943,702 research outputs found

    Perspective Taking Through Simulation

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    Robots that operate among humans need to be able to attribute mental states in order to facilitate learning through imitation and collaboration. The success of the simulation theory approach for attributing mental states to another person relies on the ability to take the perspective of that person, typically by generating pretend states from that person’s point of view. In this paper, internal inverse and forward models are coupled to create simulation processes that may be used for mental state attribution: simulation of the visual process is used to attribute perceptions, and simulation of the motor control process is used to attribute potential actions. To demonstrate the approach, experiments are performed with a robot attributing perceptions and potential actions to a second robot

    The piecemeal approach to comparative advertising.

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    When attempting to portray the attractiveness of a brand vis-à-vis its competitors, an ad may make global claims about superiority or specific claims about one or more attributes. A special case of latter is the piecemeal ad in which the advertised brand is compared to a competitor on one attribute, a different competitor on a second attribute, another competitor on a third attribute, and so on. The present research demonstrates the effectiveness of this technique and explores the basis for its influence. A series of experiments reveals a robust effect mediated by perceived message credibility.Advertising; Effectiveness; Credibility;

    Geometric lattice structure of covering and its application to attribute reduction through matroids

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    The reduction of covering decision systems is an important problem in data mining, and covering-based rough sets serve as an efficient technique to process the problem. Geometric lattices have been widely used in many fields, especially greedy algorithm design which plays an important role in the reduction problems. Therefore, it is meaningful to combine coverings with geometric lattices to solve the optimization problems. In this paper, we obtain geometric lattices from coverings through matroids and then apply them to the issue of attribute reduction. First, a geometric lattice structure of a covering is constructed through transversal matroids. Then its atoms are studied and used to describe the lattice. Second, considering that all the closed sets of a finite matroid form a geometric lattice, we propose a dependence space through matroids and study the attribute reduction issues of the space, which realizes the application of geometric lattices to attribute reduction. Furthermore, a special type of information system is taken as an example to illustrate the application. In a word, this work points out an interesting view, namely, geometric lattice to study the attribute reduction issues of information systems

    On procedures for measuring deprivation and living standards of societies in a multi-attribute framework

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    When a society's overall deprivation or living standard is assessed in a multi-attribute framework, the following procedure is often used. First, for each attribute, a summary index is constructed to reflect a society's performance in relation to this attribute. Then, an indicator of the overall performance of the society in terms of all the attributes together is constructed. This paper discusses a difficulty associated with this procedure. We show that the difficulty lies in its inability to reconcile two highly attractive ethical principles - the first reflecting a requirement of treating individuals symmetrically and the second reflecting a requirement for equity-sensitivity. This problem implies that this widely-used procedure must lead to possibly untenable conclusions, and that it is necessary to adopt alternative procedures. The alternative procedure must permit describing a society's overall deprivation or living standard as an aggregate of the comprehensive deprivations or living standards experienced by the individuals in the society. Working Paper 08-0

    Growing Attributed Networks through Local Processes

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    This paper proposes an attributed network growth model. Despite the knowledge that individuals use limited resources to form connections to similar others, we lack an understanding of how local and resource-constrained mechanisms explain the emergence of rich structural properties found in real-world networks. We make three contributions. First, we propose a parsimonious and accurate model of attributed network growth that jointly explains the emergence of in-degree distributions, local clustering, clustering-degree relationship and attribute mixing patterns. Second, our model is based on biased random walks and uses local processes to form edges without recourse to global network information. Third, we account for multiple sociological phenomena: bounded rationality, structural constraints, triadic closure, attribute homophily, and preferential attachment. Our experiments indicate that the proposed Attributed Random Walk (ARW) model accurately preserves network structure and attribute mixing patterns of six real-world networks; it improves upon the performance of eight state-of-the-art models by a statistically significant margin of 2.5-10x.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure


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    The values which market participants place on labelling information in the British wine retail market are investigated using a hedonic framework. The results suggest a near asymmetric evaluation of labelling attributes between wines from the 'New World' (Australia) and wines from the 'Old World' (France). The benefits of studying the valuation of attribute information within the hedonic framework are demonstrated in two steps. First, the revenue impact of shifts in attributes is examined at the retail level. Second, the welfare impact of changes in the attribute choice set facing consumers is considered.Marketing,
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