3 research outputs found

    Mechanical soy bean washing improves the performance of tempe crafters

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    The business of making tempe every day processes 50 kg of soybeans into tempeh done manually with 4 craftsmen. But the washing of soybeans is one of the most tiring activities because the crafters have to lift buckets filled with soybeans and water so that the weight of the bucket is quite heavy. The process of washing soybeans starts from the step of pouring 10 kg of soybeans into a bucket, giving water, stirring, lifting the bucket to pouring the water in the bucket. Washing the soybeans until clean is done by the craftsman continuously up to 5 times. Processing 50 kg of soybeans causes the craftsman to carry out the process of washing soybeans 25 times each day. The craftsman complains of back pain and both arms and sometimes the craftsman does not come to work if the pain is unbearable. Utilization of soybean washing tools can reduce the washing time so that the process can be completed more quickly and the crafters do not experience pain complaints. Mechanical soybean washing causes shorter washing time for soybeans, faster work, cleaner soybeans and crafters free from complaints of back pain

    Dough flattening machine increase the performance of the onion chips artisan

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    Onion chips are foods made from a dough of flour, water and other ingredients that can be easily found in various places, but are generally made manually. Dough making is an activity that requires the longest time and greatly determines the quality of the resulting onion chips. Crafters need a long time, great effort and complaints of pain in several parts of the body due to this activity. This service activity provides a dough sheeting tool to facilitate the work of craftsmen and reduce activity time. The quality of the onion chips produced is getting better and craftsmen are also free from complaints of muscle pain

    Improvement of production facilities for improving the sales of banana crafts managers and improving production facilities for improving the sales of banana crafts and peek crafts

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    The business of making chips has two main products namely peyek chips and banana chips. Making peyek chips and banana chips is done manually using a very simple production facility. The process of frying chips requires a long time because the craftsman only has 1 stove and 1 pan so that the frying process is carried out alternately between peyek and banana chips. This has an impact on a limited quantity of projects so that often customer requests cannot be fulfilled. The quality of chips produced sometimes does not satisfy consumers because it is not crispy if stored for a period of time. This is because the crafters use thin plastic and the process of adhesion to the packaging activities is carried out using candles and kerosene lamps. In addition to not sticking to plastic, there is also a hollow plastic package so that air can get into the chips. The dedication team provided solutions to increase production in the form of 2 units of high pressure cookers, 1 unit of furnace, 3 units of iron frying pan, 1 unit of plastic packaging adhesive (sealer), 1 unit of mechanical sweet potato slicer, 1 unit of semi-mechanical banana slicer, procurement brands and thick plastic. Utilization of these production facilities results in the addition of the types of products produced, namely tojin beans, sweet potato chips, pan flowers and rengginang. Increasing the quality and quantity of products has an impact on increasing the market so that it has been marketed to simple housing, medium housing complexes and now modern outlets are willing to accept the products produced