204 research outputs found

    Chains of Quasi-Classical Informations for Bipartite Correlations and the Role of Twin Observables

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    Having the quantum correlations in a general bipartite state in mind, the information accessible by simultaneous measurement on both subsystems is shown never to exceed the information accessible by measurement on one subsystem, which, in turn is proved not to exceed the von Neumann mutual information. A particular pair of (opposite- subsystem) observables are shown to be responsible both for the amount of quasi-classical correlations and for that of the purely quantum entanglement in the pure-state case: the former via simultaneous subsystem measurements, and the latter through the entropy of coherence or of incompatibility, which is defined for the general case. The observables at issue are so-called twin observables. A general definition of the latter is given in terms of their detailed properties.Comment: 7 pages, Latex2e, selected for the December 2002 issue of the Virtual Journal of Quantum Informatio

    Electronic friction and liquid-flow-induced voltage in nanotubes

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    A recent exciting experiment by Ghosh et al. reported that the flow of an ion-containing liquid such as water through bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes induces a voltage in the nanotubes that grows logarithmically with the flow velocity v0. We propose an explanation for this observation. Assuming that the liquid molecules nearest the nanotube form a 2D solid-like monolayer pinned through the adsorbed ions to the nanotubes, the monolayer sliding will occur by elastic loading followed by local yield (stick-slip). The drifting adsorbed ions produce a voltage in the nanotube through electronic friction against free electrons inside the nanotube. Thermally excited jumps over force-biased barriers, well-known in stick-slip, can explain the logarithmic voltage growth with flow velocity. We estimate the short circuit current and the internal resistance of the nanotube voltage generator.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; published on PRB (http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v69/e235410) and on the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology (http://www.vjnano.org, July 14, 2002, Vol. 10, Iss. 2

    Photometric reconstruction of a dynamic textured surface from just one color image acquisition

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    http://www.opticsinfobase.org/josaa/abstract.cfm?msid=85528 This article has been selected for inclusion in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (Vol. 3, Iss. 4)International audienceTextured surface analysis is essential for many applications. We present a three-dimensional recovery approach for real textured surfaces based on photometric stereo. The aim is to be able to measure the textured surfaces with a high degree of accuracy. For this, we use a color digital sensor and principles of color photometric stereo. This method uses a single color image, instead of a sequence of gray-scale images, to recover the surface of the three dimensions. It can thus be integrated into dynamic systems where there is significant relative motion between the object and the camera. To evaluate the performances of our method, we compare it on real textured surfaces to traditional photometric stereo using three images. We show thus that it is possible to have similar results with just one color image

    Current Assisted, Thermally Activated Flux Liberation in Ultrathin Nanopatterned NbN Superconducting Meander Structures

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    We present results from an extensive study of fluctuation phenomena in superconducting nanowires made from sputtered NbN. Nanoscale wires were fabricated in form of a meander and operated at a constant temperature T~0.4Tc(0). The superconducting state is driven close to the electronic phase transition by a high bias current near the critical one. Fluctuations of sufficient strength temporarily drive a section of the meander structure into the normal conducting state, which can be registered as a voltage pulse of nanosecond duration. We considered three different models (vortex-antivortex pairs, vortex edge barriers and phase slip centers) to explain the experimental data. Only thermally excited vortices, either via unbinding of vortex-antivortex pairs or vortices overcoming the edge barrier, lead to a satisfactory and consistent description for all measurements.Comment: 41 Pages, 5 Chapters, 7 Figures, 2 Tables, 30 Equations, 68 References; Selected for the January 15, 2010 Issue of the Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivit

    Radiative charge transfer lifetime of the excited state of (NaCa)+^+

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    New experiments were proposed recently to investigate the regime of cold atomic and molecular ion-atom collision processes in a special hybrid neutral-atom--ion trap under high vacuum conditions. The collisional cooling of laser pre-cooled Ca+^+ ions by ultracold Na atoms is being studied. Modeling this process requires knowledge of the radiative lifetime of the excited singlet A1Σ+^1\Sigma^+ state of the (NaCa)+^+ molecular system. We calculate the rate coefficient for radiative charge transfer using a semiclassical approach. The dipole radial matrix elements between the ground and the excited states, and the potential curves were calculated using Complete Active Space Self-Consistent field and M\"oller-Plesset second order perturbation theory (CASSCF/MP2) with an extended Gaussian basis, 6-311+G(3df). The semiclassical charge transfer rate coefficient was averaged over a thermal Maxwellian distribution. In addition we also present elastic collision cross sections and the spin-exchange cross section. The rate coefficient for charge transfer was found to be 2.3×10162.3\times 10^{-16} cm3^3/sec, while those for the elastic and spin-exchange cross sections were found to be several orders of magnitude higher (1.1×1081.1\times 10^{-8} cm3^3/sec and 2.3×1092.3\times 10^{-9} cm3^3/sec, respectively). This confirms our assumption that the milli-Kelvin regime of collisional cooling of calcium ions by sodium atoms is favorable with the respect to low loss of calcium ions due to the charge transfer.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; v.2 - conceptual change

    Communitywide Database Designs for Tracking Innovation Impact: COMETS, STARS and Nanobank

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    Data availability is arguably the greatest impediment to advancing the science of science and innovation policy and practice (SciSIPP). This paper describes the contents, methodology and use of the public online COMETS (Connecting Outcome Measures in Entrepreneurship Technology and Science) database spanning all sciences, technologies, and high-tech industries; its parent COMETSandSTARS database which adds more data at organization and individual scientist-inventor-entrepreneur level restricted by vendor licenses to onsite use at NBER and/or UCLA; and their prototype Nanobank covering only nano-scale sciences and technologies. Some or all of these databases include or will include: US patents (granted and applications); NIH, NSF, SBIR, STTR Grants; Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge; ISI Highly Cited; US doctoral dissertations; IPEDS/HEGIS universities; all firms and other organizations which ever publish in ISI listed journals beginning in 1981, are assigned US patents (from 1975), or are listed on a covered grant; additional nanotechnology firms based on web search. Ticker/CUSIP codes enable linking public firms to the major databases covering them. A major matching/disambiguation effort assigns unique identifiers for an organization or individual so that their appearances are linked within and across the constituent legacy databases. Extensive geographic coding enables analysis at country, region, state, county, or city levels. The databases provide very flexible sources of data for serious research on many issues in the study of organizations in innovation systems in the development and spread of knowledge, and the economics of science. Enabling the study of these topics, among others, COMETS contributes substantially to the science of science and technology.