69 research outputs found


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    The adoption of augmented reality (AR) has been one of the defining technological trends of the past decade. While AR has experienced significant growth in consumer electronics, its potential for professional use still needs to be explored. Despite the growing interest in AR, determining its feasibility and potential to satisfy business needs remains challenging. To address this gap, we used a mixedmethod research approach to create a guiding framework called the process augmentability canvas. Drawing on a comprehensive case study of a major European maintenance, repair, and overhaul service provider, as well as state-of-the literature, we present a canvas that allows scholars and practitioners to evaluate AR’s applicability for a given process thoroughly. By providing a structured approach to analyzing AR solutions, the process augmentability canvas contributes to a better understanding of how AR can be used efficiently in organizational settings

    User-centered requirements for augmented reality as a cognitive assistant for safety-critical services

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    Augmented reality (AR) is widely acknowledged to be beneficial for services with exceptionally high requirements regarding knowledge and simultaneous tasks to be performed and are safety-critical. This study explores the user-centered requirements for an AR cognitive assistant in the operations of a large European maritime logistics hub. Specifically, it deals with the safety-critical service process of soil sounding. Based on fourteen think-aloud sessions during service delivery, two expert interviews, and two expert workshops, five core requirements for AR cognitive assistants in soil sounding are derived, namely (1) real-time overlay, (2) variety in displaying information, (3) multi-dimensional tracking, (4) collaboration, and (5) interaction. The study is the first one on the applicability and feasibility of AR in the maritime industry and identifies requirements that impact further research on AR use in safety-critical environments

    User-Centered Requirements for Augmented Reality as a Cognitive Assistant for Safety-Critical Services

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    Augmented reality (AR) is widely acknowledged to be beneficial for services with exceptionally high requirements regarding knowledge and simultaneous tasks to be performed and are safety-critical. This study explores the user-centered requirements for an AR cognitive assistant in the operations of a large European maritime logistics hub. Specifically, it deals with the safety-critical service process of soil sounding. Based on fourteen think-aloud sessions during service delivery, two expert interviews, and two expert workshops, five core requirements for AR cognitive assistants in soil sounding are derived, namely (1) real-time overlay, (2) variety in displaying information, (3) multi-dimensional tracking, (4) collaboration, and (5) interaction. The study is the first one on the applicability and feasibility of AR in the maritime industry and identifies requirements that impact further research on AR use in safety-critical environments

    Irreducibility of configurations

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    In a paper from 1886, Martinetti enumerated small v3v_3-configurations. One of his tools was a construction that permits to produce a (v+1)3(v+1)_3-configuration from a v3v_3-configuration. He called configurations that were not constructible in this way irreducible configurations. According to his definition, the irreducible configurations are Pappus' configuration and four infinite families of configurations. In 2005, Boben defined a simpler and more general definition of irreducibility, for which only two v3v_3-configurations, the Fano plane and Pappus' configuration, remained irreducible. The present article gives a generalization of Boben's reduction for both balanced and unbalanced (vr,bk)(v_r,b_k)-configurations, and proves several general results on augmentability and reducibility. Motivation for this work is found, for example, in the counting and enumeration of configurations

    Исследование качества программного обеспечения: сравнение оценок экспертов при определении приоритетов

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    Досліджуються розбіжності в сприйнятті якості програмного забезпечення різними групами людей, причетними до його розробки і використання. 315 респондентів оцінили у відповідності до своїх пріоритетів 13 широко поширених атрибутів якості програмного забезпечення. Оцінювання проводилося за шкалою від одного до семи у залежності від того, наскільки важливим респондент вважав даний атрибут. Розбіжності в оцінках пріоритетів цих атрибутів досліджувалися з використанням статистичних методів. Проведено порівняння отриманих емпіричних результатів із результатами кількох досліджень, виконаних за участю експертів в області розробки програмного забезпечення, що дозволяє порівняти спостережувані взаємозв’язки між отриманими в даній роботі бажаними атрибутами з оцінками експертів в області, спільній для всіх цих атрибутів.This work explores the differences in software quality perceptions between different groups of people involved with the software development process. Three hundred and fifteen respondents ranked each of thirteen generally accepted attributes of software quality on a scale of one to seven according to their perceived importance for the piece of software most vital to that individual’s work. Differences in the priorities assigned to these attributes were explored using a number of different statistical techniques. Results of this research were compared to the results of several existing studies conducted by experts in theory and practice of software engineering. Comparisons between the studies are valuable, because they allow a comparison of observed correlations between desires for different attributes derived in this study with expert opinion on the extent to which these attributes can be realized in conjunction.Исследуются отличия в восприятии качества программного обеспечения разными группами людей, занятыми его разработкой и использованием. 315 респондентов оценили в соответствии со своими приоритетами 13 широко используемых атрибутов качества программного обеспечения. Оценивание проводилось по шкале от одного до семи в зависимости от того, насколько важным респондент считал данный атрибут. Отличия в оценках приоритетов этих атрибутов исследовались с привлечением статистических методов. Проведено сравнение полученных эмпирических результатов с результатами нескольких исследований, выполненных при участии экспертов в области разработки программного обеспечения, что позволяет сравнить наблюдаемые взаимосвязи между полученными в данной работе желаемыми атрибутами с оценками экспертов в области, общей для всех этих атрибутов