12,801 research outputs found

    Instantaneous Decentralized Poker

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    We present efficient protocols for amortized secure multiparty computation with penalties and secure cash distribution, of which poker is a prime example. Our protocols have an initial phase where the parties interact with a cryptocurrency network, that then enables them to interact only among themselves over the course of playing many poker games in which money changes hands. The high efficiency of our protocols is achieved by harnessing the power of stateful contracts. Compared to the limited expressive power of Bitcoin scripts, stateful contracts enable richer forms of interaction between standard secure computation and a cryptocurrency. We formalize the stateful contract model and the security notions that our protocols accomplish, and provide proofs using the simulation paradigm. Moreover, we provide a reference implementation in Ethereum/Solidity for the stateful contracts that our protocols are based on. We also adopt our off-chain cash distribution protocols to the special case of stateful duplex micropayment channels, which are of independent interest. In comparison to Bitcoin based payment channels, our duplex channel implementation is more efficient and has additional features

    IoTLogBlock: Recording Off-line Transactions of Low-Power IoT Devices Using a Blockchain

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    For any distributed system, and especially for the\ua0Internet of Things, recording interactions between devices is\ua0essential. At first glance, blockchains seem to be suitable for\ua0storing these interactions, as they allow multiple parties to share\ua0a distributed ledger. However, at a closer look, blockchains require heavy computations, large memory capacity, and alwayson communication to the cloud; these are three properties that\ua0are challenging for IoT devices with limited resources.In this paper, we present IoTLogBlock to address these challenges. IoTLogBlock connects resource-constrained IoT devices\ua0to the blockchain, and it consists of three building blocks jointly\ua0enabling recording transactions: a lightweight contract signing\ua0protocol, a blockchain network, and a smart contract. The\ua0contract signing protocol allows devices to interact locally to\ua0perform transactions, even if no communication to the cloud\ua0and the blockchain exists at that moment. At a later time, devices\ua0forward the stored transactions to the blockchain, where a smart\ua0contract ultimately verifies the transactions.We evaluate our design on low-power devices and quantify\ua0the performance in terms of memory, computation, and energy\ua0consumption. Our results show that a constrained device can\ua0create and sign a transaction within 3 s on average. Finally, we\ua0expose the devices to network scenarios with edge connections\ua0ranging from 10 s to over 2 h

    Optimistic fair transaction processing in mobile ad-hoc networks

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    Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are unstable. Link errors, which are considered as an exception in fixed-wired networks must be assumed to be the default case in MANETs. Hence designing fault tolerant systems efficiently offering transactional guarantees in these unstable environments is considerably more complex. The efficient support for such guarantees is essential for business applications, e.g. for the exchange of electronic goods. This class of applications demands for transactional properties such as money and goods atomicity. Within this technical report we present an architecture, which allows for fair and atomic transaction processing in MANETs, together with an associated application that enables exchange of electronic tokens

    Enhancing Trust in Devices and Transactions of the Internet of Things

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    With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), billions of smart embedded devices will interact frequently.These interactions will produce billions of transactions.With IoT, users can utilize their phones, home appliances, wearables, or any other wireless embedded device to conduct transactions.For example, a smart car and a parking lot can utilize their sensors to negotiate the fees of a parking spot.The success of IoT applications highly depends on the ability of wireless embedded devices to cope with a large number of transactions.However, these devices face significant constraints in terms of memory, computation, and energy capacity.With our work, we target the challenges of accurately recording IoT transactions from resource-constrained devices. We identify three domain-problems: a) malicious software modification, b) non-repudiation of IoT transactions, and c) inability of IoT transactions to include sensors readings and actuators.The motivation comes from two key factors.First, with Internet connectivity, IoT devices are exposed to cyber-attacks.Internet connectivity makes it possible for malicious users to find ways to connect and modify the software of a device.Second, we need to store transactions from IoT devices that are owned or operated by different stakeholders.The thesis includes three papers. In the first paper, we perform an empirical evaluation of Secure Boot on embedded devices.In the second paper, we propose IoTLogBlock, an architecture to record off-line transactions of IoT devices.In the third paper, we propose TinyEVM, an architecture to execute off-chain smart contracts on IoT devices with an ability to include sensor readings and actuators as part of IoT transactions

    TumbleBit: an untrusted Bitcoin-compatible anonymous payment hub

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    This paper presents TumbleBit, a new unidirectional unlinkable payment hub that is fully compatible with today s Bitcoin protocol. TumbleBit allows parties to make fast, anonymous, off-blockchain payments through an untrusted intermediary called the Tumbler. TumbleBits anonymity properties are similar to classic Chaumian eCash: no one, not even the Tumbler, can link a payment from its payer to its payee. Every payment made via TumbleBit is backed by bitcoins, and comes with a guarantee that Tumbler can neither violate anonymity, nor steal bitcoins, nor print money by issuing payments to itself. We prove the security of TumbleBit using the real/ideal world paradigm and the random oracle model. Security follows from the standard RSA assumption and ECDSA unforgeability. We implement TumbleBit, mix payments from 800 users and show that TumbleBits offblockchain payments can complete in seconds.https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/575.pdfPublished versio

    Decentralized Inverse Transparency With Blockchain

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    Employee data can be used to facilitate work, but their misusage may pose risks for individuals. Inverse transparency therefore aims to track all usages of personal data, allowing individuals to monitor them to ensure accountability for potential misusage. This necessitates a trusted log to establish an agreed-upon and non-repudiable timeline of events. The unique properties of blockchain facilitate this by providing immutability and availability. For power asymmetric environments such as the workplace, permissionless blockchain is especially beneficial as no trusted third party is required. Yet, two issues remain: (1) In a decentralized environment, no arbiter can facilitate and attest to data exchanges. Simple peer-to-peer sharing of data, conversely, lacks the required non-repudiation. (2) With data governed by privacy legislation such as the GDPR, the core advantage of immutability becomes a liability. After a rightful request, an individual's personal data need to be rectified or deleted, which is impossible in an immutable blockchain. To solve these issues, we present Kovacs, a decentralized data exchange and usage logging system for inverse transparency built on blockchain. Its new-usage protocol ensures non-repudiation, and therefore accountability, for inverse transparency. Its one-time pseudonym generation algorithm guarantees unlinkability and enables proof of ownership, which allows data subjects to exercise their legal rights regarding their personal data. With our implementation, we show the viability of our solution. The decentralized communication impacts performance and scalability, but exchange duration and storage size are still reasonable. More importantly, the provided information security meets high requirements. We conclude that Kovacs realizes decentralized inverse transparency through secure and GDPR-compliant use of permissionless blockchain.Comment: Peer-reviewed version accepted for publication in ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (DLT). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2104.0997

    BDTS: Blockchain-based Data Trading System

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    Trading data through blockchain platforms is hard to achieve \textit{fair exchange}. Reasons come from two folds: Firstly, guaranteeing fairness between sellers and consumers is a challenging task as the deception of any participating parties is risk-free. This leads to the second issue where judging the behavior of data executors (such as cloud service providers) among distrustful parties is impractical in the context of traditional trading protocols. To fill the gaps, in this paper, we present a \underline{b}lockchain-based \underline{d}ata \underline{t}rading \underline{s}ystem, named BDTS. BDTS implements a fair-exchange protocol in which benign behaviors can get rewarded while dishonest behaviors will be punished. Our scheme requires the seller to provide consumers with the correct encryption keys for proper execution and encourage a rational data executor to behave faithfully for maximum benefits from rewards. We analyze the strategies of consumers, sellers, and dealers in the trading game and point out that everyone should be honest about their interests so that the game will reach Nash equilibrium. Evaluations prove efficiency and practicability.Comment: ICICS 2023 (Best Paper Award

    Towards practicalization of blockchain-based decentralized applications

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    Blockchain can be defined as an immutable ledger for recording transactions, maintained in a distributed network of mutually untrusting peers. Blockchain technology has been widely applied to various fields beyond its initial usage of cryptocurrency. However, blockchain itself is insufficient to meet all the desired security or efficiency requirements for diversified application scenarios. This dissertation focuses on two core functionalities that blockchain provides, i.e., robust storage and reliable computation. Three concrete application scenarios including Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity management (CSM), and peer-to-peer (P2P) content delivery network (CDN) are utilized to elaborate the general design principles for these two main functionalities. Among them, the IoT and CSM applications involve the design of blockchain-based robust storage and management while the P2P CDN requires reliable computation. Such general design principles derived from disparate application scenarios have the potential to realize practicalization of many other blockchain-enabled decentralized applications. In the IoT application, blockchain-based decentralized data management is capable of handling faulty nodes, as designed in the cybersecurity application. But an important issue lies in the interaction between external network and blockchain network, i.e., external clients must rely on a relay node to communicate with the full nodes in the blockchain. Compromization of such relay nodes may result in a security breach and even a blockage of IoT sensors from the network. Therefore, a censorship-resistant blockchain-based decentralized IoT management system is proposed. Experimental results from proof-of-concept implementation and deployment in a real distributed environment show the feasibility and effectiveness in achieving censorship resistance. The CSM application incorporates blockchain to provide robust storage of historical cybersecurity data so that with a certain level of cyber intelligence, a defender can determine if a network has been compromised and to what extent. The CSM functions can be categorized into three classes: Network-centric (N-CSM), Tools-centric (T-CSM) and Application-centric (A-CSM). The cyber intelligence identifies new attackers, victims, or defense capabilities. Moreover, a decentralized storage network (DSN) is integrated to reduce on-chain storage costs without undermining its robustness. Experiments with the prototype implementation and real-world cyber datasets show that the blockchain-based CSM solution is effective and efficient. The P2P CDN application explores and utilizes the functionality of reliable computation that blockchain empowers. Particularly, P2P CDN is promising to provide benefits including cost-saving and scalable peak-demand handling compared with centralized CDNs. However, reliable P2P delivery requires proper enforcement of delivery fairness. Unfortunately, most existing studies on delivery fairness are based on non-cooperative game-theoretic assumptions that are arguably unrealistic in the ad-hoc P2P setting. To address this issue, an expressive security requirement for desired fair P2P content delivery is defined and two efficient approaches based on blockchain for P2P downloading and P2P streaming are proposed. The proposed system guarantees the fairness for each party even when all others collude to arbitrarily misbehave and achieves asymptotically optimal on-chain costs and optimal delivery communication

    Proxy Re-encryption based Fair Trade Protocol for Digital Goods Transactions via Smart Contracts

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    With the massive amount of digital data generated everyday, transactions of digital goods become a trend. One of the essential requirements for such transactions is fairness, which is defined as that both of the seller and the buyer get what they want, or neither. Current fair trade protocols generally involve a trusted third-party (TTP), which achieves fairness by heavily relying on the TTP's behaviors and the two parties' trust in the TTP. With the emergence of Blockchain, its decentralization and transparency make it a very good candidate to replace the TTP. In this work, we attempt to design a secure and fair protocol for digital goods transactions through smart contracts on Blockchain. To ensure security of the digital goods, we propose an advanced passive proxy re-encryption (PRE) scheme, which enables smart contracts to transfer the decryption right to a buyer after receiving his/her payment. Furthermore, based on smart contracts and the proposed passive PRE scheme, a fair trade protocol for digital goods transactions is proposed, whose fairness is guaranteed by the arbitration protocol. The proposed protocol supports Ciphertext publicity and repeatable sale, while involving less number of interactions. Comprehensive experiment results validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed protocol
