4 research outputs found

    Adaptive prefetching for shared cache based chip multiprocessors

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    Chip multiprocessors (CMPs) present a unique scenario for software data prefetching with subtle tradeoffs between memory bandwidth and performance. In a shared L2 based CMP, multiple cores compete for the shared on-chip cache space and limited off-chip pin bandwidth. Purely software based prefetching techniques tend to increase this contention, leading to degradation in performance. In some cases, prefetches can become harmful by kicking out useful data from the shared cache whose next usage is earlier than the prefetched data, and the fraction of such harmful prefetches usually increases when we increase the number of cores used for executing a multi-threaded application code. In this paper, we propose two complementary techniques to address the problem of harmful prefetches in the context of shared L2 based CMPs. These techniques, namely, suppressing select data prefetches (if they are found to be harmful) and pinning select data in the L2 cache (if they are found to be frequent victim of harmful prefetches), are evaluated in this paper using two embedded application codes. Our experiments demonstrate that these two techniques are very effective in mitigating the impact of harmful prefetches, and as a result, we extract significant benefits from software prefetching even with large core counts. © 2009 EDAA

    Ubiquitous Memory Introspection (Preliminary Manuscript)

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    Modern memory systems play a critical role in the performance ofapplications, but a detailed understanding of the application behaviorin the memory system is not trivial to attain. It requires timeconsuming simulations of the memory hierarchy using long traces, andoften using detailed modeling. It is increasingly possible to accesshardware performance counters to measure events in the memory system,but the measurements remain coarse grained, better suited forperformance summaries than providing instruction level feedback. Theavailability of a low cost, online, and accurate methodology forderiving fine-grained memory behavior profiles can prove extremelyuseful for runtime analysis and optimization of programs.This paper presents a new methodology for Ubiquitous MemoryIntrospection (UMI). It is an online and lightweight mini-simulationmethodology that focuses on simulating short memory access tracesrecorded from frequently executed code regions. The simulations arefast and can provide profiling results at varying granularities, downto that of a single instruction or address. UMI naturally complementsruntime optimizations techniques and enables new opportunities formemory specific optimizations.In this paper, we present a prototype implementation of a runtimesystem implementing UMI. The prototype is readily deployed oncommodity processors, requires no user intervention, and can operatewith stripped binaries and legacy software. The prototype operateswith an average runtime overhead of 20% but this slowdown is only 6%slower than a state of the art binary instrumentation tool. We used32 benchmarks, including the full suite of SPEC2000 benchmarks, forour evaluation. We show that the mini-simulation results accuratelyreflect the cache performance of two existing memory systems, anIntel Pentium~4 and an AMD Athlon MP (K7) processor. We alsodemonstrate that low level profiling information from the onlinesimulation can serve to identify high-miss rate load instructions with a77% rate of accuracy compared to full offline simulations thatrequired days to complete. The online profiling results are used atruntime to implement a simple software prefetching strategy thatachieves a speedup greater than 60% in the best case

    Memory-Processor Co-Scheduling in Fixed Priority Systems

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    ABSTRACT A major obstacle towards the adoption of multi-core platforms for real-time systems is given by the difficulties in characterizing the interference due to memory contention. The simple fact that multiple cores may simultaneously access shared memory and communication resources introduces a significant pessimism in the timing and schedulability analysis. To counter this problem, predictable execution models have been proposed splitting task executions into two consecutive phases: a memory phase in which the required instruction and data are pre-fetched to local memory (Mphase), and an execution phase in which the task is executed with no memory contention (C-phase). Decoupling memory and execution phases not only simplifies the timing analysis, but it also allows a more efficient (and predictable) pipelining of memory and execution phases through proper co-scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we take a further step towards the design of smart co-scheduling algorithms for sporadic real-time tasks complying with the M/C (memory-computation) model. We provide a theoretical framework that aims at tightly characterizing the schedulability improvement obtainable with the adopted M/C task model on a single-core systems. We identify a tight critical instant for M/C tasks scheduled with fixed priority, providing an exact response-time analysis with pseudo-polynomial complexity. We show in our experiments that a significant schedulability improvement may be obtained with respect to classic execution models, placing an important building block towards the design of more efficient partitioned multi-core systems

    Hyfs: design and implementation of a reliable file system

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    Building reliable data storage systems is crucial to any commercial or scientific applications. Modern storage systems are complicated, and they are comprised of many components, from hardware to software. Problems may occur to any component of storage systems and cause data loss. When this kind of failures happens, storage systems cannot continue their data services, which may result in large revenue loss or even catastrophe to enterprises. Therefore, it is critically important to build reliable storage systems to ensure data reliability. In this dissertation, we propose to employ general erasure codes to build a reliable file system, called HyFS. HyFS is a cluster system, which can aggregate distributed storage servers to provide reliable data service. On client side, HyFS is implemented as a native file system so that applications can transparently run on top of HyFS. On server side, HyFS utilizes multiple distributed storage servers to provide highly reliable data service by employing erasure codes. HyFS is able to offer high throughput for either random or sequential file access, which makes HyFS an attractive choice for primary or backup storage systems. This dissertation studies five relevant topics of HyFS. Firstly, it presents several algorithms that can perform encoding operation efficiently for XOR-based erasure codes. Secondly, it discusses an efficient decoding algorithm for RAID-6 erasure codes. This algorithm can recover various types of disk failures. Thirdly, it describes an efficient algorithm to detect and correct errors for the STAR code, which further improves a storage system\u27s reliability. Fourthly, it describes efficient implementations for the arithmetic operations of large finite fields. This is to improve a storage system\u27s security. Lastly and most importantly, it presents the design and implementation of HyFS and evaluates the performance of HyFS