132,284 research outputs found

    The Principle of Unanimity and Voluntary Consent in Social Choice

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    A discrete version of the author\u27s incentive-compatible Auction Mechanism for public goods is applied to the problem of social choice (voting) among distinct mutually exclusive alternatives. This Auction Election is a bidding mechanism characterized by (1) unanimity, (2) provision for the voluntary compensation of voters harmed by a winning proposition, and (3) incentives for \u27reasonable\u27 bidding by excluding members of a collective from maximal increase in benefit if they fail to agree on the proposition with largest surplus. Four of five experiments with six voters, bidding privacy, monetary rewards, and cyclical majority rule structure choose the best of three propositions

    Scale effects, time-varying markups and cyclical behavior of primal and dual productivity

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    This paper presents estimates of the degree of returns to scale using nonparametric measures of primal and dual productivity for 2-digit US manufacturing industries. As part of the analysis, the cyclical behaviour of primal and dual productivity measures are considered, time-varying markups are allowed for, and the small sample properties of the instrumental variables estimator used to derive the estimates from the primal and dual relations examined. Both the primal and dual estimates indicate the existence of increasing returns to scale for the durable goods industries. The simulation results indicate there is a slight tendency for the dual equation estimates to overestimate the degree of returns to scale. However, small sample bias appears to be most severe for the non-durable goods industries

    Measuring business cycles with structural breaks and outliers: Applications to international data

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    This paper first generalizes the trend-cycle decomposition framework of Perron and Wada (2009) based on unobserved components models with innovations having a mixture of normals distribution, which is able to handle sudden level and slope changes to the trend function as well as outliers. We investigate how important are the differences in the implied trend and cycle compared to the popular decomposition based on the Hodrick and Prescott (HP) (1997) filter. Our results show important qualitative and quantitative differences in the implied cycles for both real GDP and consumption series for the G7 countries. Most of the differences can be ascribed to the fact that the HP filter does not handle well slope changes, level shifts and outliers, while our method does so. Then, we reassess how such different cycles affect some so-called “stylized facts” about the relative variability of consumption and output across countries

    Public Choice: an Overview

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    Public Choice begins with the observation that in politics, as in economics, individuals and institutions compete for scarce resources and that, therefore, the same methods of analyses used by economists to explain the behaviour of consumers and producers might also serve well to explain the behaviour of governments and other (allegedly) “public-spirited” organisations . As Tullock (1988) succinctly put it, Public Choice is "the invasion of politics by economics". Public Choice derives its rationale from the fact that, in many areas, 'political' and 'economic' considerations interact so that a proper understanding of issues in one field requires a complementary understanding of issues in the other. Although the incursion of the analytical methods of economics into political science - which is the hall-mark of Public Choice - began in the 1950s, it was not until at least three decades later that the trickle became a flood. This chapter provides an overview of this field

    Tackling Housing Market Volatility in the UK:Report of the Housing Market Taskforce

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    Fiscal Rules and Effective Fiscal Policy

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    This article examines and assesses the influence of political factors on the effectiveness of pursuing fiscal policy. These factors usually cause and maintain a high budget deficit and public debt. Moreover, the problems of influence of fiscal rules on increased effectiveness of the pursued fiscal policy have been discussed. The fiscal rules are to assure macroeconomic stability in economy and improve credibility of the pursued fiscal policy by reducing the deficit, government spending, and public debt. Examples of applicable fiscal rules in the EU and Poland are presented and an attempt is made to evaluate the effectiveness of these rules in the process of consolidation of public finances.Artykuł poddaje analizie i ocenie wpływ czynników politycznych na efektywność prowadzenia polityki fiskalnej. Czynniki te z reguły przyczyniają się do powstawania i utrzymywania wysokiego deficytu budżetowego i długu publicznego. Ponadto, poruszone zostały problemy wpływu reguł fiskalnych na zwiększenie skuteczności prowadzonej polityki fiskalnej. Reguły fiskalne poprzez ilościowe ograniczenie poziomu deficytu, wydatków rządowych lub długu publicznego mają zapewnić stabilność makroekonomiczną w gospodarce oraz poprawić wiarygodność prowadzonej polityki fiskalnej i redukcję nadmiernego deficytu budżetowego. Zaprezentowane zostały przykłady stosowanych reguł fiskalnych w UE i w Polsce oraz podjęta została próba oceny skuteczności tych reguł w procesie konsolidacji finansów publicznych

    The IMF and Economic Recovery: Is Fund Policy Contributing to Downside Risks?

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    The IMF's most recent World Economic Outlook (WEO), published last week, projects world economic growth will slow, from 4.8 percent in 2010 to 4.2 percent next year. Throughout the report, there are numerous concerns expressed about the "fragility" of the global economic recovery. The Acting Chair of the Executive Board states that "[t]he recovery is losing momentum temporarily during the second half of 2010 and will likely remain weak in the first half of 2011, as extraordinary policy stimulus is gradually withdrawn."In view of the report and its findings, one might expect a strong bias towards continuing fiscal stimulus in weak economies, and a bias against fiscal consolidation. However, this paper finds that the IMF continues to support pro-cyclical policies in some countries, fiscal consolidation in many others, and clearly does not support central bank financing of fiscal stimulus -- even in countries such as the United States -- where the threat of high inflation is very remote