2,429 research outputs found

    On nonlocally interacting metrics, and a simple proposal for cosmic acceleration

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    We propose a simple, nonlocal modification to general relativity (GR) on large scales, which provides a model of late-time cosmic acceleration in the absence of the cosmological constant and with the same number of free parameters as in standard cosmology. The model is motivated by adding to the gravity sector an extra spin-2 field interacting nonlocally with the physical metric coupled to matter. The form of the nonlocal interaction is inspired by the simplest form of the Deser-Woodard (DW) model, αR1□R\alpha R\frac{1}{\Box}R, with one of the Ricci scalars being replaced by a constant m2m^{2}, and gravity is therefore modified in the infrared by adding a simple term of the form m21□Rm^2\frac{1}{\Box}R to the Einstein-Hilbert term. We study cosmic expansion histories, and demonstrate that the new model can provide background expansions consistent with observations if mm is of the order of the Hubble expansion rate today, in contrast to the simple DW model with no viable cosmology. The model is best fit by w0∼−1.075w_0\sim-1.075 and wa∼0.045w_a\sim0.045. We also compare the cosmology of the model to that of Maggiore and Mancarella (MM), m2R1□2Rm^2R\frac{1}{\Box^2}R, and demonstrate that the viable cosmic histories follow the standard-model evolution more closely compared to the MM model. We further demonstrate that the proposed model possesses the same number of physical degrees of freedom as in GR. Finally, we discuss the appearance of ghosts in the local formulation of the model, and argue that they are unphysical and harmless to the theory, keeping the physical degrees of freedom healthy.Comment: 47 pages in JCAP style, 7 figures. Some discussions extended in response to referee's comments. Version accepted for publication in JCA

    Unattainability of the Trans-Planckian regime in Nonlocal Quantum Gravity

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    Based on the ultraviolet asymptotic freedom of nonlocal quantum gravity, we show that the trans-Planckian energy regime is unattainable in laboratory experiments. As physical implications, it turns out that the violation of causality, typical of nonlocal field theories, can never be detected in particle accelerators, while the asymptotic freedom of the theory provides an elegant solution to the so called trans-Planckian cosmological problem.Comment: 13 pages, version published in JHE

    Anisotropic Cosmology in the Local Limit of Nonlocal Gravity

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    Within the framework of the local limit of nonlocal gravity (NLG), we investigate a class of Bianchi type I spatially homogeneous but anisotropic cosmological models. The modified field equations are presented in this case and some special solutions are discussed in detail. This modified gravity theory contains a susceptibility function S(x) such that general relativity (GR) is recovered for S = 0. In the modified anisotropic cosmological models, we explore the contribution of S(t) and its temporal derivative to the local anisotropic cosmic acceleration. The implications of our results for observational cosmology are briefly discussed.Comment: 25 page

    Conformal symmetry and nonlinear extensions of nonlocal gravity

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    We study two nonlinear extensions of the nonlocal R □−2RR\,\Box^{-2}R gravity theory. We extend this theory in two different ways suggested by conformal symmetry, either replacing □−2\Box^{-2} with (−□+R/6)−2(-\Box + R/6)^{-2}, which is the operator that enters the action for a conformally-coupled scalar field, or replacing □−2\Box^{-2} with the inverse of the Paneitz operator, which is a four-derivative operator that enters in the effective action induced by the conformal anomaly. We show that the former modification gives an interesting and viable cosmological model, with a dark energy equation of state today wDE≃−1.01w_{\rm DE}\simeq -1.01, which very closely mimics Λ\LambdaCDM and evolves asymptotically into a de Sitter solution. The model based on the Paneitz operator seems instead excluded by the comparison with observations. We also review some issues about the causality of nonlocal theories, and we point out that these nonlocal models can be modified so to nicely interpolate between Starobinski inflation in the primordial universe and accelerated expansion in the recent epoch.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    Instabilities in tensorial nonlocal gravity

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    We discuss the cosmological implications of nonlocal modifications of general relativity containing tensorial structures. Assuming the presence of standard radiation- and matter-dominated eras, we show that, except in very particular cases, the nonlocal terms contribute a rapidly growing energy density. These models therefore generically do not have a stable cosmological evolution.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. v2: version published in PR

    On Nonlocal Modified Gravity and its Cosmological Solutions

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    During hundred years of General Relativity (GR), many significant gravitational phenomena have been predicted and discovered. General Relativity is still the best theory of gravity. Nevertheless, some (quantum) theoretical and (astrophysical and cosmological) phenomenological difficulties of modern gravity have been motivation to search more general theory of gravity than GR. As a result, many modifications of GR have been considered. One of promising recent investigations is Nonlocal Modified Gravity. In this article we present a brief review of some nonlocal gravity models with their cosmological solutions, in which nonlocality is expressed by an analytic function of the d'Alembert-Beltrami operator â–¡\Box. Some new results are also presented.Comment: 16 page

    Nonlocal gravity. Conceptual aspects and cosmological predictions

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    Even if the fundamental action of gravity is local, the corresponding quantum effective action, that includes the effect of quantum fluctuations, is a nonlocal object. These nonlocalities are well understood in the ultraviolet regime but much less in the infrared, where they could in principle give rise to important cosmological effects. Here we systematize and extend previous work of our group, in which it is assumed that a mass scale Λ\Lambda is dynamically generated in the infrared, giving rise to nonlocal terms in the quantum effective action of gravity. We give a detailed discussion of conceptual aspects related to nonlocal gravity and of the cosmological consequences of these models. The requirement of providing a viable cosmological evolution severely restricts the form of the nonlocal terms, and selects a model (the so-called RR model) that corresponds to a dynamical mass generation for the conformal mode. For such a model: (1) there is a FRW background evolution, where the nonlocal term acts as an effective dark energy with a phantom equation of state, providing accelerated expansion without a cosmological constant. (2) Cosmological perturbations are well behaved. (3) Implementing the model in a Boltzmann code and comparing with observations we find that the RR model fits the CMB, BAO, SNe, structure formation data and local H0H_0 measurements at a level statistically equivalent to Λ\LambdaCDM. (4) Bayesian parameter estimation shows that the value of H0H_0 obtained in the RR model is higher than in Λ\LambdaCDM, reducing to 2.0σ2.0\sigma the tension with the value from local measurements. (5) The RR model provides a prediction for the sum of neutrino masses that falls within the limits set by oscillation and terrestrial experiments. (6) Gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light, complying with the limit from GW170817/GRB 170817A.Comment: 60 pages, 12 figures; v2: references adde
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