825 research outputs found

    Fundamental remote sensing science research program. Part 1: Scene radiation and atmospheric effects characterization project

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    Brief articles summarizing the status of research in the scene radiation and atmospheric effect characterization (SRAEC) project are presented. Research conducted within the SRAEC program is focused on the development of empirical characterizations and mathematical process models which relate the electromagnetic energy reflected or emitted from a scene to the biophysical parameters of interest

    Exploration of a Polarized Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Model Using the Ground-Based Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imager

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    Accurate characterization of surface reflection is essential for retrieval of aerosols using downward-looking remote sensors. In this paper, observations from the Ground-based Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (GroundMSPI) are used to evaluate a surface polarized bidirectional reflectance distribution function (PBRDF) model. GroundMSPI is an eight-band spectropolarimetric camera mounted on a rotating gimbal to acquire pushbroom imagery of outdoor landscapes. The camera uses a very accurate photoelastic-modulator-based polarimetric imaging technique to acquire Stokes vector measurements in three of the instrument's bands (470, 660, and 865 nm). A description of the instrument is presented, and observations of selected targets within a scene acquired on 6 January 2010 are analyzed. Data collected during the course of the day as the Sun moved across the sky provided a range of illumination geometries that facilitated evaluation of the surface model, which is comprised of a volumetric reflection term represented by the modified Rahman-Pinty-Verstraete function plus a specular reflection term generated by a randomly oriented array of Fresnel-reflecting microfacets. While the model is fairly successful in predicting the polarized reflection from two grass targets in the scene, it does a poorer job for two manmade targets (a parking lot and a truck roof), possibly due to their greater degree of geometric organization. Several empirical adjustments to the model are explored and lead to improved fits to the data. For all targets, the data support the notion of spectral invariance in the angular shape of the unpolarized and polarized surface reflection. As noted by others, this behavior provides valuable constraints on the aerosol retrieval problem, and highlights the importance of multiangle observations.NASAJPLCenter for Space Researc

    Contribution of leaf specular reflection to canopy reflectance under black soil case using stochastic radiative transfer model

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    Numerous canopy radiative transfer models have been proposed based on the assumption of “ideal bi-Lambertian leaves” with the aim of simplifying the interactions between photons and vegetation canopies. This assumption may cause discrepancy between the simulated and measured canopy bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF). Few studies have been devoted to evaluate the impacts of such assumption on simulation of canopy BRF at a high-to-medium spatial resolution (∼30 m). This paper focuses on quantifying the contribution of leaf specular reflection on the estimation of canopy BRF under a black soil case using one of the most efficient radiative transfer models, the stochastic radiative transfer model. Analyses of field and satellite data collected over the boreal Hyytiälä forest in Finland show that leaf specular reflection may lead to errors of up to 33.1% at 550 nm and 32.8% at 650 nm in terms of relative root mean square error. The results suggest that, in order to minimize these errors, leaf specular reflection should be accounted for in modeling BRF.This research was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant No. 531107051063 and Guangxi Natural Science Foundation under Grant No. 2016JJD110017. We would like to thank Dr. Rautiainen Miina and Mottus Matti for sharing the field data and the USGS for making the EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data publically available. (531107051063 - Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities; 2016JJD110017 - Guangxi Natural Science Foundation)Accepted manuscrip

    Field research on the spectral properties of crops and soils, volume 1

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    The experiment design, data acquisition and preprocessing, data base management, analysis results and development of instrumentation for the AgRISTARS Supporting Research Project, Field Research task are described. Results of several investigations on the spectral reflectance of corn and soybean canopies as influenced by cultural practices, development stage and nitrogen nutrition are reported as well as results of analyses of the spectral properties of crop canopies as a function of canopy geometry, row orientation, sensor view angle and solar illumination angle are presented. The objectives, experiment designs and data acquired in 1980 for field research experiments are described. The development and performance characteristics of a prototype multiband radiometer, data logger, and aerial tower for field research are discussed

    Polarization Remote Sensing for Land Observation

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    In the real world, vegetation, liquid surfaces, rocks, buildings, snows, clouds, fogs, etc. can all be regarded as natural polarizers. In the process of reflecting, transmitting, and scattering of electromagnetic radiations, land surface objects can produce polarized features that are related to the nature of the materials. These polarized information can determine objects’ properties, and therefore, detecting the polarization information of objects becomes a new method of remote sensing. Polarization of reflected and scattered solar electromagnetic radiation adds a new dimension to the understanding of the Earth’s objects’ properties. The polarized bidirectional reflectance characteristics and polarized hyperspectral properties of land objects were methodically studied. The results of the polarized bidirectional reflectance characteristics can provide the theoretical basis for polarization remote sensing such as the detecting conditions, modeling and others. The polarized spectral property of the typical objects can be used as the spectral basis for polarization remote sensing. The atmospheric correction is a key problem when using polarization remote sensing method to detect land objects’ information, because scattered atmospheric particles exhibit stronger polarization phenomena than land objects do. A method of using atmospheric neutral point for the separation polarization effect between objects and atmosphere has been proposed

    Optical modeling of agricultural fields and rough-textured rock and mineral surfaces

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    Review was made of past models for describing the reflectance and/or emittance properties of agricultural/forestry and geological targets in an effort to select the best theoretical models. An extension of the six parameter Allen-Gayle-Richardson model was chosen as the agricultural plant canopy model. The model is used to predict the bidirectional reflectance of a field crop from known laboratory spectra of crop components and approximate plant geometry. The selected geological model is based on Mie theory and radiative transfer equations, and will assess the effect of textural variations of the spectral emittance of natural rock surfaces

    The Cause of the Hot Spot in Vegetation Canopies and Soils: Shadow-Hiding Versus Coherent Backscatter

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    Two different mechanisms, shadow-hiding and coherent backscatter, can cause a hot spot, or opposition effect, in the bidirectional reflectance of vegetation and soils. Because the two mechanisms sample different properties, it is important to know which one is primarily responsible in a given medium. This question can be answered by measuring the bidirectional reflectance in circularly polarized light. If the results of the limited experiments reported here can be extrapolated to a wider range of materials, it appears that the primary cause of the hot spot in most vegetation canopies and in moist, clumpy soils is shadow-hiding. However, in vegetation with large numbers of wavelength-sized structures, such as mosses, and in dry, fine-grained soils, the hot spot is dominated by coherent backscatter

    A model of plant canopy polarization

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    A model for the amount of linearly polarized light reflected by the shiny leaves of grain crops is based on the morphological and phenological characteristics of the plant canopy and upon the Fresnel equations which describe the light reflection process at the smooth boundary separating two dielectrics. The theory used demonstrates that, potentially, measurements of the linearly polarized light from a crop canopy may be used as an additional feature to discriminate between crops such as wheat and barley, two crops which are so spectrally similar that they are misclassified with unacceptable frequency. Examination of the model suggests that, potentially, satellite polarization measurements may be used to monitor crop development stage, leaf water content, leaf area index, hail damage, and certain plant diseases. The information content of these measurements is needed to evaluate the proposed polarization sensor for the satellite-borne multispectral resource sampler

    The Effect of Incident Light Polarization on Vegetation Bidirectional Reflectance Factor

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    The Laboratory-based Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF) polarization study of vegetation is presented in this paper. The BRF was measured using a short-arc Xenon lamp/monochromator assembly producing an incoherent, tunable light source with a well-defined spectral bandpass at visible and near-infrared wavelengths of interest at 470 nm and 870 nm and coherent light source at 1.656 microns. All vegetation samples were measured using P and S linearly polarized incident light over a range of incident and scatter angles. By comparing these results, we quantitatively examine how the BRF of the samples depends on the polarization of the incident light. The differences are significant, depend strongly on the incident and scatter angles, and can be as high as 120% at 67 deg incident and 470nm. The global nature of Earth's processes requires consistent long-term calibration of all instruments involved in data retrieval. The BRF defines the reflection characteristics of Earth surface. It provides the reflectance of a target in a specific direction as a function of illumination and viewing geometry. The BRF is a function of wavelength and reflects the structural and optical properties of the surface. Various space and airborne radiometric and imaging remote sensing instruments are used in the remote sensing characterization of vegetation canopies and soils, oceans, or especially large pollution sources. The satellite data is validated through comparison with airborne, ground-based and laboratory-based data in an effort to fully understand the vegetation canopy reflectance, The Sun's light is assumed to be unpolarized at the top of the atmosphere; however it becomes polarized to some degree due to atmospheric effects by the time it reaches the vegetation canopy. Although there are numerous atmospheric correction models, laboratory data is needed for model verification and improvement

    A Polarized Clutter Measurement Technique Based on the Governing Equation for Polarimetric Remote Sensing in the Visible to Near Infrared

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    Polarization adds another dimension to the spatial intensity and spectral information typically acquired in remote sensing. Polarization imparted by surface reflections contains unique and discriminatory signatures which may augment spectral target-detection techniques. While efforts have been made toward quantifying the polarimetric bidirectional reflectance distribution function (pBRDF) responsible for target material polarimetric signatures, little has been done toward developing a description of the polarized background or scene clutter. An approach is presented for measuring the pBRDF of background materials such as vegetation. The governing equation for polarized radiance reaching a sensor aperture is first developed and serves as a basis for understanding outdoor pBRDF measurements, as well as polarimetric remote sensing. The pBRDF measurements are acquired through an imaging technique which enables derivation of the BRDF variability as a function of the ground separation distance (GSD). An image subtraction technique is used to minimize measurement errors resulting from the partially polarized downwelled sky radiance. Quantifying the GSD-dependent BRDF variability is critical for background materials which are typically spatially inhomogeneous. Preliminary results from employing the measurement technique are presented