305,128 research outputs found

    Intervals of Permutations with a Fixed Number of Descents are Shellable

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    The set of all permutations, ordered by pattern containment, is a poset. We present an order isomorphism from the poset of permutations with a fixed number of descents to a certain poset of words with subword order. We use this bijection to show that intervals of permutations with a fixed number of descents are shellable, and we present a formula for the M\"obius function of these intervals. We present an alternative proof for a result on the M\"obius function of intervals [1,π][1,\pi] such that π\pi has exactly one descent. We prove that if π\pi has exactly one descent and avoids 456123 and 356124, then the intervals [1,π][1,\pi] have no nontrivial disconnected subintervals; we conjecture that these intervals are shellable

    On enumerators of Smirnov words by descents and cyclic descents

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    A Smirnov word is a word over the positive integers in which adjacent letters must be different. A symmetric function enumerating these words by descent number arose in the work of Shareshian and the second named author on qq-Eulerian polynomials, where a tt-analog of a formula of Carlitz, Scoville, and Vaughan for enumerating Smirnov words is proved. A symmetric function enumerating a circular version of these words by cyclic descent number arose in the work of the first named author on chromatic quasisymmetric functions of directed graphs, where a tt-analog of a formula of Stanley for enumerating circular Smirnov words is proved. In this paper we obtain new tt-analogs of the Carlitz-Scoville-Vaughan formula and the Stanley formula in which the roles of descent number and cyclic descent number are switched. These formulas show that the Smirnov word enumerators are polynomials in tt whose coefficients are e-positive symmetric functions. We also obtain expansions in the power sum basis and the fundamental quasisymmetric function basis, complementing earlier results of Shareshian and the authors. Our work relies on studying refinements of the Smirnov word enumerators that count certain restricted classes of Smirnov words by descent number. Applications to variations of qq-Eulerian polynomials and to the chromatic quasisymmetric functions introduced by Shareshian and the second named author are also presented.Comment: 38 pages; v2: minor changes/correction

    Counting descents, rises, and levels, with prescribed first element, in words

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    Recently, Kitaev and Remmel [Classifying descents according to parity, Annals of Combinatorics, to appear 2007] refined the well-known permutation statistic ``descent'' by fixing parity of one of the descent's numbers. Results in that paper were extended and generalized in several ways. In this paper, we shall fix a set partition of the natural numbers NN, (N1,...,Nt)(N_1, ..., N_t), and we study the distribution of descents, levels, and rises according to whether the first letter of the descent, rise, or level lies in NiN_i over the set of words over the alphabet [k][k]. In particular, we refine and generalize some of the results in [Counting occurrences of some subword patterns, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 6 (2003), 001-012.].Comment: 20 pages, sections 3 and 4 are adde

    On the matrix square root via geometric optimization

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    This paper is triggered by the preprint "\emph{Computing Matrix Squareroot via Non Convex Local Search}" by Jain et al. (\textit{\textcolor{blue}{arXiv:1507.05854}}), which analyzes gradient-descent for computing the square root of a positive definite matrix. Contrary to claims of~\citet{jain2015}, our experiments reveal that Newton-like methods compute matrix square roots rapidly and reliably, even for highly ill-conditioned matrices and without requiring commutativity. We observe that gradient-descent converges very slowly primarily due to tiny step-sizes and ill-conditioning. We derive an alternative first-order method based on geodesic convexity: our method admits a transparent convergence analysis (<1< 1 page), attains linear rate, and displays reliable convergence even for rank deficient problems. Though superior to gradient-descent, ultimately our method is also outperformed by a well-known scaled Newton method. Nevertheless, the primary value of our work is its conceptual value: it shows that for deriving gradient based methods for the matrix square root, \emph{the manifold geometric view of positive definite matrices can be much more advantageous than the Euclidean view}.Comment: 8 pages, 12 plots, this version contains several more references and more words about the rank-deficient cas

    Generalized Simulated Annealing

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    We propose a new stochastic algorithm (generalized simulated annealing) for computationally finding the global minimum of a given (not necessarily convex) energy/cost function defined in a continuous D-dimensional space. This algorithm recovers, as particular cases, the so called classical ("Boltzmann machine") and fast ("Cauchy machine") simulated annealings, and can be quicker than both. Key-words: simulated annealing; nonconvex optimization; gradient descent; generalized statistical mechanics.Comment: 13 pages, latex, 4 figures available upon request with the authors

    Words and polynomial invariants of finite groups in non-commutative variables

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    Let V be a complex vector space with basis {x_1,x_2,...,x_n} and G be a finite subgroup of GL(V). The tensor algebra T(V) over the complex is isomorphic to the polynomials in the non-commutative variables x_1, x_2,..., x_n with complex coefficients. We want to give a combinatorial interpretation for the decomposition of T(V) into simple G-modules. In particular, we want to study the graded space of invariants in T(V) with respect to the action of G. We give a general method for decomposing the space T(V) into simple modules in terms of words in a Cayley graph of the group G. To apply the method to a particular group, we require a homomorphism from a subalgebra of the group algebra into the character algebra. In the case of G as the symmetric group, we give an example of this homomorphism from the descent algebra. When G is the dihedral group, we have a realization of the character algebra as a subalgebra of the group algebra. In those two cases, we have an interpretation for the graded dimensions of the invariant space in term of those words

    Totally Corrective Multiclass Boosting with Binary Weak Learners

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    In this work, we propose a new optimization framework for multiclass boosting learning. In the literature, AdaBoost.MO and AdaBoost.ECC are the two successful multiclass boosting algorithms, which can use binary weak learners. We explicitly derive these two algorithms' Lagrange dual problems based on their regularized loss functions. We show that the Lagrange dual formulations enable us to design totally-corrective multiclass algorithms by using the primal-dual optimization technique. Experiments on benchmark data sets suggest that our multiclass boosting can achieve a comparable generalization capability with state-of-the-art, but the convergence speed is much faster than stage-wise gradient descent boosting. In other words, the new totally corrective algorithms can maximize the margin more aggressively.Comment: 11 page