353,800 research outputs found

    What if Artificial Intelligence Wrote This? Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law

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    The increasing sophistication and proliferation of artificial intelligence has given rise to a provoking question in copyright law: Who is the copyright owner of a work created by autonomous artificial intelligence? In other words, when a machine learns, thinks, and acts without human input, and it creates a work, what person should own the copyright, if any? This Note explains why this is a pressing question and why current laws and practices fail to address the issue. It then analyzes the arguments for and against the possible choices: the artificial intelligence, the user, the programmer, the company that owns the artificial intelligence, and entrance into the public domain. Finally, this Note arrives at the conclusion that the work’s immediate entrance into the public domain is the solution

    Creativity In Conscience Society

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    Creativity is a result of brain activity which differentiates individuals and could ensure an important competitive advantage for persons, for companies, and for Society in general. Very innovative branches – like software industry, computer industry, car industry – consider creativity as the key of business success. Natural Intelligence Creativity can develop basic creative activities, but Artificial Intelligence Creativity, and, especially, Conscience Intelligence Creativity should be developed and they could be enhanced over the level of Natural Intelligence. Providing only neurological research still does not offer a scientific basis for understanding creativity but thousand years of creative natural intelligence behavior observations offer some algorithms, models, methods, guidelines and procedures which could be used successfully in Conscience Society Creativity. Present Essay discusses the evolution of the notion of Creativity (what it is, why it is important, where it is used), analyzes creativity from basic point of view (Creativity as a Brain Activity; Mastering Daily Life; Creativity and Profession; Piirto’s six Steps; When and where Creativity Occurs; How Creative People are looked upon), and also manages Individual Creativity and Company Goals (Individual Creativity; Teams, Creativity and Product Development; Company’s Product Development Goals; Entrepreneur’s and Small Companies’ Product Development).creativity, intuition, spirituality, conscience society, natural intelligence, artificial intelligence.

    AI Governance in the Financial Industry

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    Legal regimes in the United States generally conceptualize obligations as attaching along one of two pathways: through the entity or the individual. Although these dual conceptualizations made sense in an ordinary pre-modem world, they no longer capture the financial system land­ scape, now that artificial intelligence has entered the scene. Neither person nor entity, artificial intelligence is an activity or a capacity, something that mediates relations between individuals and entities. And whether we like it or not, artificial intelligence has already reshaped financial markets. From Robinhood, to the Flash Crash, to Twitter\u27s Hash Crash, to the Knight Capital incident, each of these episodes foreshadows the potential for puzzling conundrums and serious disruptions. Little space exists in current legal and regulatory regimes to properly manage the actions of artificial intelligence in the financial space. Artificial intelligence does not have intent and therefore cannot form the scienter required in many securities law contexts. It also defies the approach commonly used in financial regulation of focusing on size or sophistication. Moreover, the activity of artificial intelligence is too diffuse, distributed, and ephemeral to effectively gov­ ern by aiming regulatory firepower at the artificial intelligence itself or even at the entities and individuals currently targeted in securities law. Even when the law deviates from the classic focus on entities and individuals, as it meanders through areas that implicate artificial intelli­ gence, we lack a unifying theory for what we are doing and why. To begin filling this void, we propose conceptualizing artificial intelligence as a type of skill or capacity-a superpower, if you will. Just as the power of flight opens new avenues for superhe­ roes, so, too, does the power of artificial intelligence open new avenues for mere mortals. With the capacity of flight as its animating imagery, the article proposes what we would call touch­ point regulation. Specifically, we set out three forms of scaffolding-touchpoints, types of evil, and types of players-that provide the essential structure for any body of law society will need for governing artificial intelligence in the financial industry

    When Should Co-Authorship Be Given to AI?

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    If an AI makes a significant contribution to a research paper, should it be listed as a co-author? The current guidelines in the field have been created to reduce duplication of credit between two different authors in scientific articles. A new computer program could be identified and credited for its impact in an AI research paper that discusses an early artificial intelligence system which is currently under development at Lawrence Berkeley National. One way to imagine the future of artificial intelligence is that it will be much less expensive to develop new technologies than to create new ways of thinking. Now we have done this technology, and now we go and ask why in the end it is the artificial intelligence that takes over? Well, it is not that artificial intelligence is bad, but it is not as effective as human minds or as intelligent as machine minds. Even in the past, when computers were more intelligent than humans, not all the AI programs have been so intelligent as to be intelligent enough to be called intelligent


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    Agriculture has always been an area of great interest when it comes to development and innovation. We are currently living in the age of agriculture 4.0 which is on the rise. That is why we will reach agriculture 5.0 which will be marked by the introduction of artificial intelligence,biotechnology and big data analysis, which will increase the performance, productivity and accuracy of automation

    Decision-making risks slow down the use of artificial intelligence in business

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    The adoption of artificial intelligence promises to bring large benefits to businesses. However, when something goes wrong, all fingers point to the executive who vouched for the technology. The risks are born by decision-makers themselves. Terence Tse and Sardor Karimov write that this contradiction can explain why AI adoption is moving at a glacial pace in the business world