4 research outputs found

    The Twofold Value of IT-Based Peer Assessment in Management Information Systems Education

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    Feedback is one of the most influential factor when it comes to learning success of students. Especially large-scale classes at universities often lack feedback caused by the scarcity of resources. Even though a lack of feedback is problematic across all domains, especially when educating future IS executives, who are supposed to lead team members by providing effective feedback. In this study, we use IT-based peer assessment (ITPA) in a large-scale class to support learners with feedback during the teaching-learning process. The first results show that students increase their learning success and at the same time, train their ability to provide feedback. Specifically, our results suggest that participating in ITPA could lead to an increase in knowledge on the content of the class of about 28% on average. Furthermore, the students’ ability to provide feedback – measured twice, self-reported and as quality of the feedback received – increased significantly during the class

    Implementasi Jaringan Informasi Bersama Antar Sekolah (JIBAS) sebagai Media Humas

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    Dalam perkembangan zaman, teknologi informasi di dunia bisnis dan pendidikan telah menerapkan berbagai macam media informasi yang dapat membantu kinerja serta pengembangan sumber daya manusia. JIBAS merupakan salah satu sistem informasi manajemen yang digunakan sebagai alat administrasi di sekolah untuk pencapaian tujuan pendidikan yang dapat membantu proses administrasi, pembelajaran, manajemen keuangan, peningkatan hubungan masyarakat anatara guru dan orang tua siswa berbasis komputerisasi. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses implementasi JIBAS sebagai media humas di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu studi literatur penelitian kepustakaan melalui jurnal dengan mengumpulkan data serta referensi-referensi yang terkait dengan topik artikel. Hasil dari pengkajian jurnal dan beberapa referensi yang didapat maka diperoleh bahwa Jibas merupakan sistem informasi manajemen yang dapat digunakan sebagai media humas dalam meningkatkan proses kerja untuk mengelola administrasi dan informasi yang ditujukan kepada warga sekolah dan masyarakat. D­­engan demikian dapat membantu sekolah dalam pengembangan citra sekolah di mata masyarakat dan meningkatkan daya tarik calon peserta didik. &nbsp

    Insights into Using IT-Based Peer Feedback to Practice the Students Providing Feedback Skill

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    The skills students need nowadays have changed over the last decades. The required skills are shifting more and more towards higher order thinking skills, such as critical thinking, collaboration and communication. One of the main ways of practicing these skills is through formative feedback, which consists of self-assessment and peer-assessment in our setting. However, today’s lecturers are facing the challenge that the number of students per lecture is continuously increasing, while the available budget is stagnating. Hence, large scale lectures often lack feedback, caused by the scarcity of resources. To overcome this issue, we propose a teaching-learning scenario using IT to provide formative feedback at scale. In this paper, we are focusing on the students’ providing-feedback skill, which is important for collaborative tasks. In our experiment with around 101 master students, we were able to show that the students’ ability to provide feedback significantly improved by participating in IT-based peer feedback iterations