4 research outputs found

    The Quality Measurement of China High-Technology Exports

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    The foreign-led processing trade is an important driving factor in the process of China\u27s rapid economic growth. Since the reform and opening up, China\u27s foreign trade is growing rapidly with the product structure upgrading. Even so, the products made in China are still the byword of the low quality. To a large extent, China\u27s export structure is not due to the local enterprises improving the technical content of the export, but to the processing trade and foreign enterprises participation. More and more study is focusing on the export product quality analysis and its influencing factors. However, it also obscures the real quality of Chinese exports, especially high-tech products. This paper measures the true quality level of Chinese high-tech exports by quality index model, and compares it with the obscured quality and exports quality of 14 countries

    High technology exports: The analysis for leader countries and Turkey

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    Sürdürülebilir bir büyüme performansına ulaşmak için ülkelerin ihracat pazarlarında fiyat dışı faktörlerde rekabetçi olması önemlidir. Küreselleşme ve dışa açıklığın hız kazanması ile birlikte ülkeler katma değer artışı sağlamak için teknoloji yoğunluğu yüksek nitelikli ürünlerin üretim ve ihracatını artırmayı hedeflemişlerdir. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı yüksek teknolojili ürün ihracatını belirleyen faktörlerin neler olduğunu ortaya koymak ve bu değişkenlerle 1989-2016 dönemi için VAR modelinden yararlanarak Türkiye analizi yapmaktır. Etki tepki fonksiyonlarına bakıldığında sadece sanayi sektöründeki katma değer (LNIKD) değişkeninin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu bulunmuştur. Sanayi sektöründeki katma değer düşüşüne yüksek teknolojili ürün ihracatı ikinci dönemde azalarak tepki vermiştir. Varyans ayrıştırma analizine göre ise, ikinci dönemden itibaren yüksek teknolojili ürün ihracatının kendi gecikmelerinin etkisi azalmakta ve diğer değişkenlerin katkısı ortaya çıkmaktadır

    Perceived gender-based barriers to business start-up amongst prospective farmers in South Africa

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    Few female farmers are participating in the sector due to various gender-based challenges that they face. The purpose of this study was to investigate prospective farmers’ motivation and their personal attitude to starting their own businesses, as well as their perceptions of barriers to successful business start-ups in the sector. The Prospective Farmers Profile Questionnaire was distributed to 421 prospective farmers (agricultural students at six institutions of higher learning in South Africa). There was an estimated 3,486 students enrolled for various agriculture-related qualifications in the country when this cross-sectional, quantitative study was carried out. The aim of the study was to investigate perceived gender-based barriers to business start-up amongst prospective farmers in SA. The study found perceived barriers to be either intrinsic, (such as, risk aversion, innovation and self efficacy) and extrinsic, examples being, social cultural, political skills and access to land among others factors. The study also intended to find out if (1) motivation to start a business (2) taking responsibility (entrepreneurial orientation) and (3) entrepreneurial intention, were predicted by a number of select business start up factors. The findings were that motivation was predicted by only one business start up factor, socio-cultural forces; while four key factors; motivation, proactiveness, creativity and socio-cultural forces did predict taking responsibility (EO). Entrepreneurial intention (EI) is predicted by three key factors, namely socio-cultural forces, motivation and creativity. It is recommended that prospective farmers be introduced to the importance of social networking and socio-cultural forces in entrepreneurship. Furthermore, entrepreneurial education is required from government, institutions of higher learning and other organisations to educate prospective farmers on the influence of barriers to business start-up.The study was conducted on undergraduate agricultural students and should be extended to post-graduate farmers in South Africa, that is practising farming. A comparison between prospective farmers and prospective entrepreneurs from other disciplines should also be undertaken.This is a South African study and the results cannot be generalised. Therefore, the study could be expanded to other regions and future comparative studies could be done.Applied ManagementD. Phil. (Entrepreneurship in the Faculty of Management Sciences