3,115 research outputs found

    The Secrets of Salient Object Segmentation

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    In this paper we provide an extensive evaluation of fixation prediction and salient object segmentation algorithms as well as statistics of major datasets. Our analysis identifies serious design flaws of existing salient object benchmarks, called the dataset design bias, by over emphasizing the stereotypical concepts of saliency. The dataset design bias does not only create the discomforting disconnection between fixations and salient object segmentation, but also misleads the algorithm designing. Based on our analysis, we propose a new high quality dataset that offers both fixation and salient object segmentation ground-truth. With fixations and salient object being presented simultaneously, we are able to bridge the gap between fixations and salient objects, and propose a novel method for salient object segmentation. Finally, we report significant benchmark progress on three existing datasets of segmenting salient objectsComment: 15 pages, 8 figures. Conference version was accepted by CVPR 201

    Integrated Deep and Shallow Networks for Salient Object Detection

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    Deep convolutional neural network (CNN) based salient object detection methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance and outperform those unsupervised methods with a wide margin. In this paper, we propose to integrate deep and unsupervised saliency for salient object detection under a unified framework. Specifically, our method takes results of unsupervised saliency (Robust Background Detection, RBD) and normalized color images as inputs, and directly learns an end-to-end mapping between inputs and the corresponding saliency maps. The color images are fed into a Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNN) adapted from semantic segmentation to exploit high-level semantic cues for salient object detection. Then the results from deep FCNN and RBD are concatenated to feed into a shallow network to map the concatenated feature maps to saliency maps. Finally, to obtain a spatially consistent saliency map with sharp object boundaries, we fuse superpixel level saliency map at multi-scale. Extensive experimental results on 8 benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches with a margin.Comment: Accepted by IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 201

    Memory-Efficient Deep Salient Object Segmentation Networks on Gridized Superpixels

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    Computer vision algorithms with pixel-wise labeling tasks, such as semantic segmentation and salient object detection, have gone through a significant accuracy increase with the incorporation of deep learning. Deep segmentation methods slightly modify and fine-tune pre-trained networks that have hundreds of millions of parameters. In this work, we question the need to have such memory demanding networks for the specific task of salient object segmentation. To this end, we propose a way to learn a memory-efficient network from scratch by training it only on salient object detection datasets. Our method encodes images to gridized superpixels that preserve both the object boundaries and the connectivity rules of regular pixels. This representation allows us to use convolutional neural networks that operate on regular grids. By using these encoded images, we train a memory-efficient network using only 0.048\% of the number of parameters that other deep salient object detection networks have. Our method shows comparable accuracy with the state-of-the-art deep salient object detection methods and provides a faster and a much more memory-efficient alternative to them. Due to its easy deployment, such a network is preferable for applications in memory limited devices such as mobile phones and IoT devices.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to MMSP 201

    Instance-Level Salient Object Segmentation

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    Image saliency detection has recently witnessed rapid progress due to deep convolutional neural networks. However, none of the existing methods is able to identify object instances in the detected salient regions. In this paper, we present a salient instance segmentation method that produces a saliency mask with distinct object instance labels for an input image. Our method consists of three steps, estimating saliency map, detecting salient object contours and identifying salient object instances. For the first two steps, we propose a multiscale saliency refinement network, which generates high-quality salient region masks and salient object contours. Once integrated with multiscale combinatorial grouping and a MAP-based subset optimization framework, our method can generate very promising salient object instance segmentation results. To promote further research and evaluation of salient instance segmentation, we also construct a new database of 1000 images and their pixelwise salient instance annotations. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method is capable of achieving state-of-the-art performance on all public benchmarks for salient region detection as well as on our new dataset for salient instance segmentation.Comment: To appear in CVPR201

    Discovering Class-Specific Pixels for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

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    We propose an approach to discover class-specific pixels for the weakly-supervised semantic segmentation task. We show that properly combining saliency and attention maps allows us to obtain reliable cues capable of significantly boosting the performance. First, we propose a simple yet powerful hierarchical approach to discover the class-agnostic salient regions, obtained using a salient object detector, which otherwise would be ignored. Second, we use fully convolutional attention maps to reliably localize the class-specific regions in a given image. We combine these two cues to discover class-specific pixels which are then used as an approximate ground truth for training a CNN. While solving the weakly supervised semantic segmentation task, we ensure that the image-level classification task is also solved in order to enforce the CNN to assign at least one pixel to each object present in the image. Experimentally, on the PASCAL VOC12 val and test sets, we obtain the mIoU of 60.8% and 61.9%, achieving the performance gains of 5.1% and 5.2% compared to the published state-of-the-art results. The code is made publicly available
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