2 research outputs found

    Wi-Fi Location Determination for Semantic Locations

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    In Wi-Fi location determination literature, little attention is paid to locations that do not have numeric, geometric coordinates, though many users prefer the convenience of non-coordinate locations (consider the ease of giving a street address as opposed to giving latitude and longitude). It is not often easy to tell from the title or abstract of a Wi-Fi location determination article whether or not it has applicability to semantic locations such as room-level names. This article surveys the literature through 2011 on Wi-Fi localization for symbolic locations

    The Role of Semantic Locations for Mobile Information Access

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    Abstract: The concept of symbolic or semantic locations significantly simplifies the development of several applications that access location information in mobile scenarios. This paper motivates the idea of semantic locations and presents the Nimbus framework, which was designed and realized to support developers of location-based applications and services. Nimbus considers the requirements of clients in mobile environments. It is based on a decentralized and self-organizing runtime infrastructure and thus highly scalableand accessible for mobile users.