2,176 research outputs found

    On Maltsev Digraphs

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    This is an Open Access article, first published by E-CJ on 25 February 2015.We study digraphs preserved by a Maltsev operation: Maltsev digraphs. We show that these digraphs retract either onto a directed path or to the disjoint union of directed cycles, showing in this way that the constraint satisfaction problem for Maltsev digraphs is in logspace, L. We then generalize results from Kazda (2011) to show that a Maltsev digraph is preserved not only by a majority operation, but by a class of other operations (e.g., minority, Pixley) and obtain a O(|VG|4)-time algorithm to recognize Maltsev digraphs. We also prove analogous results for digraphs preserved by conservative Maltsev operations which we use to establish that the list homomorphism problem for Maltsev digraphs is in L. We then give a polynomial time characterisation of Maltsev digraphs admitting a conservative 2-semilattice operation. Finally, we give a simple inductive construction of directed acyclic digraphs preserved by a Maltsev operation, and relate them with series parallel digraphs.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Oriented coloring on recursively defined digraphs

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    Coloring is one of the most famous problems in graph theory. The coloring problem on undirected graphs has been well studied, whereas there are very few results for coloring problems on directed graphs. An oriented k-coloring of an oriented graph G=(V,A) is a partition of the vertex set V into k independent sets such that all the arcs linking two of these subsets have the same direction. The oriented chromatic number of an oriented graph G is the smallest k such that G allows an oriented k-coloring. Deciding whether an acyclic digraph allows an oriented 4-coloring is NP-hard. It follows, that finding the chromatic number of an oriented graph is an NP-hard problem. This motivates to consider the problem on oriented co-graphs. After giving several characterizations for this graph class, we show a linear time algorithm which computes an optimal oriented coloring for an oriented co-graph. We further prove how the oriented chromatic number can be computed for the disjoint union and order composition from the oriented chromatic number of the involved oriented co-graphs. It turns out that within oriented co-graphs the oriented chromatic number is equal to the length of a longest oriented path plus one. We also show that the graph isomorphism problem on oriented co-graphs can be solved in linear time.Comment: 14 page

    The Partial Visibility Representation Extension Problem

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    For a graph GG, a function ψ\psi is called a \emph{bar visibility representation} of GG when for each vertex v∈V(G)v \in V(G), ψ(v)\psi(v) is a horizontal line segment (\emph{bar}) and uv∈E(G)uv \in E(G) iff there is an unobstructed, vertical, ε\varepsilon-wide line of sight between ψ(u)\psi(u) and ψ(v)\psi(v). Graphs admitting such representations are well understood (via simple characterizations) and recognizable in linear time. For a directed graph GG, a bar visibility representation ψ\psi of GG, additionally, puts the bar ψ(u)\psi(u) strictly below the bar ψ(v)\psi(v) for each directed edge (u,v)(u,v) of GG. We study a generalization of the recognition problem where a function ψ′\psi' defined on a subset V′V' of V(G)V(G) is given and the question is whether there is a bar visibility representation ψ\psi of GG with ψ(v)=ψ′(v)\psi(v) = \psi'(v) for every v∈V′v \in V'. We show that for undirected graphs this problem together with closely related problems are \NP-complete, but for certain cases involving directed graphs it is solvable in polynomial time.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Extension of One-Dimensional Proximity Regions to Higher Dimensions

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    Proximity maps and regions are defined based on the relative allocation of points from two or more classes in an area of interest and are used to construct random graphs called proximity catch digraphs (PCDs) which have applications in various fields. The simplest of such maps is the spherical proximity map which maps a point from the class of interest to a disk centered at the same point with radius being the distance to the closest point from the other class in the region. The spherical proximity map gave rise to class cover catch digraph (CCCD) which was applied to pattern classification. Furthermore for uniform data on the real line, the exact and asymptotic distribution of the domination number of CCCDs were analytically available. In this article, we determine some appealing properties of the spherical proximity map in compact intervals on the real line and use these properties as a guideline for defining new proximity maps in higher dimensions. Delaunay triangulation is used to partition the region of interest in higher dimensions. Furthermore, we introduce the auxiliary tools used for the construction of the new proximity maps, as well as some related concepts that will be used in the investigation and comparison of them and the resulting graphs. We characterize the geometry invariance of PCDs for uniform data. We also provide some newly defined proximity maps in higher dimensions as illustrative examples

    A Provenance Tracking Model for Data Updates

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    For data-centric systems, provenance tracking is particularly important when the system is open and decentralised, such as the Web of Linked Data. In this paper, a concise but expressive calculus which models data updates is presented. The calculus is used to provide an operational semantics for a system where data and updates interact concurrently. The operational semantics of the calculus also tracks the provenance of data with respect to updates. This provides a new formal semantics extending provenance diagrams which takes into account the execution of processes in a concurrent setting. Moreover, a sound and complete model for the calculus based on ideals of series-parallel DAGs is provided. The notion of provenance introduced can be used as a subjective indicator of the quality of data in concurrent interacting systems.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2012, arXiv:1208.432
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