371 research outputs found

    The peeling process of infinite Boltzmann planar maps

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    We start by studying a peeling process on finite random planar maps with faces of arbitrary degrees determined by a general weight sequence, which satisfies an admissibility criterion. The corresponding perimeter process is identified as a biased random walk, in terms of which the admissibility criterion has a very simple interpretation. The finite random planar maps under consideration were recently proved to possess a well-defined local limit known as the infinite Boltzmann planar map (IBPM). Inspired by recent work of Curien and Le Gall, we show that the peeling process on the IBPM can be obtained from the peeling process of finite random maps by conditioning the perimeter process to stay positive. The simplicity of the resulting description of the peeling process allows us to obtain the scaling limit of the associated perimeter and volume process for arbitrary regular critical weight sequences.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, several improvement

    Martingales in self-similar growth-fragmentations and their connections with random planar maps

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    The purpose of the present work is twofold. First, we develop the theory of general self-similar growth-fragmentation processes by focusing on martingales which appear naturally in this setting and by recasting classical results for branching random walks in this framework. In particular, we establish many-to-one formulas for growth-fragmentations and define the notion of intrinsic area of a growth-fragmentation. Second, we identify a distinguished family of growth-fragmentations closely related to stable L\'evy processes, which are then shown to arise as the scaling limit of the perimeter process in Markovian explorations of certain random planar maps with large degrees (which are, roughly speaking, the dual maps of the stable maps of Le Gall & Miermont. As a consequence of this result, we are able to identify the law of the intrinsic area of these distinguished growth-fragmentations. This generalizes a geometric connection between large Boltzmann triangulations and a certain growth-fragmentation process, which was established in arXiv:1507.02265 .Comment: 50 pages, 5 figures. Final version: to appear in Probab. Theory Related Field

    Local limits of uniform triangulations in high genus

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    We prove a conjecture of Benjamini and Curien stating that the local limits of uniform random triangulations whose genus is proportional to the number of faces are the Planar Stochastic Hyperbolic Triangulations (PSHT) defined in arXiv:1401.3297. The proof relies on a combinatorial argument and the Goulden--Jackson recurrence relation to obtain tightness, and probabilistic arguments showing the uniqueness of the limit. As a consequence, we obtain asymptotics up to subexponential factors on the number of triangulations when both the size and the genus go to infinity. As a part of our proof, we also obtain the following result of independent interest: if a random triangulation of the plane TT is weakly Markovian in the sense that the probability to observe a finite triangulation tt around the root only depends on the perimeter and volume of tt, then TT is a mixture of PSHT.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure