8 research outputs found

    Counting superspecial Richelot isogenies by reduced automorphism groups (Theory and Applications of Supersingular Curves and Supersingular Abelian Varieties)

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    The recent cryptanalysis by Costello and Smith [10] employed the subgraphs whose vertices consist of decomposed principally polarized abelian varieties, hence it is important to study the subgraphs in isogeny-based cryptography. Katsura and Takashima [22] initiated the investigation of the decomposed abelian surface subgraphs in the genus-2 case. This paper surveys the work, aiming to provide a kind of handbook for applying our results to cryptography

    Fast computation of hyperelliptic curve isogenies in odd characteristic

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    International audienceLet p be an odd prime number and g ≥ 2 be an integer. We present an algorithm for computing explicit rational representations of isogenies between Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves of genus g over an extension K of the field of p-adic numbers Qp. It relies on an efficient resolution, with a logarithmic loss of p-adic precision, of a first order system of differential equations

    Higher-degree supersingular group actions

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    International audienceWe investigate the isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves over Fp2\mathbb{F}_{p^2} equipped with a dd-isogeny to their Galois conjugate. These curves are interesting because they are, in a sense, a generalization of curves defined over Fp\mathbb{F}_p, and there is an action of the ideal class group of Q(dp)\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-dp}) on the isogeny graphs. We investigate constructive and destructive aspects of these graphs in isogeny-based cryptography, including generalizations of the CSIDH cryptosystem and the Delfs-Galbraith algorithm

    B-SIDH: supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman using twisted torsion

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    This paper explores a new way of instantiating isogeny-based cryptography in which parties can work in both the (p+1)-torsion of a set of supersingular curves and in the (p-1)-torsion corresponding to the set of their quadratic twists. Although the isomorphism between a given supersingular curve and its quadratic twist is not defined over GF(p^2) in general, restricting operations to the x-lines of both sets of twists allows all arithmetic to be carried out over GF(p^2) as usual. Furthermore, since supersingular twists always have the same GF(p^2)-rational j-invariant, the SIDH protocol remains unchanged when Alice and Bob are free to work in both sets of twists. This framework lifts the restrictions on the shapes of the underlying prime fields originally imposed by Jao and De Feo, and allows a range of new options for instantiating isogeny-based public key cryptography. These include alternatives that exploit Mersenne and Montgomery-friendly primes, as well as the possibility of significantly reducing the size of the primes in the Jao-De Feo construction at no known loss of asymptotic security. For a given target security level, the resulting public keys are smaller than the public keys of all of the key encapsulation schemes currently under consideration in the NIST post-quantum standardisation effort. The best known attacks against the instantiations proposed in this paper are the classical path finding algorithm due to Delfs and Galbraith and its quantum adapation due to Biasse, Jao and Sankar; these run in respective time O(p^(1/2)) and O(p^(1/4)), and are essentially memory-free. The upshot is that removing the big-O\u27s and obtaining concrete security estimates is a matter of costing the circuits needed to implement the corresponding isogeny. In contrast to other post-quantum proposals, this makes the security analysis of B-SIDH rather straightforward. Searches for friendly parameters are used to find several primes that range from 237 to 256 bits, the conjectured security of which are comparable to the 434-bit prime used to target NIST level 1 security in the SIKE proposal. One noteworthy example is a 247-bit prime for which Alice\u27s secret isogeny is 7901-smooth and Bob\u27s secret isogeny is 7621-smooth

    An algorithm for efficient detection of (N,N)(N,N)-splittings and its application to the isogeny problem in dimension 2

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    We develop an efficient algorithm to detect whether a superspecial genus 2 Jacobian is optimally (N,N)(N, N)-split for each integer N11N \leq 11. Incorporating this algorithm into the best-known attack against the superspecial isogeny problem in dimension 2 gives rise to significant cryptanalytic improvements. Our implementation shows that when the underlying prime pp is 100 bits, the attack is sped up by a factor 25x25{\tt x}; when the underlying prime is 200 bits, the attack is sped up by a factor 42x42{\tt x}; and, when the underlying prime is 1000 bits, the attack is sped up by a factor 160x160{\tt x}

    The supersingular isogeny problem in genus 2 and beyond

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    International audienceLet A/FpA/\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p and A/FpA'/\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p be supersingular principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension g>1g>1. For any prime p\ell \ne p, we give an algorithm that finds a path ϕ ⁣:AA\phi \colon A \rightarrow A' in the (,,)(\ell, \dots , \ell)-isogeny graph in O~(pg1)\widetilde{O}(p^{g-1}) group operations on a classical computer, and O~(pg1)\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{p^{g-1}}) calls to the Grover oracle on a quantum computer. The idea is to find paths from AA and AA' to nodes that correspond to products of lower dimensional abelian varieties, and to recurse down in dimension until an elliptic path-finding algorithm (such as Delfs--Galbraith) can be invoked to connect the paths in dimension g=1g=1. In the general case where AA and AA' are any two nodes in the graph, this algorithm presents an asymptotic improvement over all of the algorithms in the current literature. In the special case where AA and AA' are a known and relatively small number of steps away from each other (as is the case in higher dimensional analogues of SIDH), it gives an asymptotic improvement over the quantum claw finding algorithms and an asymptotic improvement over the classical van Oorschot--Wiener algorithm