22 research outputs found

    The evolution of the cover time

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    The cover time of a graph is a celebrated example of a parameter that is easy to approximate using a randomized algorithm, but for which no constant factor deterministic polynomial time approximation is known. A breakthrough due to Kahn, Kim, Lovasz and Vu yielded a (log log n)^2 polynomial time approximation. We refine this upper bound, and show that the resulting bound is sharp and explicitly computable in random graphs. Cooper and Frieze showed that the cover time of the largest component of the Erdos-Renyi random graph G(n,c/n) in the supercritical regime with c>1 fixed, is asymptotic to f(c) n \log^2 n, where f(c) tends to 1 as c tends to 1. However, our new bound implies that the cover time for the critical Erdos-Renyi random graph G(n,1/n) has order n, and shows how the cover time evolves from the critical window to the supercritical phase. Our general estimate also yields the order of the cover time for a variety of other concrete graphs, including critical percolation clusters on the Hamming hypercube {0,1}^n, on high-girth expanders, and on tori Z_n^d for fixed large d. For the graphs we consider, our results show that the blanket time, introduced by Winkler and Zuckerman, is within a constant factor of the cover time. Finally, we prove that for any connected graph, adding an edge can increase the cover time by at most a factor of 4.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in CP

    Cover times for sequences of reversible Markov chains on random graphs

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    We provide conditions that classify cover times for sequences of random walks on random graphs into two types: One type (Type 1) is the class of cover times that are of the order of the maximal hitting times scaled by the logarithm of the size of vertex sets. The other type (Type 2) is the class of cover times that are of the order of the maximal hitting times. The conditions are described by some parameters determined by the underlying graphs: the volumes, the diameters with respect to the resistance metric, the coverings or packings by balls in the resistance metric. We apply the conditions to and classify a number of examples, such as supercritical Galton-Watson trees, the incipient infinite cluster of a critical Galton-Watson tree and the Sierpinski gasket graph.Comment: 28 pages, improved proposition 3.

    On the cover time of the emerging giant

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    Let p=1+Δnp=\frac{1+\varepsilon}{n}. It is known that if N=Δ3n→∞N=\varepsilon^3n\to\infty then w.h.p. Gn,pG_{n,p} has a unique giant largest component. We show that if in addition, Δ=Δ(n)→0\varepsilon=\varepsilon(n)\to 0 then w.h.p. the cover time of Gn,pG_{n,p} is asymptotic to nlog⁥2Nn\log^2N; previously Barlow, Ding, Nachmias and Peres had shown this up to constant multiplicative factors

    Random walk on sparse random digraphs

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    International audienceA finite ergodic Markov chain exhibits cutoff if its distance to equilibrium remains close to its initial value over a certain number of iterations and then abruptly drops to near 0 on a much shorter time scale. Originally discovered in the context of card shuffling (Aldous-Diaconis, 1986), this remarkable phenomenon is now rigorously established for many reversible chains. Here we consider the non-reversible case of random walks on sparse directed graphs, for which even the equilibrium measure is far from being understood. We work under the configuration model, allowing both the in-degrees and the out-degrees to be freely specified. We establish the cutoff phenomenon, determine its precise window and prove that the cutoff profile approaches a universal shape. We also provide a detailed description of the equilibrium measure

    A probabilistic proof of Cooper and Frieze's "First Visit Time Lemma"

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    In this short note we present an alternative proof of the so-called First Visit Time Lemma (FVTL), originally presented by Cooper and Frieze in its first formulation in [21], and then used and refined in a list of papers by Cooper, Frieze and coauthors. We work in the original setting, considering a growing sequence of irreducible Markov chains on nn states. We assume that the chain is rapidly mixing and with a stationary measure having no entry which is too small nor too large. Under these assumptions, the FVTL shows the exponential decay of the distribution of the hitting time of a given state xx -- for the chain started at stationarity -- up to a small multiplicative correction. While the proof of the FVTL presented by Cooper and Frieze is based on tools from complex analysis, and it requires an additional assumption on a generating function, we present a completely probabilistic proof, relying on the theory of quasi-stationary distributions and on strong-stationary times arguments. In addition, under the same set of assumptions, we provide some quantitative control on the Doob's transform of the chain on the complement of the state xx

    A Spectral Characterization for Concentration of the Cover Time

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    Abstract: We prove that for a sequence of finite vertex-transitive graphs of increasing sizes, the cover times are asymptotically concentrated if and only if the product of the spectral gap and the expected cover time diverges. In fact, we prove this for general reversible Markov chains under the much weaker assumption (than transitivity) that the maximal hitting time of a state is of the same order as the average hitting time

    Cover time of a random graph with a degree sequence II: Allowing vertices of degree two

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    We study the cover time of a random graph chosen uniformly at random from the set of graphs with vertex set [n][n] and degree sequence d=(di)i=1n\mathbf{d}=(d_i)_{i=1}^n. In a previous work, the asymptotic cover time was obtained under a number of assumptions on d\mathbf{d}, the most significant being that di≄3d_i\geq 3 for all ii. Here we replace this assumption by di≄2d_i\geq 2. As a corollary, we establish the asymptotic cover time for the 2-core of the emerging giant component of G(n,p)\mathcal{G}(n,p).Comment: 48 page