11,386 research outputs found

    German Perception Verbs: Automatic Classification of Prototypical and Multiple Non-literal Meanings

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    This paper presents a token-based automatic classification of German perception verbs into literal vs. multiple non-literal senses. Based on a corpus-based dataset of German perception verbs and their systematic meaning shifts, we identify one verb of each of the four perception classes optical, acoustic, olfactory, haptic, and use Decision Trees relying on syntactic and semantic corpus-based features to classify the verb uses into 3-4 senses each. Our classifier reaches accuracies between 45.5% and 69.4%, in comparison to baselines between 27.5% and 39.0%. In three out of four cases analyzed our classifier’s accuracy is significantly higher than the according baseline

    Learning Sentence-internal Temporal Relations

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    In this paper we propose a data intensive approach for inferring sentence-internal temporal relations. Temporal inference is relevant for practical NLP applications which either extract or synthesize temporal information (e.g., summarisation, question answering). Our method bypasses the need for manual coding by exploiting the presence of markers like after", which overtly signal a temporal relation. We first show that models trained on main and subordinate clauses connected with a temporal marker achieve good performance on a pseudo-disambiguation task simulating temporal inference (during testing the temporal marker is treated as unseen and the models must select the right marker from a set of possible candidates). Secondly, we assess whether the proposed approach holds promise for the semi-automatic creation of temporal annotations. Specifically, we use a model trained on noisy and approximate data (i.e., main and subordinate clauses) to predict intra-sentential relations present in TimeBank, a corpus annotated rich temporal information. Our experiments compare and contrast several probabilistic models differing in their feature space, linguistic assumptions and data requirements. We evaluate performance against gold standard corpora and also against human subjects

    Automatic Identification of AltLexes using Monolingual Parallel Corpora

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    The automatic identification of discourse relations is still a challenging task in natural language processing. Discourse connectives, such as "since" or "but", are the most informative cues to identify explicit relations; however discourse parsers typically use a closed inventory of such connectives. As a result, discourse relations signaled by markers outside these inventories (i.e. AltLexes) are not detected as effectively. In this paper, we propose a novel method to leverage parallel corpora in text simplification and lexical resources to automatically identify alternative lexicalizations that signal discourse relation. When applied to the Simple Wikipedia and Newsela corpora along with WordNet and the PPDB, the method allowed the automatic discovery of 91 AltLexes.Comment: 6 pages, Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2017
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