6 research outputs found

    Gesture based persuasive interfaces for public ambient displays

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática 2º Semestre, 2011/2012This Master thesis studies how Public Ambient Displays (PAD) can be used as a tool to achieve behaviour change, through persuasive technology. In order to reach the goals of the thesis, an interactive public ambient display system called Motion-based Ambient Interactive Display (MAID) was developed. MAID is driven to motivate behaviour changes regarding domestic energy consumption, through a persuasive game interface based on gesture recognition technology. The developed prototype guides players through the different rooms of a house, where they have to find out what is wrong and practice the correct actions to save energy, using similar gestures to the ones they would use in real life to achieve the same goals. The system provides feedback regarding the consequences of each action, in order to make users aware of the consequences of their actions. The implementation of MAID is based on a purpose built, highly configurable and modular framework. It allows the administrator to fine tune and tweak the application to the necessities of the setup location constraints, by adjusting basic display properties, change image content or even modify the scripted gameplay itself. The scripted game system is flexible enough to allow the repurposing of the framework, beyond the previously defined theme, for future studies. The MAID was subjected to user testing, in order to show that it is possible to create a persuasive PAD interface, using seamless interaction methods, with the currently available technology, and use it to spread awareness of a cause, leading to behaviour change.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - project DEAP (PTDC/AAC-AMB/104834/2008); CITI/DI/FCT/UNL (PEst-OE/EEI/UI0527/201

    Developing persuasive interfaces

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    MSCC Dissertation in Computer EngineeringNowadays, computers are indispensable tools for most people. Since computers’ role is to make everyone’s life easier, systems can be built to be of even more assistance. While today people have to learn how to interact with computers, in the future, instead of having to do that, computer systems will be blended in our everyday things. It is expected that technology will come to a point where it is natural to interact with it like with every other object. Computers have been gaining their space in our lives being considered machines that can do almost anything. This master thesis has the purpose of studying how computers can be used as persuasive technology. To build persuasive systems it is important to know that humans are very different from each other. Given this idea it is of extreme importance that the system is able to determine as much aspects of the surrounding environment as it can, to process that information and interact with people accordingly. To achieve a solution that is effective for this concept, a study of persuasive systems is presented in this document. An architecture was developed in order to provide an infrastructure for the development of persuasive applications. An authoring tool was also implemented in order to allow the creation of context aware persuasive applications by users without programming skills. Furthermore, a persuasive application prototype was developed as proof of concept for this study. Usability tests were performed to analyze if users could successfully create the application prototype, named Smart Bins, using the proposed framework. Further user tests were executed with children, the target users of the application prototype, to evaluate its usability and persuasiveness. A description of the Smart Bins application as well as the results of the user tests are presented in this thesis. The results provide further understanding and new perspectives regarding the use of persuasive technologies as interactive computer products, designed to change people’s habits, therefore helping to improve human’s attitudes and behaviours towards important matters like environmental preservation

    Mobile persuasive interfaces for public ambient displays

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThrough the use of persuasive technology, it is possible to influence the attitudes and behaviors of people in order to lead them to perform actions that, probably, they would not do otherwise. Thus, this technology can be used in several domains such as health, education, business, safety and environment in order to obtain positive changes. This dissertation aims to bring awareness of the consequences of users’ actions on the natural resources of our planet, which are not infinite. Therefore, it was designed and implemented Gaea, a prototype that introduces new forms of interaction between mobile devices and public ambient displays, allied to the use of persuasive technology. Gaea allows users to recycle virtual objects spread on a geographical area, using a mobile device to locate and collect the virtual objects that should be dropped on the correct virtual recycle bins, that are available when near the public ambient display. It is also studied the impact of this type of interaction in the users’ environmental behavior, and if the use of persuasion through social networks has an impact on the popularity of the prototype. The results obtained were very positive, and may give a considerable contribution to the future development of pervasive applications, that increase people awareness and influence a large number of people to change their attitudes and behaviors, regardless the area of study

    Designing Tools for Reflection: a concept-driven approach

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    We are surrounded by objects. We often use and interact with them to do our daily activities. They do not only support us and augment our abilities, but also, can be considered as companions of our thoughts. We think with objects, because they contain information about us: about our memories, experiences, emotions, and activities as Sherry Turkle highlights (2011). Furthermore, our everyday objects are increasingly computed, smart and connected to the Internet. They are able to collect data, elaborate and provide real-time feedbacks. These feedbacks cannot only support us to improve our activities, but also enables critical thinking and reflection on our actions. This resonates very well with what Donald Schön meant by having reflective conversation with materials at hand (1983;1996). He highlighted that materials –artifacts– of a situation talk back to designer, so they enable and support reflection in action of designing. So, how about if we consider that our daily objects can talk back and make us think on our actions in order to consider alternatives? This dissertation, is an attempt to consider this opportunity. The nature of this dissertation is mostly conceptual and its scope is defining the physical and behavioral characteristics of smart artifacts able to provoke thoughts and reflection in user leading to a conscious behavior change. I sought to use existing theories about reflective thinking in HCI and beyond, as valuable sources for developing design concept. I have been inspired by the Concept-Driven interaction design research (Stolterman and Wiberg 2011) and created and defined the whole structure of this dissertation based on this methodology, from the definition of the concept – Tool for Reflection – to the construction of a theoretical model from the design outcome –Make Me Think model. During this process, I used different methods such as conducting literature analysis, context analysis, survey, participatory session and prototyping. The sustainable urban mobility behaviors in the city of Turin (Italy) as the target behavior and home as the place for using Tool for Reflection have been chosen for this research. In particular, informed by architectural studies, I conceptualized In-Between Places as a category of places that connect home places to city places. I suggested to consider such areas as suitable places for evoking thoughts on urban mobility behaviors, in home. This dissertation provides a theoretical perspective with which to guide the design of smart objects that evoke reflection. It first provides a set of characteristics of a Tool for Reflection as a physical artifact. Then it provides a theoretical model, considering the relationship between a Tool for Reflection and a user. The key contributions include the design of the Sóle, a smart lamp, not only as an example of a Tool for Reflection with its theoretically pre-defined characteristics, but also as an instrument for iterating from design to the theory. The overall approach, the methodology and the findings should be of interest in particular to researchers working on design for reflection in the HCI. More broadly this dissertation can be of interest of researchers in the HCI, whose research is around designing artifacts, both as an ‘outcome’ and as an ‘instrument’ of the research process

    The PerCues framework and its application for sustainable mobility

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    This paper presents a framework, design and study of an ambient persuasive interface. We introduce a novel framework of persua sive Cues in Ambient Intelligence (perCues). Based on this framework we designed an application for mobile devices. The application aims to persuade people to abstain from using their cars and to use public mass transportation instead in order to reduce emissions. It contains a bus schedule and information about the pollution status. We evaluated the application in two successive studies regarding user acceptance, oppor tune moments of use and persuasive effects. The perCues received a high acceptance due to its benefit for the users. The results confirm the im portance of opportune moment and user acceptance for persuasion. The findings also indicate the persuasive potential of perCues