154,349 research outputs found

    Building Leaderful Organizations: Succession Planning for Nonprofits

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    Shares three approaches to planning for new leadership -- ongoing leadership development, planning for emergencies, and planning for a departure announced well in advance. Discusses the challenges nonprofits face, and lists tools and resources

    2008 Annual Performance Report

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    Analyzes Irvine's 2008 program impact -- grantmaking, outcomes, and lessons learned and refinement -- and institutional effectiveness -- leadership, constituent feedback, and financial and organizational health. Summarizes evaluations

    The Role of Congress in Contract Termination

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    Making the Most of Interim Assessment Data: Lessons from Philadelphia

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    Under No Child Left Behind, urban school districts have increasingly turned to interim assessments, administered at regular intervals, to help gauge student progress in advance of annual state exams. These assessments have spawned growing debate among educators, assessment experts, and the testing industry: are they worth the significant investment of money and time? In Making the Most of Interim Assessment Data: Lessons from Philadelphia, Research for Action (RFA) weighs in on this issue. The School District of Philadelphia (SDP) was an early adopter of interim assessments, implementing the exams in 2003. Unlike teachers in some other regions, Philadelphia elementary and middle grades teachers rated these 'Benchmark' assessments highly. However, the study found that enthusiasm did not necessarily correlate with higher rates of student achievement. What did predict student success were three factors -- instructional leadership, collective responsibility, and use of the SDP's Core Curriculum. The report underscores the value of investment in ongoing data interpretation that emphasizes teachers' learning within formal instructional communities, such as grade groups of teachers. This research was funded by the Spencer Foundation and the William Penn Foundation

    Macalester College Bulletin

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    This publication is the Macalester College Bulletin, 1975-76 Supplement. Annual college catalog listing courses of study, historical sketch, calendar, honorary degrees, admission requirements, descriptions of departments, lists of faculty and board of trustee committees, summary of students, and lists of faculty and trustees

    Risk Adjustment and Reinsurance: A Work Plan for State Officials

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    Outlines the decisions and actions states need to take to implement the risk adjustment and reinsurance provisions of the 2010 health reform law, including risk adjustment model, reinsurance parameters, stakeholder engagement, and program administration

    The 2017 Session of the Nevada Legislature and the Failure of Higher Education Reform

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    Executive Summary This report analyzes 11 bills introduced during the 79th Session of the Nevada Legislature that proposed to reorganize, reform, and realign various aspects of the state’s higher education system. The analysis reveals the following: Despite bipartisan support for higher education reform, nearly all of the reform bills failed, including two bills vetoed by Governor Brian Sandoval. The failure to enact meaningful reform stands in contrast to the implementation of bills appropriating more resources for higher education. Opposition to reform legislation was strongest among those most invested in legitimizing and perpetuating current arrangements. The report also considers the institutional and cultural factors that reinforce these outcomes. These factors include: The mismatch between legislative capacity and the demand for policy reform. The selective manner in which higher education officials engaged in the Legislature. Misconceptions about the components of the state’s land-grant institution and the Board of Regents’ constitutional carve out prohibiting legislative action. The report concludes with policy recommendations for the Nevada Legislature. Foremost among these are: The second passage of AJR 5, an override of the AB 407 veto, and reintroduction and passage of the failed reform bills. Separation of the governance of the two- and four-year colleges from the branches of the state university, reduction in the size of the Board of Regents, and reorganization of the administration of higher education. Developing separate funding formulas for the universities and the two- and four-year colleges, and adding funding weights for courses completed by first generation, minority, and Pell Grant eligible students. Creation of the Assembly and Senate Higher Education and Economic Development Committees to improve legislative oversight and coordination. Elevation of Great Basin College to a four-year institution and realignment of the two and four-year colleges’ service areas to facilitate regional economic integration

    Uncommon Schools: Turning Urban Schools Into Springboards to College

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    This report illustrates the successful college preparatory practices of Uncommon Schools, a network of 38 public charter schools in New York, New Jersey and Massachusettsthat serves nearly 10,000 low-income students and students of color. During the 2013 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools review process, a panel of national education experts chose Uncommon Schools as the best among the nation's 27 largest urban charter management organizations in closing achievement gaps, graduating its students and preparing them for college. The policies and practices highlighted in this report were drawn from a week-long site visit to Uncommon Schools conducted by RMC Research Corporation in November 2013 and a review of Uncommon's quantitative student achievement data from 2008-09 through 2011-2012

    Staying Engaged, Stepping Up: Succession Planning and Executive Transition Management for Nonprofit Boards of Directors

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    Provides a set of tools and resources to help boards prepare for leadership transitions. Includes case studies of two nonprofit organizations and their experience managing executive transitions
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