2 research outputs found

    Fast biped walking with a neuronal controller and physical computation

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    Biped walking remains a difficult problem and robot models can greatly {facilitate} our understanding of the underlying biomechanical principles as well as their neuronal control. The goal of this study is to specifically demonstrate that stable biped walking can be achieved by combining the physical properties of the walking robot with a small, reflex-based neuronal network, which is governed mainly by local sensor signals. This study shows that human-like gaits emerge without {specific} position or trajectory control and that the walker is able to compensate small disturbances through its own dynamical properties. The reflexive controller used here has the following characteristics, which are different from earlier approaches: (1) Control is mainly local. Hence, it uses only two signals (AEA=Anterior Extreme Angle and GC=Ground Contact) which operate at the inter-joint level. All other signals operate only at single joints. (2) Neither position control nor trajectory tracking control is used. Instead, the approximate nature of the local reflexes on each joint allows the robot mechanics itself (e.g., its passive dynamics) to contribute substantially to the overall gait trajectory computation. (3) The motor control scheme used in the local reflexes of our robot is more straightforward and has more biological plausibility than that of other robots, because the outputs of the motorneurons in our reflexive controller are directly driving the motors of the joints, rather than working as references for position or velocity control. As a consequence, the neural controller and the robot mechanics are closely coupled as a neuro-mechanical system and this study emphasises that dynamically stable biped walking gaits emerge from the coupling between neural computation and physical computation. This is demonstrated by different walking experiments using two real robot as well as by a Poincar\'{e} map analysis applied on a model of the robot in order to assess its stability. In addition, this neuronal control structure allows the use of a policy gradient reinforcement learning algorithm to tune the parameters of the neurons in real-time, during walking. This way the robot can reach a record-breaking walking speed of 3.5 leg-lengths per second after only a few minutes of online learning, which is even comparable to the fastest relative speed of human walking

    The role of motion dynamics in the design, control and stability of bipedal and quadrupedal robots

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    Fundamental principles and recent methods for investigating the nonlinear dynamics of legged robot motions with respect to control, stability and design are discussed. One of them is the still challenging problem of producing dynamically stable gaits. The generation of fast walking or running motions require methods and algorithms adept at handling the nonlinear dynamical effects and stability issues which arise. Reduced, recursive multibody algorithms, a numerical optimal control package, and new stability and energy performance indices are presented which are well-suited for this purpose. Difficulties and open problems are discussed along with numerical investigations into the proposed gait generation scheme. Our analysis considers both biped and quadrupedal gaits with particular reference to the problems arising in soccer-playing tasks encountered at the RoboCup where our team, the Darmstadt Dribbling Dackels, participates as part of the German Team in the Sony Legged Robot League