6 research outputs found

    New Variations of the Maximum Coverage Facility Location Problem

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    Consider a competitive facility location scenario where, given a set U of n users and a set F of m facilities in the plane, the objective is to place a new facility in an appropriate place such that the number of users served by the new facility is maximized. Here users and facilities are considered as points in the plane, and each user takes service from its nearest facility, where the distance between a pair of points is measured in either L1 or L2 or L∞ metric. This problem is also known as the maximum coverage (MaxCov) problem. In this paper, we will consider the k-MaxCov problem, where the objective is to place k (⩾1) new facilities such that the total number of users served by these k new facilities is maximized. We begin by proposing an O(nlogn) time algorithm for the k-MaxCov problem, when the existing facilities are all located on a single straight line and the new facilities are also restricted to lie on the same line. We then study the 2-MaxCov problem in the plane, and propose an O(n2) time and space algorithm in the L1 and L∞ metrics. In the L2 metric, we solve the 2-MaxCov problem in the plane in O(n3logn) time and O(n2logn) space. Finally, we consider the 2-Farthest-MaxCov problem, where a user is served by its farthest facility, and propose an algorithm that runs in O(nlogn) time, in all the three metrics

    The Voronoi game on graphs and its complexity

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    The Voronoi game is a two-person game which is a model for a competitive facility location. The game is played on a continuous domain, and only two special cases (one-dimensional case and one-round case) are well investigated. We introduce the discrete Voronoi game in which the game arena is given as a graph. We first analyze the game when the arena is a large complete k-ary tree, and give an optimal strategy. When both players play optimally, the first player wins when k is odd, and the game ends in a tie for even k. Next we show that the discrete Voronoi game is intractable in general. Even for the one-round case in which the strategy adopted by the first player consist of a fixed single node, deciding whether the second player can win is NP-complete. We also show that deciding whether the second player can win is PSPACE-complete in general