20,457 research outputs found

    Why We Engage in FLOSS: Answers from Core Developers

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    The maintenance and evolution of Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects demand the constant attraction of core developers. In this paper, we report the results of a survey with 52 developers, who recently became core contributors of popular GitHub projects. We reveal their motivations to assume a key role in FLOSS projects (e.g., improving the projects because they are also using it), the project characteristics that most helped in their engagement process (e.g., a friendly community), and the barriers faced by the surveyed core developers (e.g., lack of time of the project leaders). We also compare our results with related studies about others kinds of open source contributors (casual, one-time, and newcomers).Comment: Accepted at CHASE 2018: 11th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (8 pages

    The Life and Death of Software Ecosystems

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    Software ecosystems have gained a lot of attention in recent times. Industry and developers gather around technologies and collaborate to their advancement; when the boundaries of such an effort go beyond certain amount of projects, we are witnessing the appearance of Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) ecosystems. In this chapter, we explore two aspects that contribute to a healthy ecosystem, related to the attraction (and detraction) and the death of ecosystems. To function and survive, ecosystems need to attract people, get them on-boarded and retain them. In Section One we explore possibilities with provocative research questions for attracting and detracting contributors (and users): the lifeblood of FLOSS ecosystems. Then in the Section Two, we focus on the death of systems, exploring some presumed to be dead systems and their state in the afterlife.Comment: Book Chapte

    “It Takes All Kinds”: A Simulation Modeling Perspective on Motivation and Coordination in Libre Software Development Projects

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    This paper presents a stochastic simulation model to study implications of the mechanisms by which individual software developers’ efforts are allocated within large and complex open source software projects. It illuminates the role of different forms of “motivations-at-the-margin” in the micro-level resource allocation process of distributed and decentralized multi-agent engineering undertakings of this kind. We parameterize the model by isolating the parameter ranges in which it generates structures of code that share certain empirical regularities found to characterize actual projects. We find that, in this range, a variety of different motivations are represented within the community of developers. There is a correspondence between the indicated mixture of motivations and the distribution of avowed motivations for engaging in FLOSS development, found in the survey responses of developers who were participants in large projects.free and open source software (FLOSS), libre software engineering, maintainability, reliability, functional diversity, modularity, developers’ motivations, user-innovation, peer-esteem, reputational reward systems, agent-based modeling, stochastic simulation, stigmergy, morphogenesis.

    Applying the Open Source Development Model to Knowledge Work

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    This paper introduces a distinction between two different types of information goods in order to analyse the processes governing the review and integration of multi-authored contributions to information goods such as those produced through collaborations using the Internet as well as modular information goods such as open source software. It is argued that these distinctions are important because they suggest different organisational arrangements for producing such information goods. This method of analysing the nature of the information goods is employed to examine different organisational arrangements using the analogy of collaboration for traditional publication to identify actors and processes. The analysis of 'contributors' is extended from authorship to collectors and researchers. The paper examines a small survey of the governance procedures employed in projects that employ open source methods for collecting various types of information. We noted the prime role of the recruitment process in the relative success of the examples that we examined (ODP, Wikipedia, Nupedia, MathLearning, VRoma, and Web of Life). For these 'collection' efforts, the role of hierarchy in editing and review of project submissions appears to be important than in open source communities and may be an impediment to recruitment and project development. A number of directions for further research are identified.open source software, collaboration, hierarchies, trust, teams, co-operation

    The Impact of Person-Organization Fit on Turnover in Open Source Software Projects

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    Participant turnover in open source software development is a critical problem. Using Schneider’s (1987) Attraction Selection and Attrition Framework and the notion of Person- Organization fit, we hypothesize about the relationship between a participant\u27s fit with an open source project and turnover. Specifically we predict that value fit, needs-supplies fit and demandsabilities fit between a participant and a particular project will have a negative association with participant turnover and that the role of the participant in the project acts a moderator. An empirical study is designed to examine the hypotheses using a combination of survey and archival data. Since for-profit companies are increasingly leveraging open source software development, implications of our findings will be useful for project managers seeking to retain talented contributors in the absence of financial compensation

    Dynamics of Open Source Movements

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    This paper considers a dynamic model of the evolution of open source software projects, focusing on the evolution of quality, contributing programmers, and users who contribute customer support to other users. Programmers who have used open source software are motivated by reciprocal altruism to publish their own improvements. The evolution of the open-source project depends on the form of the altruistic benefits: in a base case the project grows to a steady-state size from any initial condition; whereas adding a need for customer support makes zero-quality a locally absorbing state. We also analyze competition by commercial firms with OSS projects. Optimal pricing policies again vary: in some cases the commercial firm will set low prices when the open-source project is small; in other cases it mostly waits until the open-source project has matured.

    Diversity in Software Development Routines are Attractive: A Preliminary Analysis of GitHub Repositories

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    Free, libre, open-source software projects (FLOSS) are known for their chaotic development style and unique collaboration model. How does such chaotic development produce high quality software and attract users and developers? To provide insight into this conundrum, this study explores the roles of diversity and change in design routines. It investigates the relationship between routine diversity and change on project attraction to users and developers. Various sequence-mining techniques such as motif analysis and hidden Markov models (HMM) are applied to examine design routines of 88 FLOSS projects on GitHub.com. Regression analysis reveals that development processes with high routine-diversity and relatively low change-magnitude attract more users and developers
