2 research outputs found

    Estudio investigaci贸n acci贸n - Definici贸n de marco de trabajo empleando metodolog铆as 谩giles para la configuraci贸n de herramientas tecnol贸gicas y su aplicaci贸n en proyectos de desarrollo de software para una empresa aseguradora

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    El presente trabajo describe la revisi贸n sistem谩tica realizada sobre el uso correcto de las metodolog铆as 谩giles y herramientas para proyectos de desarrollo de software dependiendo de las complejidades que se presente. Se inicia con una breve descripci贸n del problema que se busca resolver para la cual se realiza la revisi贸n sistem谩tica. Este problema principalmente es la ausencia de un marco de trabajo que facilite a la organizaci贸n y gu铆e con este el uso correcto de las metodolog铆as 谩giles y herramientas tecnol贸gicas aplicadas a proyectos de desarrollo de software. Con esto se pretende ayudar a usuarios antes de la construcci贸n del software; es decir que le facilite identificar la complejidad del proyecto que desea implementar y con eso pueda escoger una metodolog铆a, herramientas o t茅cnicas para usarlas en la ejecuci贸n de su proyecto. Luego de especifica el m茅todo de revisi贸n de literatura a emplear la cual ser谩 principalmente una revisi贸n sistem谩tica en m煤ltiples bases de datos de art铆culos como Scopus o IEEE usando el m茅todo PICOC como se describe en dicha secci贸n. Luego estos art铆culos encontrados se filtran utilizando criterios de inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n como el a帽o de publicaci贸n o el contenido del art铆culo. Finalmente, una vez seleccionados los art铆culos relevantes se procede a responder a las preguntas de investigaci贸n planteadas durante la aplicaci贸n del m茅todo PICOC. En este caso se consideraron 4 preguntas que fueron respondidas utilizando todos los art铆culos relevantes.Trabajo de investigaci贸

    A Model for the Definition, Prioritization and Optimization of Indicators

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    Context: The definition and prioritization of indicators is now a common reality and an integral part of the evolution of the strategic, technical and business processes of any organization, whether public or private. Purpose: This paper proposes a new model regarding the definition and prioritization of indicators. Herein, we also investigate the definition and prioritization models currently adopted by academia and industry, and analyze the context of the proposed strategies against the traditional view of indicator definition currently adopted. In addition, we conducted a survey with organizations that had well-defined indicator management processes, seeking to identify customer expectations with a new indicator management model proposed by this work. Method: To gather evidence, we defined a methodology that relates the literature review and an exploratory case study with the application of an experiment. Driven by a set of research questions, this methodology comprised four main phases: planning, literature review, experiment execution and documentation of results. The method used is supported by some techniques, such as design thinking, design sprint and the Cynefin framework. Results: The analysis of the results was carried out in two different ways: Through the verification of the achievement of specific objectives and through a questionnaire applied to assess the degrees of perception of all employees who participated in the work. Regarding the specific objectives, it is clear that most of the objectives were achieved. Regarding the applied questionnaire, it is clear that, although the collaborators did not have adequate knowledge regarding the conceptual and practical aspects of some approaches used in the proposed model, there was a general perception that the model, in fact, supported top management for decision making. For professionals, the proposed model has a restricted scope; that is, it does not serve all types of organizations. Conclusion: The model proposed in this work proved to be effective, considering that the indicators were defined, prioritized and optimized, with a focus on the user experience. As future work, we intend to expand the scope of the model鈥檚 performance, evaluating business indicators alongside IT indicators