusions 57 Chapter 6. Toward a Fair and Non-repudiated Mobile Commerce System 59 6.1. Introduction 59 6.2. Our B2C mobile commerce scheme 61 6.2.1. The price-commitment phase 62 6.2.2. The goods-delivery phase 64 6.2.3. The payment phase 67 6.3. Analyses 69 6.3.1. Fairness issue 69 Fairness in price-commitment phase 69 Fairness in goods-delivery phase 70 Fairness in payment phase 70 6.3.2. Non-repudiation issue 70 Non-repudiation in the price-commitment phase 71 Non-repudiation in the goods-delivery phase 71 Non-repudiation in the payment phase 72 6.3.3. Anonymity issue 72 6.3.4. Simplicity issue 72 6.3.5. Practicability issue 73 6.4. Conclusions 73 Chapter 7. A Mobile Ticket System Based on Personal Trusted Device 75 7.1. Introduction 75 7.2. Our mobile ticket scheme 77 7.2.1. The participating parties and notations 77 7.2.2. The detailed protocol 79 The ticket request phase 79 The ticket issue phase 79 The ticket verification phase 81 7.3. Analyses 81 7.3.1. Fairness issue 82 7.3.2. Non-repudiation issue 83 7.3.3. Anonymity issue 84 7.3.4. No forging issue 84 7.3.5. Efficient ticket verification issue 84 7.3.6. Simplicity issue 84 7.3.7. Practicability issue 85 7.3.8. Obviate the embezzlement issue 85 7.4. Conclusions 85 Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Research Problems 86 8.1. Overall conclusions 86 8.2. Future research problems 88 References 89 Vita 99 Publication Lists 100 Figure List Fig. 1.1 Our observer aided scheme 4 Fig. 1.2 The scenarios about the request and response messages 5 Fig. 2.1 The structure of our E-voting scheme 14 Fig. 2.2 The blind signature scenarios 21 Fig. 3.1 The structure of our raffle scheme 26 Fig. 4.1 A naive delegation protocol 37 Fig. 4.2 Our ElGamal based deposit delegation scheme 39 Fig. 4.3 Our RSA based deposit delegation scheme 42 Fig. 5.1 The basic architecture of GSM 49 Fig. 5.2 Channel establishment and channel released signal flow chart 50 Fig. 5.3 Our mobile billing scheme 51 Fig. 5.4 Our fair and secure billing system flow chart 53 Fig. 6.1 The coordination messages in the price-commitment phase 63 Fig. 6.2 The coordination messages in the goods-delivery phase 65 Fig. 6.3 The coordination messages in the payment phase 67 Fig. 7.1 The participating parties in a ticket transaction coordinate messages of whole processes 77 Table List Table 2.1 The comparison between four E-voting protocols 24 Table 6.1 The non-repudiation of the price-commitment phase 71 Table 6.2 The non-repudiation of the goods-delivery phase 72 Table 6.3 The non-repudiation of the payment phase 72 Table 7.1 The non-repudiation proofs of each phase 8