4 research outputs found

    Identification of Piecewise Constant Robin Coefficient for the Stokes Problem Using the Levenberg-Marquardt Method

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    In this work, we prove the quadratic convergence of the Levenberg-Marquardt method for the inverse problem of identifying a Robin coefficient for the Stokes system, where we suppose that this parameter is piecewise constant on some non accessible part of the boundary and under the assumption that on this part, the velocity of a given reference solution stays far from zero

    Some recent advances in projection-type methods for variational inequalities

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    AbstractProjection-type methods are a class of simple methods for solving variational inequalities, especially for complementarity problems. In this paper we review and summarize recent developments in this class of methods, and focus mainly on some new trends in projection-type methods

    The Proximal Point Algorithm With Genuine Superlinear Convergence for the Monotone Complementarity Problem

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    In this paper, we consider a proximal point algorithm (PPA) for solving monotone nonlinear complementarity problems (NCP). PPA generates a sequence by solving subproblems that are regularizations of the original problem. It is known that PPA has global and superlinear convergence property under appropriate criteria for approximate solutions of subproblems. However, it is not always easy to solve subproblems or to check those criteria. In this paper, we adopt the generalized Newton method proposed by De Luca, Facchinei and Kanzow to solve subproblems and some NCP functions to check the criteria. Then we show that the PPA converges globally provided that the solution set of the problem is nonempty. Moreover, without assuming the local uniqueness of the solution, we show that the rate of convergence is superlinear in a genuine sense, provided that the limit point satisfies the strict complementarity condition

    Local Convergence of Newton-type Methods for Nonsmooth Constrained Equations and Applications

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    In this thesis we consider constrained systems of equations. The focus is on local Newton-type methods for the solution of constrained systems which converge locally quadratically under mild assumptions implying neither local uniqueness of solutions nor differentiability of the equation function at solutions. The first aim of this thesis is to improve existing local convergence results of the constrained Levenberg-Marquardt method. To this end, we describe a general Newton-type algorithm. Then we prove local quadratic convergence of this general algorithm under the same four assumptions which were recently used for the local convergence analysis of the LP-Newton method. Afterwards, we show that, besides the LP-Newton method, the constrained Levenberg-Marquardt method can be regarded as a special realization of the general Newton-type algorithm and therefore enjoys the same local convergence properties. Thus, local quadratic convergence of a nonsmooth constrained Levenberg-Marquardt method is proved without requiring conditions implying the local uniqueness of solutions. As already mentioned, we use four assumptions for the local convergence analysis of the general Newton-type algorithm. The second aim of this thesis is a detailed discussion of these convergence assumptions for the case that the equation function of the constrained system is piecewise continuously differentiable. Some of the convergence assumptions seem quite technical and difficult to check. Therefore, we look for sufficient conditions which are still mild but which seem to be more familiar. We will particularly prove that the whole set of the convergence assumptions holds if some set of local error bound conditions is satisfied and in addition the feasible set of the constrained system excludes those zeros of the selection functions which are not zeros of the equation function itself, at least in a sufficiently small neighborhood of some fixed solution. We apply our results to constrained systems arising from complementarity systems, i.e., systems of equations and inequalities which contain complementarity constraints. Our new conditions are discussed for a suitable reformulation of the complementarity system as constrained system of equations by means of the minimum function. In particular, it will turn out that the whole set of the convergence assumptions is actually implied by some set of local error bound conditions. In addition, we provide a new constant rank condition implying the whole set of the convergence assumptions. Particularly, we provide adapted formulations of our new conditions for special classes of complementarity systems. We consider Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) systems arising from optimization problems, variational inequalities, or generalized Nash equilibrium problems (GNEPs) and Fritz-John (FJ) systems arising from GNEPs. Thus, we obtain for each problem class conditions which guarantee local quadratic convergence of the general Newton-type algorithm and its special realizations to a solution of the particular problem. Moreover, we prove for FJ systems of GNEPs that generically some full row rank condition is satisfied at any solution of the FJ system of a GNEP. The latter condition implies the whole set of the convergence assumptions if the functions which characterize the GNEP are sufficiently smooth. Finally, we describe an idea for a possible globalization of our Newton-type methods, at least for the case that the constrained system arises from a certain smooth reformulation of the KKT system of a GNEP. More precisely, a hybrid method is presented whose local part is the LP-Newton method. The hybrid method turns out to be, under appropriate conditions, both globally and locally quadratically convergent