36,829 research outputs found

    Parameterized Verification of Asynchronous Shared-Memory Systems

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    We characterize the complexity of the safety verification problem for parameterized systems consisting of a leader process and arbitrarily many anonymous and identical contributors. Processes communicate through a shared, bounded-value register. While each operation on the register is atomic, there is no synchronization primitive to execute a sequence of operations atomically. We analyze the complexity of the safety verification problem when processes are modeled by finite-state machines, pushdown machines, and Turing machines. The problem is coNP-complete when all processes are finite-state machines, and is PSPACE-complete when they are pushdown machines. The complexity remains coNP-complete when each Turing machine is allowed boundedly many interactions with the register. Our proofs use combinatorial characterizations of computations in the model, and in case of pushdown-systems, some language-theoretic constructions of independent interest.Comment: 26 pages, International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'13

    Finite-State Complexity and the Size of Transducers

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    Finite-state complexity is a variant of algorithmic information theory obtained by replacing Turing machines with finite transducers. We consider the state-size of transducers needed for minimal descriptions of arbitrary strings and, as our main result, we show that the state-size hierarchy with respect to a standard encoding is infinite. We consider also hierarchies yielded by more general computable encodings.Comment: In Proceedings DCFS 2010, arXiv:1008.127

    Number Sequence Prediction Problems for Evaluating Computational Powers of Neural Networks

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    Inspired by number series tests to measure human intelligence, we suggest number sequence prediction tasks to assess neural network models' computational powers for solving algorithmic problems. We define the complexity and difficulty of a number sequence prediction task with the structure of the smallest automaton that can generate the sequence. We suggest two types of number sequence prediction problems: the number-level and the digit-level problems. The number-level problems format sequences as 2-dimensional grids of digits and the digit-level problems provide a single digit input per a time step. The complexity of a number-level sequence prediction can be defined with the depth of an equivalent combinatorial logic, and the complexity of a digit-level sequence prediction can be defined with an equivalent state automaton for the generation rule. Experiments with number-level sequences suggest that CNN models are capable of learning the compound operations of sequence generation rules, but the depths of the compound operations are limited. For the digit-level problems, simple GRU and LSTM models can solve some problems with the complexity of finite state automata. Memory augmented models such as Stack-RNN, Attention, and Neural Turing Machines can solve the reverse-order task which has the complexity of simple pushdown automaton. However, all of above cannot solve general Fibonacci, Arithmetic or Geometric sequence generation problems that represent the complexity of queue automata or Turing machines. The results show that our number sequence prediction problems effectively evaluate machine learning models' computational capabilities.Comment: Accepted to 2019 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    Polynomial Time Corresponds to Solutions of Polynomial Ordinary Differential Equations of Polynomial Length: The General Purpose Analog Computer and Computable Analysis Are Two Efficiently Equivalent Models of Computations

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    The outcomes of this paper are twofold. Implicit complexity. We provide an implicit characterization of polynomial time computation in terms of ordinary differential equations: we characterize the class P of languages computable in polynomial time in terms of differential equations with polynomial right-hand side. This result gives a purely continuous (time and space) elegant and simple characterization of P. We believe it is the first time such classes are characterized using only ordinary differential equations. Our characterization extends to functions computable in polynomial time over the reals in the sense of computable analysis. Our results may provide a new perspective on classical complexity, by giving a way to define complexity classes, like P, in a very simple way, without any reference to a notion of (discrete) machine. This may also provide ways to state classical questions about computational complexity via ordinary differential equations. Continuous-Time Models of Computation. Our results can also be interpreted in terms of analog computers or analog model of computation: As a side effect, we get that the 1941 General Purpose Analog Computer (GPAC) of Claude Shannon is provably equivalent to Turing machines both at the computability and complexity level, a fact that has never been established before. This result provides arguments in favour of a generalised form of the Church-Turing Hypothesis, which states that any physically realistic (macroscopic) computer is equivalent to Turing machines both at a computability and at a computational complexity level

    Quantum Kolmogorov complexity and quantum correlations in deterministic-control quantum Turing machines

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    This work presents a study of Kolmogorov complexity for general quantum states from the perspective of deterministic-control quantum Turing Machines (dcq-TM). We extend the dcq-TM model to incorporate mixed state inputs and outputs, and define dcq-computable states as those that can be approximated by a dcq-TM. Moreover, we introduce (conditional) Kolmogorov complexity of quantum states and use it to study three particular aspects of the algorithmic information contained in a quantum state: a comparison of the information in a quantum state with that of its classical representation as an array of real numbers, an exploration of the limits of quantum state copying in the context of algorithmic complexity, and study of the complexity of correlations in quantum systems, resulting in a correlation-aware definition for algorithmic mutual information that satisfies symmetry of information property.Comment: 31 page

    Degrees of Infinite Words, Polynomials and Atoms

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    We study finite-state transducers and their power for transforming infinite words. Infinite sequences of symbols are of paramount importance in a wide range of fields, from formal languages to pure mathematics and physics. While finite automata for recognising and transforming languages are well-understood, very little is known about the power of automata to transform infinite words.The word transformation realised by finite-state transducers gives rise to a complexity comparison of words and thereby induces equivalence classes, called (transducer) degrees, and a partial order on these degrees. The ensuing hierarchy of degrees is analogous to the recursion-theoretic degrees of unsolvability, also known as Turing degrees, where the transformational devices are Turing machines. However, as a complexity measure, Turing machines are too strong: they trivialise the classification problem by identifying all computable words. Finite-state transducers give rise to a much more fine-grained, discriminating hierarchy. In contrast to Turing degrees, hardly anything is known about transducer degrees, in spite of their naturality.We use methods from linear algebra and analysis to show that there are infinitely many atoms in the transducer degrees, that is, minimal non-trivial degrees

    What automaton model captures decision making? A call for finding a behavioral taxonomy of complexity

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    When investigating bounded rationality, economists favor finite-state automatons - for example the Mealy machine - and state complexity as a model for human decision making over other concepts. Finite-state automatons are a machine model, which are especially suited for (repetitions of) decision problems with limited strategy sets. In this paper, we argue that finite-state automatons do not suffice to capture human decision making when it comes to problems with infinite strategy sets, such as choice rules. To proof our arguments, we apply the concept of Turing machines to choice rules and show that rational choice has minimal complexity if choices are rationalizable, while complexity of rational choice dramatically increases if choices are no longer rationalizable. We conclude that modeling human behavior using space and time complexity best captures human behavior and suggest to introduce a behavioral taxonomy of complexity describing adequate boundaries for human capabilities

    A Rice-style theorem for parallel automata

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    AbstractWe present a general result, similar to Rice’s theorem, concerning the complexity of detecting properties on finite automata enriched by bounded cooperative concurrency, such as statecharts and abstract parallel automata, which we denote by CFAs (Concurrent Finite Automata). On one extreme, the complexity of detecting non-trivial properties that preserve equivalence of machines, i.e. properties of the accepted language, on finite automata, can be as little as O(1). On the other extreme, Rice’s theorem states that all such properties on Turing machines are undecidable. We state that all the non-trivial properties of the regular (or ω-regular) languages, are PSPACE-hard on CFAs with ϵ-moves and on CFAs without ϵ-moves accepting infinite words. We also extend this result to CFAs without ϵ-moves accepting finite words that satisfy a condition that holds for many properties
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