3 research outputs found

    The role of structure and complexity on Reservoir Computing quality

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    We explore the effect of structure and connection complexity on the dynamical behaviour of Reservoir Computers (RC). At present, considerable effort is taken to design and hand-craft physical reservoir computers. Both structure and physical complexity are often pivotal to task performance, however, assessing their overall importance is challenging. Using a recently proposed framework, we evaluate and compare the dynamical freedom (referring to quality) of neural network structures, as an analogy for physical systems. The results quantify how structure affects the range of behaviours exhibited by these networks. It highlights that high quality reached by more complex structures is often also achievable in simpler structures with greater network size. Alternatively, quality is often improved in smaller networks by adding greater connection complexity. This work demonstrates the benefits of using abstract behaviour representation, rather than evaluation through benchmark tasks, to assess the quality of computing substrates, as the latter typically has biases, and often provides little insight into the complete computing quality of physical systems

    Co-designing the computational model and the computing substrate

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    Given a proposed unconventional computing substrate, we can ask: Does it actually compute? If so, how well does it compute? Can it be made to compute better? Given a proposed unconventional computational model we can ask: How powerful is the model? Can it be implemented in a substrate? How faithfully or efficiently can it be implemented? Given complete freedom in the choice of model and substrate, we can ask: Can we co-design a model and substrate to work well together? Here I propose an approach to posing and answering these questions, building on an existing definition of physical computing and framework for characterising the computing properties of given substrates

    Reservoir Computing with Thin-film Ferromagnetic Devices

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    Advances in artificial intelligence are driven by technologies inspired by the brain, but these technologies are orders of magnitude less powerful and energy efficient than biological systems. Inspired by the nonlinear dynamics of neural networks, new unconventional computing hardware has emerged with the potential for extreme parallelism and ultra-low power consumption. Physical reservoir computing demonstrates this with a variety of unconventional systems from optical-based to spintronic. Reservoir computers provide a nonlinear projection of the task input into a high-dimensional feature space by exploiting the system's internal dynamics. A trained readout layer then combines features to perform tasks, such as pattern recognition and time-series analysis. Despite progress, achieving state-of-the-art performance without external signal processing to the reservoir remains challenging. Here we show, through simulation, that magnetic materials in thin-film geometries can realise reservoir computers with greater than or similar accuracy to digital recurrent neural networks. Our results reveal that basic spin properties of magnetic films generate the required nonlinear dynamics and memory to solve machine learning tasks. Furthermore, we show that neuromorphic hardware can be reduced in size by removing the need for discrete neural components and external processing. The natural dynamics and nanoscale size of magnetic thin-films present a new path towards fast energy-efficient computing with the potential to innovate portable smart devices, self driving vehicles, and robotics