6,236 research outputs found

    Multimode VCSEL model for wide frequency-range RIN simulation

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    In this paper, we present an equivalent circuit model for oxide-confined AlGaAs/GaAs VCSEL with the noise contribution adapted to optomicrowave links applications. This model is derived from the multimode rate equations. In order to understand the modal competition process, we restrain our description to a two-modes rate equations system affected by the spectral hole-burning. The relative intensity noise (RIN) measurements which were achieved on a prober in Faraday cage confirm the low frequency enhancement described by the model. We validate our model for a wide frequency-range [1 MHz–10 GHz] and high bias level up to six times the threshold current

    Quantum-optical influences in optoelectronics - an introduction

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    This focused review discusses the increasing importance of quantum optics in the physics and engineering of optoelectronic components. Two influences relating to cavity quantum electrodynamics are presented. One involves the development of low threshold lasers, when the channeling of spontaneous emission into the lasing mode becomes so efficient that the concept of lasing needs revisiting. The second involves the quieting of photon statistics to produce single-photon sources for applications such as quantum information processing. An experimental platform, consisting of quantum-dot gain media inside micro- and nanocavities, is used to illustrate these influences of the quantum mechanical aspect of radiation. An overview is also given on cavity quantum electrodynamics models that may be applied to analyze experiments or design devices.EC/FP7/615613/EU/External Quantum Control of Photonic Semiconductor Nanostructures/EXQUISIT

    Polarization dynamics in vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers

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    Experiments and their interpretation on polarization dynamics and polarization switching in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers operated in the fundamental transverse mode regime are reviewed. Important observations are switching events to a mode with the lower unsaturated gain and the existence of elliptically polarized dynamical transition states after the destabilization of the low-frequency polarization mode. The observations demonstrate the need to consider explicitly the phase properties of the optical field as well as nonlinear effects affecting polarization selection above threshold. Good qualitative agreement is found with a model which takes into account the spin degrees of freedom of the light field as well as of the carriers (`spin-flip model'), if the spin-flip rate is taken to be some tens of 10910^9~s1^{-1}. This constitutes a strong -- though indirect -- indication that spin dependent processes are important in polarization selection in the devices investigated

    Narrow-Linewidth Si/III-V Lasers: a Study of Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Effects

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    Narrow-linewidth lasers play an important role in a wide variety of applications, from sensing and spectroscopy to optical communication and on-chip clocks. Current narrow-linewidth systems are usually implemented in doped fibers and are big, expensive, and power-hungry. Semiconductor lasers compete favorably in size, cost, and power consumption, but their linewidth is historically limited to the sub-MHz regime. However, it has been recently demonstrated that a new design paradigm, in which the optical energy is stored away from the active region in a composite high-Q resonator, has the potential to dramatically improve the coherence of the laser. This work explores this design paradigm, as applied on the hybrid Si/III-V platform. It demonstrates a record sub-KHz white-noise-floor linewidth. It further shows, both theoretically and experimentally, that this strategy practically eliminates Henry’s linewidth enhancement by positioning a damped relaxation resonance at frequencies as low as 70 MHz, yielding truly quantum limited devices at frequencies of interest. In addition to this empirical contribution, this work explores the limits of performance of this platform. Here, the effect of two-photon-absorption and free-carrier-absorption are analyzed, using modified rate equations and Langevin force approach. The analysis predicts that as the intra-cavity field intensity builds up in the high-Q resonator, non-linear effects cause a new domain of performance-limiting factors. Steady-state behavior, laser dynamics, and frequency noise performance are examined in the context of this unique platform, pointing at the importance of nonlinear effects. This work offers a theoretical model predicting laser performance in light of nonlinear effects, obtaining a good agreement with experimental results from fabricated high-Q Si/III-V lasers. In addition to demonstrating unprecedented semiconductor laser performance, this work establishes a first attempt to predict and demonstrate the key impact of nonlinear effects on silicon-based lasers.</p

    Development of high-performance, cost-effective quantum dot lasers for data-centre and Si photonics applications

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    Photonic technologies have been considered new methods to achieve high bandwidth data communication and transmission. Si-photonics was proposed to address the discrepancy between bulky photonic devices and advanced electronics and create high-density integrated photonics. One of the challenges is integrating all the components necessary for full-functionality photonic integrated circuits (PIC). Great efforts have been devoted to overcoming the inherent limitations of Group-IV materials to provide sufficient gain, efficient modulation and sensitive detections. Making Si the host material for efficient light emission poses the most stringent requirements and is the primary missing component in the Si-photonics platform. Incorporating III-V materials with the Si photonics platform and quantum dot (QD) structure is a promising solution to the problem of a fully-integrated and high-functioning PIC. High-performance QD lasers on III-V substrate or epitaxially on silicon have been developed in the last few decades with low threshold current density, low-temperature sensitivity, great reliability and large injection efficiency. Moreover, from the dynamic aspect, the intrinsic frequency of direct modulated laser and noise intensity is important for its applications in a data centre. QD is considered an alternative to quantum wells (QWs); however, the demonstrated QD laser has not fulfilled initial expectations, mainly due to its high gain compression and low differential gain. Another feature that needs to be noticed is feedback sensitivity, as the properties of semiconductor lasers are greatly degraded by reflection from external reflectors, such as the fibre connects and facets of integrated devices. QD devices are predicted to have stronger feedback resistance due to their large damping and small linewidth enhancement factor (LEF). These properties have attracted much research, and high-performance QD devices have been developed. In this thesis, we comprehensively investigated QD laser performance and applied our QD laser in the optical module instead of the commercial QW distributed feedback (DFB) laser. The background of Si photonics, the development of QD devices, and the fundamentals of QD lasers are presented in Chapter 1. The basic static and dynamic performances are demonstrated in Chapters 2 and 3. The GaAs-based QD laser provides a low threshold, high-temperature stability, and low noise operation with a limited small signal bandwidth. Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive study of the feedback resistance of the QD laser. The onset of coherence collapse is determined as -14 dB, verified by the static optical and electrical spectra and small signal response. Based on previous measurements, the QD laser is proven to be a high-performance, low-cost candidate for the Si-photonics module. In Chapter 5, the QD laser is used in practical applications, including a large signal transmission system with and without feedback and a commercial optical module. Although the intrinsic bandwidth of the QD laser is limited to around 5GHz due to the large damping and unoptimised capacitance, 30 Gbps data transmission has been demonstrated by a directly modulated QD laser. Large, high-speed signal modulation is achieved due to its high gain compression factor. Regarding the laser with intentional feedback, there is little degradation in the eye diagram under the whole feedback level up to -8dB. We also replaced the commercial QW DFB laser in 100G data-centre reach (DR)-1 optical module with our QD Fabry Perot (FP) laser without an isolator which gives a clear eye diagram under 53 Gbps 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) with an extinction ratio (ER) of 4.7 dB. In conclusion, this thesis verifies the feasibility of adopting the QD laser as a light source for the Si-photonics module. The QD laser is selected over other lasers because of its low threshold, high-temperature stability and maximum operating temperature, and strong tolerance to unintentional feedback. This is the first project to measure critical feedback levels with different characteristics and to theoretically analyse the inconsistent value. More importantly, this thesis’ most original contribution is investigating the commercial applications of QD lasers in a Si-photonics module in an isolator-free state. In summary, the QD laser has been proven to be a feasible solution for the next-generation optical system

    III-Nitride Based Visible Single-Photon Sources.

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    Electrons and holes in the QD can occupy only a given set of states with discrete energy levels, such as in an atom. Thus, a QD can act like an atomic two-level system, where the relaxation from an excited state to ground state releases a single photon. Nitride semiconductors, with their wide bandgap and large exciton binding energy have been used as single-photon sources up to room temperature but only through optical excitation. In this work, two different approaches have been investigated for single photon emission: the InGaN/GaN dot-in-nanowire and self-organized quantum dot. InGaN/GaN dot-in-nanowire heterostructures were grown on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Emission from InGaN/GaN dot-in-nanowires can be tuned over the visible spectral range by changing the indium composition. Structural characterization through TEM imaging reveals the nanowires and InGaN quantum dot are free of defects. Optical characterization through temperature dependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements shows high radiative efficiencies of 52% in the blue and 35% in the green emitting dot-in-nanowires. Nanowire p-n junctions containing a single InGaN quantum dot were dispersed on silicon substrates with thermal oxide and used to fabricate single nanowire light emitting diodes (LEDs). Single-photon emission under both optical and electrical excitation excitation was observed from single dot-in-nanowire LEDs. We demonstrate electrically driven single photon emission, with a g(2)(0) = 0.35, from a single InGaN quantum dot emitting in the green spectral range up to 125 K. A detailed study of optical and structural properties of InGaN/GaN dot-in- nanowires shows the formation of self-organized Volmer-Weber dots, with diameters smaller than the nanowire size, in the active region. A planar GaN diode with a single layer of self-organized InGaN/GaN quantum dots was grown on GaN-on-sapphire. These quantum dots, which are 15 nm × 3nm, luminesce in the red spectral range. Single quantum dot light emitting diodes were fabricated and the exciton emission shows single-photon emission with g(2)(0) 0.29 at room temperature. On-demand single-photon emission at an excitation repetition rate of 200 MHz was achieved. Nitride-based high temperature single photon sources have potential applications in quantum cryptography, quantum computation, metrology and other areas.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111405/1/dsaniya_1.pd

    Fundamental Properties of Metallic Nanolasers

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    The last two decades have witnessed tremendous advancements in the area of nanophotonics and plasmonics, which has helped propel the development of integrated photonic sources. Of central importance to such circuits is compact, scalable, low threshold, and efficient coherent sources that can be driven at high modulation frequencies. In this regard, metallic nanolasers offer a unique platform. Their introduction has enabled confinement of light at a subwavelength scale and the ultra-small size of the modes afforded by these structures allows for cavity enhancing effects that can help facilitate thresholdless lasing and large direct modulation bandwidths. In this report, I present my work on the study of the fundamental properties of metallic nanolasers. I start with a rate equation model to predict threshold behavior and the modulation response of metallic nanolasers. Next, I explain the second-order coherence measurement setup that was built, based on a modified Hanbury-Brown and Twiss experiment, to assess the intensity autocorrelation of various optically pumped metallic nanolasers. These studies concluded that metallic coaxial and disk-shaped nanolasers are capable of generating truly coherent radiation. Subsequently, design considerations are taken into account for electrically pumped coaxial nanolasers. This has led to the demonstration of electrically injected coaxial and disk-shaped nanolasers at cryogenic temperatures. Lastly, the appearance of collective behaviors in metallic nanolasers lattices is explored. Individually supporting modes that are highly vectorial by nature, when such cavities are fabricated in close proximity to one another, coupling through their overlapping fields results in the formation of a set of supermodes. The tendency of the system to minimize the overall loss leads to each element of the lattice having a geometric dependent field distribution and helps promotes single-mode lasing. We show both through simulations and experimentally that this effect can lead to the direct generation of vector vortices