8,658 research outputs found

    Higher spectral flow and an entire bivariant JLO cocycle

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    Given a smooth fibration of closed manifolds and a family of generalised Dirac operators along the fibers, we define an associated bivariant JLO cocycle. We then prove that, for any ℓ≥0\ell \geq 0, our bivariant JLO cocycle is entire when we endow smoooth functions on the total manifold with the Cℓ+1C^{\ell+1} topology and functions on the base manifold with the CℓC^\ell topology. As a by-product of our theorem, we deduce that the bivariant JLO cocycle is entire for the Fr\'echet smooth topologies. We then prove that our JLO bivariant cocycle computes the Chern character of the Dai-Zhang higher spectral flow

    Quantization of the Nonlinear Sigma Model Revisited

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    We revisit the subject of perturbatively quantizing the nonlinear sigma model in two dimensions from a rigorous, mathematical point of view. Our main contribution is to make precise the cohomological problem of eliminating potential anomalies that may arise when trying to preserve symmetries under quantization. The symmetries we consider are twofold: (i) diffeomorphism covariance for a general target manifold; (ii) a transitive group of isometries when the target manifold is a homogeneous space. We show that there are no anomalies in case (i) and that (ii) is also anomaly-free under additional assumptions on the target homogeneous space, in agreement with the work of Friedan. We carry out some explicit computations for the O(N)O(N)-model. Finally, we show how a suitable notion of the renormalization group establishes the Ricci flow as the one loop renormalization group flow of the nonlinear sigma model.Comment: 51 page

    Models of free quantum field theories on curved backgrounds

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    Free quantum field theories on curved backgrounds are discussed via three explicit examples: the real scalar field, the Dirac field and the Proca field. The first step consists of outlining the main properties of globally hyperbolic spacetimes, that is the class of manifolds on which the classical dynamics of all physically relevant free fields can be written in terms of a Cauchy problem. The set of all smooth solutions of the latter encompasses the dynamically allowed configurations which are used to identify via a suitable pairing a collection of classical observables. As a last step we use such collection to construct a ∗*-algebra which encodes the information on the dynamics and on the canonical commutation or anti-commutation relations depending whether the underlying field is a Fermion or a Boson.Comment: 41 page

    One-dimensional Chern-Simons theory and the A^\hat{A} genus

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    We construct a Chern-Simons gauge theory for dg Lie and L-infinity algebras on any one-dimensional manifold and quantize this theory using the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and Costello's renormalization techniques. Koszul duality and derived geometry allow us to encode topological quantum mechanics, a nonlinear sigma model of maps from a 1-manifold into a cotangent bundle T*X, as such a Chern-Simons theory. Our main result is that the partition function of this theory is naturally identified with the A-genus of X. From the perspective of derived geometry, our quantization construct a volume form on the derived loop space which can be identified with the A-class.Comment: 61 pages, figures, final versio
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