18 research outputs found

    Virtual Rephotography: Novel View Prediction Error for 3D Reconstruction

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    The ultimate goal of many image-based modeling systems is to render photo-realistic novel views of a scene without visible artifacts. Existing evaluation metrics and benchmarks focus mainly on the geometric accuracy of the reconstructed model, which is, however, a poor predictor of visual accuracy. Furthermore, using only geometric accuracy by itself does not allow evaluating systems that either lack a geometric scene representation or utilize coarse proxy geometry. Examples include light field or image-based rendering systems. We propose a unified evaluation approach based on novel view prediction error that is able to analyze the visual quality of any method that can render novel views from input images. One of the key advantages of this approach is that it does not require ground truth geometry. This dramatically simplifies the creation of test datasets and benchmarks. It also allows us to evaluate the quality of an unknown scene during the acquisition and reconstruction process, which is useful for acquisition planning. We evaluate our approach on a range of methods including standard geometry-plus-texture pipelines as well as image-based rendering techniques, compare it to existing geometry-based benchmarks, and demonstrate its utility for a range of use cases.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, paper was submitted to ACM Transactions on Graphics for revie

    Self-supervised Outdoor Scene Relighting

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    Outdoor scene relighting is a challenging problem that requires good understanding of the scene geometry, illumination and albedo. Current techniques are completely supervised, requiring high quality synthetic renderings to train a solution. Such renderings are synthesized using priors learned from limited data. In contrast, we propose a self-supervised approach for relighting. Our approach is trained only on corpora of images collected from the internet without any user-supervision. This virtually endless source of training data allows training a general relighting solution. Our approach first decomposes an image into its albedo, geometry and illumination. A novel relighting is then produced by modifying the illumination parameters. Our solution capture shadow using a dedicated shadow prediction map, and does not rely on accurate geometry estimation. We evaluate our technique subjectively and objectively using a new dataset with ground-truth relighting. Results show the ability of our technique to produce photo-realistic and physically plausible results, that generalizes to unseen scenes.Comment: Published in ECCV '20, http://gvv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/SelfRelight

    Semantic alignment of LiDAR data at city scale

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    on the left show overhead maps of the car trajectories. The third image shows the original alignments provided by Google. The rightmost image shows our alignment. Different colors represent different scans of the same surfaces. This paper describes an automatic algorithm for global alignment of LiDAR data collected with Google Street View cars in urban environments. The problem is challenging because global pose estimation techniques (GPS) do not work well in city environments with tall buildings, and local tracking techniques (integration of inertial sensors, structure-from-motion, etc.) provide solutions that drift over long ranges, leading to solutions where data collected over wide ranges is warped and misaligned by many meters. Our approach to address this problem is to extract “seman-tic features ” with object detectors (e.g., for facades, poles, cars, etc.) that can be matched robustly at different scales, and thus are selected for different iterations of an ICP algo-rithm. We have implemented an all-to-all, non-rigid, global alignment based on this idea that provides better results than alternatives during experiments with data from larg