3 research outputs found

    CYCLONE Unified Deployment and Management of Federated, Multi-Cloud Applications

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    Various Cloud layers have to work in concert in order to manage and deploy complex multi-cloud applications, executing sophisticated workflows for Cloud resource deployment, activation, adjustment, interaction, and monitoring. While there are ample solutions for managing individual Cloud aspects (e.g. network controllers, deployment tools, and application security software), there are no well-integrated suites for managing an entire multi cloud environment with multiple providers and deployment models. This paper presents the CYCLONE architecture that integrates a number of existing solutions to create an open, unified, holistic Cloud management platform for multi-cloud applications, tailored to the needs of research organizations and SMEs. It discusses major challenges in providing a network and security infrastructure for the Intercloud and concludes with the demonstration how the architecture is implemented in a real life bioinformatics use case

    Escalonador de tarefas com suporte à GPU para a plataforma de nuvens federadas BioNimbuZ

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    O uso de arquiteturas heterogêneas é uma realidade no ambiente de nuvem. Entretanto, ainda assim é uma funcionalidade não tão explorada, em especial no ambiente de federações nuvens computacionais. Este trabalho propõe um escalonador de tarefas capaz de fazer escalonamento heterogêneo para o BioNimbuZ, uma plataforma para federação de nuvens computacionais desenvolvida no Laboratório de Bioinforática e Dados(LABID) da Universidade de Brasília, do qual este autor faz parte. O escalonador proposto abre possibilidades de novas tarefas para serem executadas em nuvens computacionais de forma viável.The use of heterogeneous architectures is a reality in the cloud environment. However, it is still a feature not explored, especially in the federation environment computational clouds. This work proposes a heterogeneous scheduler of tasks capable of scheduling for BioNimbuZ, a platform for federation of computational clouds developed at the Laboratório de Bioinforática e Dados (LABID) of Universidade of Brasília, of which this author is a part. The proposed scheduler opens possibilities for new tasks to be executed in computational clouds in a viable way


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    E-Health solutions using the Internet provide many benefits for health centers; hosting such solutions in public Cloud Computing environments as Software-as-a-Service becomes increasingly popular. However, the deployment of e-health services in shared environments is restricted du to regulations prohibiting medical data access by illegitimate parties, such as cloud computing intermediaries. A pivotal requirement is therefore having security end-to-end , namely from a user agent to the server process; yet there is no viable approach for contemporary browser-based SaaS solutions. This paper outlines a bluprint for e-health solution architectures featuring an end-to-end security mechanism to prevent intermediary data access and therefore to ensure appropriate patient data privacy and security. This bluprint is instantiated based on a novel security protocol, the Trusted Cloud Transfer Protocol (TCTP) in the form of a prototype implementation. The evaluation of the prototype demonstrates its fulfilment of healthcare-specific security and privacy requirements, as well as low implementation efforts for similar architectures, and no measurable performance overhead in a practical benchmark