3 research outputs found

    A Game-based Approach to Understand Human Factors in Supply Chains and Quality Management

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    Abstract Quality management is an important function for viable production networks. In order to qualify decision makers to understand the fundamental principles of quality management in production networks, a game-based simulation and learning environment is developed, which can furthermore be used to understand how human factors influence the quality of decisions in complex production networks. Previous studies have shown that underlying factors must exist, which predict the players' performance. It is currently unexplored, which factors are contributing to high performance. To deeper investigate which human factors are critical for supply chain success and to further refine the quality management game a series of studies were examined. As expected, expertise had a great impact on performance, however contrary to the expectations cognitive skills had none. The refined decision dashboard, with seamlessly integrated self-adapting visualizations on key performance indicators, had a significant positive impact on game performance. The studies suggest that the developed game is a valuable contribution for the qualification of quality managers, as the quality of decision increased

    Entwicklung und Evaluation der virtuellen Lern- und Arbeitsumgebung VILA

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    Im Beitrag wird von der theoriegestützten Entwicklung und Evaluation der virtuellen Lern- und Arbeitsumgebung VILA berichtet. VILA wurde für die berufliche Aus- und Weiter­bildung von Fachkräften im industriellen Dienstleistungsbereich entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse der mit (angehenden) Servicetechnikern in gewerblich-technischen Domänen (n = 62) und Berufs- und Technikpädagogen (n = 72) durchgeführte Evaluation lassen darauf schließen, dass die virtuelle Lern- und Arbeitsumgebung VILA mit ihren technologischen und funktionalen Optionen sowie ihrem methodisch-didaktischen Konzept zentrale Anforderun­gen an ein situiertes und flexibles Lernen erfüllt und von den Befragten im Hinblick auf Usability, räumliche Präsenz und Flow-Erleben positiv wahrgenommen wird. In einem Strukturmodell zeigt sich, dass vor allem die wahrgenommene räumliche Präsenz das Flow-Erleben im virtuellen Setting determiniert.Schlüsselwörter: Virtuelles Lernen, Usability, räumliche Präsenz, Flow-Erleben, Evaluatio

    The Role of Human Factors in Production Networks and Quality Management

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    Abstract. Quality management in production networks is often neglected. To raise awareness for this subject, we developed an educational game in which players are responsible for managing orders and investments in quality assurance of a manufacturing company. To understand individual performance differences and playing strategy, we conducted a web-based study with 127 participants. Individual performance differences were discovered. Players who closely observe the company data and frequently modify order levels and quality investments perform significantly better. Furthermore, we found that the game model works and that the awareness towards quality assurance increases through the interaction with the game. Hence, the game is a suitable educational tool for teaching decision making in quality management