7,958 research outputs found

    The Use of Fuzzy Clustering to Examine End User Segmentation

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    A key research theme in the field of end-user computing (EUC) is learning more about end users and their needs and designing support strategies for assisting, managing, and controlling end-user activities. Typology maps, such as those by Rockart and Flannery (1983), have been used to categorize end users into different groups based on criteria such as the skill and sophistication of EUC activity. In most such studies, users self- select themselves into one of several groups based on generic definitions provided in the study. As in most pure taxonomies, a user becomes a part of one and only one group. In this study,we provide an alternative analytical mechanism to self-selection and unitary membership: the use of fuzzy clustering, which allows for gradual membership in different groups, with membership values indicating the probability or degree of membership within a specific group or cluster. Cotterman and Kumarís (1989) classification scheme is operationalized while allowing for overlapping membership probabilities into one of three clusters: user- developer-controller (UDC), user-developer (UD), and user (U). Further, the study also examines the proposition that end users vary in their use of available support sources and also in the type of support that they require. The expectation that different categories of users have different support needs is examined at three levels: cluster level, individual level, and cluster-conjunctive level

    Semi-supervised model-based clustering with controlled clusters leakage

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    In this paper, we focus on finding clusters in partially categorized data sets. We propose a semi-supervised version of Gaussian mixture model, called C3L, which retrieves natural subgroups of given categories. In contrast to other semi-supervised models, C3L is parametrized by user-defined leakage level, which controls maximal inconsistency between initial categorization and resulting clustering. Our method can be implemented as a module in practical expert systems to detect clusters, which combine expert knowledge with true distribution of data. Moreover, it can be used for improving the results of less flexible clustering techniques, such as projection pursuit clustering. The paper presents extensive theoretical analysis of the model and fast algorithm for its efficient optimization. Experimental results show that C3L finds high quality clustering model, which can be applied in discovering meaningful groups in partially classified data

    A framework for tumor segmentation and interactive immersive visualization of medical image data for surgical planning

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    This dissertation presents the framework for analyzing and visualizing digital medical images. Two new segmentation methods have been developed: a probability based segmentation algorithm, and a segmentation algorithm that uses a fuzzy rule based system to generate similarity values for segmentation. A visualization software application has also been developed to effectively view and manipulate digital medical images on a desktop computer as well as in an immersive environment.;For the probabilistic segmentation algorithm, image data are first enhanced by manually setting the appropriate window center and width, and if needed a sharpening or noise removal filter is applied. To initialize the segmentation process, a user places a seed point within the object of interest and defines a search region for segmentation. Based on the pixels\u27 spatial and intensity properties, a probabilistic selection criterion is used to extract pixels with a high probability of belonging to the object. To facilitate the segmentation of multiple slices, an automatic seed selection algorithm was developed to keep the seeds in the object as its shape and/or location changes between consecutive slices.;The second segmentation method, a new segmentation method using a fuzzy rule based system to segment tumors in a three-dimensional CT data was also developed. To initialize the segmentation process, the user selects a region of interest (ROI) within the tumor in the first image of the CT study set. Using the ROI\u27s spatial and intensity properties, fuzzy inputs are generated for use in the fuzzy rules inference system. Using a set of predefined fuzzy rules, the system generates a defuzzified output for every pixel in terms of similarity to the object. Pixels with the highest similarity values are selected as tumor. This process is automatically repeated for every subsequent slice in the CT set without further user input, as the segmented region from the previous slice is used as the ROI for the current slice. This creates a propagation of information from the previous slices, used to segment the current slice. The membership functions used during the fuzzification and defuzzification processes are adaptive to the changes in the size and pixel intensities of the current ROI. The proposed method is highly customizable to suit different needs of a user, requiring information from only a single two-dimensional image.;Segmentation results from both algorithms showed success in segmenting the tumor from seven of the ten CT datasets with less than 10% false positive errors and five test cases with less than 10% false negative errors. The consistency of the segmentation results statistics also showed a high repeatability factor, with low values of inter- and intra-user variability for both methods.;The visualization software developed is designed to load and display any DICOM/PACS compatible three-dimensional image data for visualization and interaction in an immersive virtual environment. The software uses the open-source libraries DCMTK: DICOM Toolkit for parsing of digital medical images, Coin3D and SimVoleon for scenegraph management and volume rendering, and VRJuggler for virtual reality display and interaction. A user can apply pseudo-coloring in real time with multiple interactive clipping planes to slice into the volume for an interior view. A windowing feature controls the tissue density ranges to display. A wireless gamepad controller as well as a simple and intuitive menu interface control user interactions. The software is highly scalable as it can be used on a single desktop computer to a cluster of computers for an immersive multi-projection virtual environment. By wearing a pair of stereo goggles, the surgeon is immersed within the model itself, thus providing a sense of realism as if the surgeon is inside the patient.;The tools developed in this framework are designed to improve patient care by fostering the widespread use of advanced visualization and computational intelligence in preoperative planning, surgical training, and diagnostic assistance. Future work includes further improvements to both segmentation methods with plans to incorporate the use of deformable models and level set techniques to include tumor shape features as part of the segmentation criteria. For the surgical planning components, additional controls and interactions with the simulated endoscopic camera and the ability to segment the colon or a selected region of the airway for a fixed-path navigation as a full virtual endoscopy tool will also be implemented. (Abstract shortened by UMI.

    Clustering using Vector Membership: An Extension of the Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm

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    Clustering is an important facet of explorative data mining and finds extensive use in several fields. In this paper, we propose an extension of the classical Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm. The proposed algorithm, abbreviated as VFC, adopts a multi-dimensional membership vector for each data point instead of the traditional, scalar membership value defined in the original algorithm. The membership vector for each point is obtained by considering each feature of that point separately and obtaining individual membership values for the same. We also propose an algorithm to efficiently allocate the initial cluster centers close to the actual centers, so as to facilitate rapid convergence. Further, we propose a scheme to achieve crisp clustering using the VFC algorithm. The proposed, novel clustering scheme has been tested on two standard data sets in order to analyze its performance. We also examine the efficacy of the proposed scheme by analyzing its performance on image segmentation examples and comparing it with the classical Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures and 1 table (Conference Paper

    Pattern recognition in the detection of Tuberculous Meningitis

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 103-107)