27,895 research outputs found

    Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system: A theoretical framework proposal

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand, with an emphasis on the psychological perspective of the research problem, the consumer's adoption and use of a certain web site recommendation system as well as the main psychological outcomes involved. The approach takes the form of theoretical modelling. Findings: A conceptual model is proposed and discussed. A total of 20 research propositions are theoretically analyzed and justified. Research limitations/implications: The theoretical discussion developed here is not empirically validated. This represents an opportunity for future research. Practical implications: The ideas extracted from the discussion of the conceptual model should be a help for recommendation systems designers and web site managers, so that they may be more aware, when working with such systems, of the psychological process consumers undergo when interacting with them. In this regard, numerous practical reflections and suggestions are presented

    The Customer-Centered B2C Literature through the Lens of Activity Theory: A Review and Research Agenda

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    A multitude of published research studies investigate the B2C phenomenon from the customer point of view. At this point, making sense of such a large number of studies is a difficult task. The aim of this paper is to organize the literature to provide a clear depiction of what we know and what we don\u27t know about it in order to identify specific areas where future research efforts are needed. A review of the B2C literature of the past seven years yielded 115 papers investigating the phenomenon from the user/customer perspective, 74 of these were empirical. This literature is organized according to the Activity Theory framework, allowing for an enhanced understanding of the phenomenon through a social context perspective. Future research directions are identified and discussed

    The Role of Self- and Functional Congruity on Online Retail Patronage Behavior

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    Three research objectives were determined for this study. The first objective was to explore online store image using both qualitative and quantitative methods to compare traditional store image dimensions and online store image dimensions. The second objective was to explore the relationships among self-congruity, functional congruity, online retail patronage behavior, and the possible moderators between to two types of congruity and online retail patronage behavior. The last objective was to compare the observed relationships based on the second objective between two types of online retailers: General merchandise online retailers vs. Specialty online retailers. To collect the data, in-depth interviews as well as an extensive online survey was performed. The data were analyzed through a confirmatory factor analysis and a path analysis. Findings revealed that online store image was defined as six underlying dimensions: Purchase Process and Reliability, Depth and Width of Site Attraction, Cost and Time of Delivery, Price Competitiveness and Communication, Product and Information Availability, and Post-purchase Services. The significant relationships between two types of congruity and online retail patronage behavior were found. First, Self-congruity positively influenced online retail patronage behavior to a slight degree. Conversely, Functional congruity positively influenced online retail patronage behavior to a stronger degree. Consumers’ prior online shopping experience was identified as a moderator, such that consumers with higher prior experience used both functional and self related attributes to decide their online retail patronage behavior. Consumers with lower prior experience used mainly functional attributes to decide the online retail patronage behavior. Managerial and academic implications and future research directions based on the findings were offered

    The impact of product tagging on trust and purchase intention:A cross-cultural perspective in visual e-commerce

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    The present study aims to examine the opportunity of in-app shopping, more specifically, analyzing the influence of product tags and cultural background on consumers’ trust and purchase intention. For this purpose, a comparison was made between European and South American female consumers from two cultures: the Netherlands and Paraguay. A total of 225 subjects, 143 from the Dutch background and 82 from the Paraguayan background, participated in an experimental survey where they judged an Instagram product page (product tag: present vs. absent). The analysis of the results revealed that the Paraguayans had higher purchase intentions than the Dutch. Additionally, the presence of a text appeal in the visual product presentation had a direct positive effect on consumers’ purchase intentions and perceived trust in the shopping environment, for both the Dutch and Paraguayan cultural groups. In virtual web shops, perceiving trust is a decisive point for purchase intentions. This study contributes to the fast-growing investigations on social media effectiveness and visual marketing as an informative and persuasive tool. The findings pinpoint the synergic value of visual and textual cues of product presentation online in the atmospheric trust of in-app shopping. O presente estudo tem como objetivo examinar a oportunidade de compras no aplicativo, mais especificamente, analisando a influência das marcas do produto e da formação cultural na confiança e na intenção de compra dos consumidores. Para tanto, foi feita uma comparação entre consumidoras europeias e sul-americanas de duas culturas: Holanda e Paraguai. Um total de 225 indivíduos, 143 de origem holandesa e 82 de origem paraguaia, participaram de uma pesquisa experimental em que julgaram uma página de produto do Instagram (tag do produto: presente vs. ausente). A análise dos resultados revelou que os paraguaios tinham maior intenção de compra do que os holandeses. Além disso, a presença de um apelo de texto na apresentação visual do produto teve um efeito positivo direto nas intenções de compra dos consumidores e na percepção de confiança no ambiente de compras, tanto para grupos culturais holandeses quanto paraguaios. Nas lojas virtuais da Web, perceber a confiança é um ponto decisivo para as intenções de compra. Este estudo contribui para o rápido crescimento das investigações sobre a eficácia da mídia social e o marketing visual como uma ferramenta informativa e persuasiva. As descobertas apontam o valor sinérgico das dicas visuais e textuais da apresentação do produto online na confiança atmosférica das compras no aplicativo

    Influence Of Short Video Live Broadcast On Network User Behavior And Sales—From Meta-Analysis, Experimental Analysis To Empirical Analysis

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    Background: There are more than 1 billion users of short video media in China, and enterprises have long recognized that the influence of short video media has strong marketing achievements, such as short video community and information sharing platform participating in sales. Many enterprises have established active short video media so that they can directly interact with their customers. Among them, the content of webcasting can also stimulate and influence users' participation (like, comment or share) and users' stickiness (collection and attention). Research purposes and methods: In order to explore the underlying logical relationship between "media-content-goods-users-sales", firstly, it is necessary to find out the influence mechanism of short video live broadcast on network users' participation and sales. Therefore, in the first experiment, we conducted a meta-analysis on a large number of researches on webcasting media and short video media, and analyzed their differences along the content differences, background (industry, presentation, life cycle, demand and platform) and characteristics of webcasting media. Secondly, it is necessary for us to find out the differences in the influence of the level of webcasting and the behavior of network users (participation behavior and sticky behavior) on the sales level. Therefore, in Experiment 2, based on the data of 802 live events in Tik Tok, the internal relationship between the degree of webcasting and the degree of commodity sales was analyzed. Thirdly, it is necessary for us to understand the mechanism of the influence of webcasting marketing on consumer decision-making. Therefore, in Experiment 3, the psychological mechanism of webcasting affecting purchase intention was verified by structural equation model, and the adoption intention of webcasting users was determined and verified by three factors-webcasting, participation behavior and sticky behavior. Research results: This paper makes a comprehensive and in-depth analysis and verification through three experiments. The result of Experiment 1 supports some existing viewpoints, for example, webcasting media can promote the sales of new products more effectively, but it highlights some new insights. The webcasting media mainly promotes the sales of goods and hardly affects the stickiness of users. The average citation of webcasting media stickiness is 0.137, and the sales citation is 0.353. In addition, the research results also put forward a better way to adjust the content of webcasting media to meet the communication target. Experiment 2 found that it has a higher degree of webcasting (β1=.715, P < .01; β2=-.090, p<0.01) more effectively produces the degree of commodity sales, and further verifies the potential moderating effects of two kinds of user behaviors: user participation behavior and user stickiness behavior. Experiment 3 verified that webcasting (b = 0.247, t=3.317, p< 0.05) directly and significantly affected the degree of online sales, while the behavior of online users (participation of live users and live fans) adjusted the degree of online sales to a certain extent, which indirectly affected the degree of online goods sales. Research conclusion: With the rapid development of short video media today, enterprises can realize the online sales of goods more efficiently through a powerful short video live media based on media content and media users, and further realize the balanced operation between network users and fan users in a healthy and orderly manner. Keywords: Webcast, Meta-analysis, User behavior, Social media sales, Field experiment DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/104-13 Publication date: August 31st 202

    Online advertising and consumer behavior in Tunisia

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    The aim of this study was to present new mediating and moderating variables in the relationship between online advertising and purchase intention as well as visiting the store. Therefore, a qualitative study of 17 Tunisian Internet users was conducted (semi-structured interview). Results showed that the lifestyle change and the disposition to visit the store are the mediating variables between these consequences and electronic advertising (purchase intention and visiting the store). Furthermore, the involvement with the product is the moderating variable between e-advertising and lifestyle change, including disposition to visit the store

    The effect of Web interface features on consumer online shopping intentions

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    Amid the storm of hype over Internet adoption, it is observed that during the past years, organizations have taken considerable interest in eagerly acquiring computer hardware and software to implement electronic commerce (e-commerce) applications mostly to the detriment of human aspects of the information technology (IT) solutions (Freemantle, 2002; Lockwood & Lamp, 2000). Various Internet technologies, mostly the Web, have been implemented to offer online goods and services. Many credible estimates suggest that Internet buying and selling will account for close to $2 trillion of annual economic activity by 2004 (Citrin et al., 2003; Fry, 2000). While the promise of the Internet has become a reality many businesses cannot afford to ignore, use of this medium for communication and information has not been matched by its equivalent use for shopping (Citrin et al., 2003). Most notable are Web design problems that frustrate consumers\u27 online exchange activities (A. T. Kearney, 2000). This study proposes that features incorporated in the design of Web site interfaces can affect consumer online behavioral intentions to purchase and revisit. The study draws upon theories and prior studies in the fields of management, consumer behavior, management information systems, and related disciplines to address the research question of whether and how Web site interface design features determine online consumers\u27 perceptions, attitudes, flow experienced, and their online purchase and revisit intentions. Using data from a sample of 266 online consumers, the “best fit” structural model was selected among three a priori structural models. Results of the study confirmed most of the relationships hypothesized in the research model. It was found that, indeed, different categories of interface features have different influence levels on consumers\u27 perceptions. Whereas motivator factor was significantly related to the perceived informativeness, entertainment, and irritation; hygiene factor indicated significant relationships with only irritation. The study also found statistically significant support for the relationships between most of the perceptual variables and perceived usefulness of the site as well attitude toward the site. The role of flow experienced in determining purchase and revisit intentions received statistically significant support. Overall, the results of this study provide important insights into the online consumer experience, with implications for academic research and e-commerce systems design

    Growing Business in Live Commerce: A Tripartite Perspective and Product Heterogeneity

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    Live streaming becomes an important channel helping organizations and individual sellers boost their sales. Our research takes an integrated perspective and examines the simultaneous influences of streamers-, consumers-, and products-related factors on sales volume in live commerce. We apply multiple linear regression to analyze a panel data set collected from Taobao live in Double 11, 2020, which contained 34,925 product sales records. We find that streamers’ social capital, consumers’ engagement, and products’ live demonstration all significantly contribute to product sales volume. In addition, product heterogeneity matters in live commerce such that the effects of streamers’ social capital and products’ live demonstration on sales volume work only for experience products (not for search products) and for the products with less popular brands (not for the products with popular brands). Our research offers comprehensive insights for both researchers and practitioners on how to grow business in live commerce

    The Impact of Live Streaming E-commerce Features on Chinese Consumers\u27 Attitude and Purchase Intention

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    In recent years, live streaming e-commerce has been gaining popularity among Chinese consumers as a new social trend. Compared to traditional e-commerce, the shopping model of live streaming service plus e-commerce demonstrates some benefits of social media features, encouraging consumers to engage in live shopping. This study aims to predict how different live streaming e-commerce features (visibility, interactivity, price discount, and celebrity endorsement) influence Chinese consumers\u27 attitude and purchase intentions. It also examines how TPB components (subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and attitudes) can affect Chinese consumers\u27 purchase intention using a theoretical model combined with the TPB model and the S-O-R model. To achieve this goal, I collected 1239 valid questionnaires using the questionnaire method to explore the influence of correlation between these variables. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is conducted to validate each theoretical concept\u27s reliability and construct validity. The results of hierarchical linear regression indicate that all live e-commerce features positively correlate with consumers\u27 attitudes towards brands and platform use. Among them, price discount significantly impacted consumers\u27 attitudes towards platform use, while visibility, interactivity, and celebrity endorsement significantly impact on consumers\u27 attitudes towards brands. The results also showed that all TPB components positively correlated with consumer purchase intention. Consumers\u27 attitudes towards platform use had a stronger impact on consumers\u27 purchase intentions than the attitude towards brands
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