853 research outputs found

    The Universal Kummer Threefold

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    The universal Kummer threefold is a 9-dimensional variety that represents the total space of the 6-dimensional family of Kummer threefolds in 7-dimensional projective space. We compute defining polynomials for three versions of this family, over the Satake hypersurface, over the G\"opel variety, and over the reflection representation of type E7. We develop classical themes such as theta functions and Coble's quartic hypersurface using current tools from combinatorics, geometry, and commutative algebra. Symbolic and numerical computations for genus 3 moduli spaces appear alongside toric and tropical methods.Comment: 50 pages; v2: added Remark 4.3, strengthened Lemma 8.3; v3: added references and added supplementary files to sourc

    Generalised Kummer constructions and Weil restrictions

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    We use a generalised Kummer construction to realise all but one known weight four newforms with complex multiplication and rational Fourier coefficients in smooth Calabi-Yau threefolds defined over the rational numbers. The Calabi-Yau manifolds are smooth models of quotients of the Weil restrictions of elliptic curves with CM of class number three.Comment: 12 pages; v2: added references, minor change

    Arithmetic aspects of the Burkhardt quartic threefold

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    We show that the Burkhardt quartic threefold is rational over any field of characteristic distinct from 3. We compute its zeta function over finite fields. We realize one of its moduli interpretations explicitly by determining a model for the universal genus 2 curve over it, as a double cover of the projective line. We show that the j-planes in the Burkhardt quartic mark the order 3 subgroups on the Abelian varieties it parametrizes, and that the Hesse pencil on a j-plane gives rise to the universal curve as a discriminant of a cubic genus one cover.Comment: 22 pages. Amended references to more properly credit the classical literature (Coble in particular

    Tropicalization of classical moduli spaces

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    The image of the complement of a hyperplane arrangement under a monomial map can be tropicalized combinatorially using matroid theory. We apply this to classical moduli spaces that are associated with complex reflection arrangements. Starting from modular curves, we visit the Segre cubic, the Igusa quartic, and moduli of marked del Pezzo surfaces of degrees 2 and 3. Our primary example is the Burkhardt quartic, whose tropicalization is a 3-dimensional fan in 39-dimensional space. This effectuates a synthesis of concrete and abstract approaches to tropical moduli of genus 2 curves.Comment: 33 page

    Threefolds with quasi-projective universal cover

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    We study compact K\"ahler threefolds X with infinite fundamental group whose universal cover can be compactified. Combining techniques from L2L^2 -theory, Campana's geometric orbifolds and the minimal model program we show that this condition imposes strong restrictions on the geometry of X. In particular we prove that if a projective threefold with infinite fundamental group has a quasi-projective universal cover, the latter is then isomorphic to the product of an affine space with a simply connected manifold.Comment: 26 pages, no figure. Comments are welcom