2,310 research outputs found

    The StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge

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    In the last few years, deep multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) has become a highly active area of research. A particularly challenging class of problems in this area is partially observable, cooperative, multi-agent learning, in which teams of agents must learn to coordinate their behaviour while conditioning only on their private observations. This is an attractive research area since such problems are relevant to a large number of real-world systems and are also more amenable to evaluation than general-sum problems. Standardised environments such as the ALE and MuJoCo have allowed single-agent RL to move beyond toy domains, such as grid worlds. However, there is no comparable benchmark for cooperative multi-agent RL. As a result, most papers in this field use one-off toy problems, making it difficult to measure real progress. In this paper, we propose the StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) as a benchmark problem to fill this gap. SMAC is based on the popular real-time strategy game StarCraft II and focuses on micromanagement challenges where each unit is controlled by an independent agent that must act based on local observations. We offer a diverse set of challenge maps and recommendations for best practices in benchmarking and evaluations. We also open-source a deep multi-agent RL learning framework including state-of-the-art algorithms. We believe that SMAC can provide a standard benchmark environment for years to come. Videos of our best agents for several SMAC scenarios are available at: https://youtu.be/VZ7zmQ_obZ0

    The Surprising Effectiveness of PPO in Cooperative, Multi-Agent Games

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    Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is a popular on-policy reinforcement learning algorithm but is significantly less utilized than off-policy learning algorithms in multi-agent settings. This is often due the belief that on-policy methods are significantly less sample efficient than their off-policy counterparts in multi-agent problems. In this work, we investigate Multi-Agent PPO (MAPPO), a variant of PPO which is specialized for multi-agent settings. Using a 1-GPU desktop, we show that MAPPO achieves surprisingly strong performance in three popular multi-agent testbeds: the particle-world environments, the Starcraft multi-agent challenge, and the Hanabi challenge, with minimal hyperparameter tuning and without any domain-specific algorithmic modifications or architectures. In the majority of environments, we find that compared to off-policy baselines, MAPPO achieves strong results while exhibiting comparable sample efficiency. Finally, through ablation studies, we present the implementation and algorithmic factors which are most influential to MAPPO's practical performance

    Attention-Based Recurrence for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning under Stochastic Partial Observability

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    Stochastic partial observability poses a major challenge for decentralized coordination in multi-agent reinforcement learning but is largely neglected in state-of-the-art research due to a strong focus on state-based centralized training for decentralized execution (CTDE) and benchmarks that lack sufficient stochasticity like StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC). In this paper, we propose Attention-based Embeddings of Recurrence In multi-Agent Learning (AERIAL) to approximate value functions under stochastic partial observability. AERIAL replaces the true state with a learned representation of multi-agent recurrence, considering more accurate information about decentralized agent decisions than state-based CTDE. We then introduce MessySMAC, a modified version of SMAC with stochastic observations and higher variance in initial states, to provide a more general and configurable benchmark regarding stochastic partial observability. We evaluate AERIAL in Dec-Tiger as well as in a variety of SMAC and MessySMAC maps, and compare the results with state-based CTDE. Furthermore, we evaluate the robustness of AERIAL and state-based CTDE against various stochasticity configurations in MessySMAC.Comment: Accepted at ICML 202

    Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Implicit Global-to-Local Value Regularization

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    Offline reinforcement learning (RL) has received considerable attention in recent years due to its attractive capability of learning policies from offline datasets without environmental interactions. Despite some success in the single-agent setting, offline multi-agent RL (MARL) remains to be a challenge. The large joint state-action space and the coupled multi-agent behaviors pose extra complexities for offline policy optimization. Most existing offline MARL studies simply apply offline data-related regularizations on individual agents, without fully considering the multi-agent system at the global level. In this work, we present OMIGA, a new offline m ulti-agent RL algorithm with implicit global-to-local v alue regularization. OMIGA provides a principled framework to convert global-level value regularization into equivalent implicit local value regularizations and simultaneously enables in-sample learning, thus elegantly bridging multi-agent value decomposition and policy learning with offline regularizations. Based on comprehensive experiments on the offline multi-agent MuJoCo and StarCraft II micro-management tasks, we show that OMIGA achieves superior performance over the state-of-the-art offline MARL methods in almost all tasks

    On Reinforcement Learning for Full-length Game of StarCraft

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    StarCraft II poses a grand challenge for reinforcement learning. The main difficulties of it include huge state and action space and a long-time horizon. In this paper, we investigate a hierarchical reinforcement learning approach for StarCraft II. The hierarchy involves two levels of abstraction. One is the macro-action automatically extracted from expert's trajectories, which reduces the action space in an order of magnitude yet remains effective. The other is a two-layer hierarchical architecture which is modular and easy to scale, enabling a curriculum transferring from simpler tasks to more complex tasks. The reinforcement training algorithm for this architecture is also investigated. On a 64x64 map and using restrictive units, we achieve a winning rate of more than 99\% against the difficulty level-1 built-in AI. Through the curriculum transfer learning algorithm and a mixture of combat model, we can achieve over 93\% winning rate of Protoss against the most difficult non-cheating built-in AI (level-7) of Terran, training within two days using a single machine with only 48 CPU cores and 8 K40 GPUs. It also shows strong generalization performance, when tested against never seen opponents including cheating levels built-in AI and all levels of Zerg and Protoss built-in AI. We hope this study could shed some light on the future research of large-scale reinforcement learning.Comment: Appeared in AAAI 201