659 research outputs found

    An Extended Result on the Optimal Estimation under Minimum Error Entropy Criterion

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    The minimum error entropy (MEE) criterion has been successfully used in fields such as parameter estimation, system identification and the supervised machine learning. There is in general no explicit expression for the optimal MEE estimate unless some constraints on the conditional distribution are imposed. A recent paper has proved that if the conditional density is conditionally symmetric and unimodal (CSUM), then the optimal MEE estimate (with Shannon entropy) equals the conditional median. In this study, we extend this result to the generalized MEE estimation where the optimality criterion is the Renyi entropy or equivalently, the \alpha-order information potential (IP).Comment: 15 pages, no figures, submitted to Entrop

    A Wang-Landau method for calculating Renyi entropies in finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo simulations

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    We implement a Wang-Landau sampling technique in quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) for the purpose of calculating the Renyi entanglement entropies and associated mutual information. The algorithm converges an estimate for an analogue to the density of states for Stochastic Series Expansion QMC allowing a direct calculation of Renyi entropies without explicit thermodynamic integration. We benchmark results for the mutual information on two-dimensional (2D) isotropic and anisotropic Heisenberg models, 2D transverse field Ising model, and 3D Heisenberg model, confirming a critical scaling of the mutual information in cases with a finite-temperature transition. We discuss the benefits and limitations of broad sampling techniques compared to standard importance sampling methods.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Thermal vs. Entanglement Entropy: A Measurement Protocol for Fermionic Atoms with a Quantum Gas Microscope

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    We show how to measure the order-two Renyi entropy of many-body states of spinful fermionic atoms in an optical lattice in equilibrium and non-equilibrium situations. The proposed scheme relies on the possibility to produce and couple two copies of the state under investigation, and to measure the occupation number in a site- and spin-resolved manner, e.g. with a quantum gas microscope. Such a protocol opens the possibility to measure entanglement and test a number of theoretical predictions, such as area laws and their corrections. As an illustration we discuss the interplay between thermal and entanglement entropy for a one dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model at finite temperature, and its possible measurement in an experiment using the present scheme

    Renyi entropies for classical stringnet models

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    In quantum mechanics, stringnet condensed states - a family of prototypical states exhibiting non-trivial topological order - can be classified via their long-range entanglement properties, in particular topological corrections to the prevalent area law of the entanglement entropy. Here we consider classical analogs of such stringnet models whose partition function is given by an equal-weight superposition of classical stringnet configurations. Our analysis of the Shannon and Renyi entropies for a bipartition of a given system reveals that the prevalent volume law for these classical entropies is augmented by subleading topological corrections that are intimately linked to the anyonic theories underlying the construction of the classical models. We determine the universal values of these topological corrections for a number of underlying anyonic theories including su(2)_k, su(N)_1, and su(N)_2 theories