16 research outputs found

    Downward transference of mice and universality of local core models

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    If M is a proper class inner model of ZFC and omega_2^M=omega_2, then every sound mouse projecting to omega and not past 0-pistol belongs to M. In fact, under the assumption that 0-pistol does not belong to M, K^M \| omega_2 is universal for all countable mice in V. Similarly, if M is a proper class inner model of ZFC, delta>omega_1 is regular, (delta^+)^M = delta^+, and in V there is no proper class inner model with a Woodin cardinal, then K^M \| delta is universal for all mice in V of cardinality less than delta.Comment: Revised version, incorporating the referee's suggestion

    Some interesting problems

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    A ≤W B. (This refers to Wadge reducible.) Answer: The first question was answered by Hjorth [83] who showed that it is independent. 1.2 A subset A ⊂ ω ω is compactly-Γ iff for every compact K ⊂ ω ω we have that A ∩ K is in Γ. Is it consistent relative to ZFC that compactly-Σ 1 1 implies Σ 1 1? (see Miller-Kunen [111], Becker [11]) 1.3 (Miller [111]) Does ∆ 1 1 = compactly- ∆ 1 1 imply Σ 1 1 = compactly-Σ 1 1? 1.4 (Prikry see [62]) Can L ∩ ω ω be a nontrivial Σ 1 1 set? Can there be a nontrivial perfect set of constructible reals? Answer: No, for first question Velickovic-Woodin [192]. question Groszek-Slaman [71]. See also Gitik [67]