29 research outputs found

    Semi-automatic generation of web-based computing environments for software libraries

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    A set of utilities for generating web computing environments related to mathematical and engineering library software is presented. The web interface can be accessed from a standard world wide web browser with no need for additional software installations on the local machine. The environment provides a user-friendly access to computational routines, workspace management, reusable sessions and support of various data formats, including MATLAB binaries. The creation of new interfaces is a straightforward process. All necessary web pages are automatically generated from XML description files. The integration of the control and systems library SLICOT demonstrates the efficacy of this approach

    3DIOS1 – Konzept eines Internet-Operating-Systems

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    Es wird ein Konzept für ein zukünftiges Betriebssystem vorgestellt, das den Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten der zunehmenden Vernetzung von Rechnern und anderen Endgeräten Rechnung trägt. Es erweitert den bekannten Grundgedanken, mit Hilfe von Peer-to-Peer Technologien explorierbare virtuelle 3D-Landschaften zu erzeugen, ohne dabei von einem zentralen Anbieter abhängig zu sein. Es soll Nutzern die Möglichkeit bieten, das Serviceangebot im Internet ohne Einschränkungen zu durchsuchen und dabei anhand eigener semantischer Kriterien die für sie interessanten Services hervorzuheben. Über Parameter der Darstellung sollen Netzwerkeigenschaften, die für den Nutzer von Belang sein können, intuitiv erfassbar sein. Das System beinhaltet darüber hinaus Möglichkeiten zur Last- und Verkehrsbalancierung. In diesem Artikel werden Anforderungen an die zu Grunde liegende Infrastruktur und die grafische Benutzeroberfläche definiert, erste Skizzen des zukünftigen Systems vorgestellt und die weiteren Schritte bis zur Verwirklichung eines Prototyps diskutiert

    Web Operating System

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    computing and the area of operating system is Web Operating System (WOS). The objective of WOS is to deliver the full benefit of the World Wide Web. The WOS will support geographically distributed, highly available, incrementally scalable, and dynamically reconfiguring applications. WOS will include mechanisms for resource discovery, resource collaboration, persistent storage, remote process execution, resource management, authentication and security. This paper presents an overview of a typical WOS. It describes the WOS process, components, communication protocols, and resources. Additionally, the paper discusses all the resolved and unresolved issues and difficulties surrounding the implementation and design of WO

    Web Operating System

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    computing and the area of operating system is Web Operating System (WOS). The objective of WOS is to deliver the full benefit of the World Wide Web. The WOS will support geographically distributed, highly available, incrementally scalable, and dynamically reconfiguring applications. WOS will include mechanisms for resource discovery, resource collaboration, persistent storage, remote process execution, resource management, authentication and security. This paper presents an overview of a typical WOS. It describes the WOS process, components, communication protocols, and resources. Additionally, the paper discusses all the resolved and unresolved issues and difficulties surrounding the implementation and design of WO

    Web Operating System

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    computing and the area of operating system is Web Operating System (WOS). The objective of WOS is to deliver the full benefit of the World Wide Web. The WOS will support geographically distributed, highly available, incrementally scalable, and dynamically reconfiguring applications. WOS will include mechanisms for resource discovery, resource collaboration, persistent storage, remote process execution, resource management, authentication and security. This paper presents an overview of a typical WOS. It describes the WOS process, components, communication protocols, and resources. Additionally, the paper discusses all the resolved and unresolved issues and difficulties surrounding the implementation and design of WO

    OO-IP hybrid language design and a framework approach to the GIPC

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    Intensional Programming is a declarative programming paradigm in which expressions are evaluated in an inherently multidimensional context space. The Lucid family of programming languages is, to this day, the only programming languages of true intensional nature. Lucid being a functional language, Lucid programs are inherently parallel and their parallelism can be efficiently exploited by the adjunction of a procedural language to increase the granularity of its parallelism, forming hybrid Lucid languages. That very wide array of possibilities raises the need for an extremely flexible programming language investigation platform to investigate on this plethora of possibilities for Intensional Programming. That is the purpose of the General Intensional Programming System (GIPSY), especially, the General Intensional Programming Compiler (GIPC) component. The modularity, reusability and extensibility aspects of the framework approach make it an obvious candidate for the development of the GIPC. The framework presented in this thesis provides a better solution compared to all other techniques used to this day to implement the different variants of intensional programming. Because of the functionality of hybrid programming support in the GIPC framework, a new OO-IP hybrid language is designed for further research. This new hybrid language combines the essential characteristics of IPL and Java, and introduces the notion of object streams which makes it is possible that each element in an IPL stream could be an object with embedded intensional properties. Interestingly, this hybrid language also brings to Java objects the power which can explicitly express context, creating the novel concept of intensional objects, Le. objects whose evaluation is context-dependent, which are therein demonstrated to be translatable into standard objects. By this new feature, we extend the use and meaning of the notion of object and enrich the meaning of stream in IPL and semantics of Java. At the same time, during the procedure to introduce intensional objects and this OO-IP hybrid language, many factors are considered. These factors include how to integrate the new language with the GIPC framework design and the issues related to its integration in the current GIPSY implementation. Current semantic rules show that the new language can work well with the GIPC framework and the GIPSY implementation, which is another proof of the validity of our GIPC framework design. Ultimately, the proposed design is put into implementation in the GIPSY and the implementation put to test using programs from different application domains written in this new OO-IP languag