18,572 research outputs found

    Counting Problems in Parameterized Complexity

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    This survey is an invitation to parameterized counting problems for readers with a background in parameterized algorithms and complexity. After an introduction to the peculiarities of counting complexity, we survey the parameterized approach to counting problems, with a focus on two topics of recent interest: Counting small patterns in large graphs, and counting perfect matchings and Hamiltonian cycles in well-structured graphs. While this survey presupposes familiarity with parameterized algorithms and complexity, we aim at explaining all relevant notions from counting complexity in a self-contained way

    Counting Complexity for Reasoning in Abstract Argumentation

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    In this paper, we consider counting and projected model counting of extensions in abstract argumentation for various semantics. When asking for projected counts we are interested in counting the number of extensions of a given argumentation framework while multiple extensions that are identical when restricted to the projected arguments count as only one projected extension. We establish classical complexity results and parameterized complexity results when the problems are parameterized by treewidth of the undirected argumentation graph. To obtain upper bounds for counting projected extensions, we introduce novel algorithms that exploit small treewidth of the undirected argumentation graph of the input instance by dynamic programming (DP). Our algorithms run in time double or triple exponential in the treewidth depending on the considered semantics. Finally, we take the exponential time hypothesis (ETH) into account and establish lower bounds of bounded treewidth algorithms for counting extensions and projected extension.Comment: Extended version of a paper published at AAAI-1

    Counting Problems on Quantum Graphs: Parameterized and Exact Complexity Classifications

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    Quantum graphs, as defined by Lovász in the late 60s, are formal linear combinations of simple graphs with finite support. They allow for the complexity analysis of the problem of computing finite linear combinations of homomorphism counts, the latter of which constitute the foundation of the structural hardness theory for parameterized counting problems: The framework of parameterized counting complexity was introduced by Flum and Grohe, and McCartin in 2002 and forms a hybrid between the classical field of computational counting as founded by Valiant in the late 70s and the paradigm of parameterized complexity theory due to Downey and Fellows which originated in the early 90s. The problem of computing homomorphism numbers of quantum graphs subsumes general motif counting problems and the complexity theoretic implications have only turned out recently in a breakthrough regarding the parameterized subgraph counting problem by Curticapean, Dell and Marx in 2017. We study the problems of counting partially injective and edge-injective homomorphisms, counting induced subgraphs, as well as counting answers to existential first-order queries. We establish novel combinatorial, algebraic and even topological properties of quantum graphs that allow us to provide exhaustive parameterized and exact complexity classifications, including necessary, sufficient and mostly explicit tractability criteria, for all of the previous problems.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Komplexit atsanalyse von mathematischen Problemen die als Linearkombinationen von Graphhomomorphismenzahlen darstellbar sind. Dazu wird sich sogenannter Quantengraphen bedient, bei denen es sich um formale Linearkombinationen von Graphen handelt und welche von Lov asz Ende der 60er eingef uhrt wurden. Die Bestimmung der Komplexit at solcher Probleme erfolgt unter dem von Flum, Grohe und McCartin im Jahre 2002 vorgestellten Paradigma der parametrisierten Z ahlkomplexit atstheorie, die als Hybrid der von Valiant Ende der 70er begr undeten klassischen Z ahlkomplexit atstheorie und der von Downey und Fellows Anfang der 90er eingef uhrten parametrisierten Analyse zu verstehen ist. Die Berechnung von Homomorphismenzahlen zwischen Quantengraphen und Graphen subsumiert im weitesten Sinne all jene Probleme, die das Z ahlen von kleinen Mustern in gro en Strukturen erfordern. Aufbauend auf dem daraus resultierenden Durchbruch von Curticapean, Dell und Marx, das Subgraphz ahlproblem betre end, behandelt diese Arbeit die Analyse der Probleme des Z ahlens von partiell- und kanteninjektiven Homomorphismen, induzierten Subgraphen, und Tre ern von relationalen Datenbankabfragen die sich als existentielle Formeln ausdr ucken lassen. Insbesondere werden dabei neue kombinatorische, algebraische und topologische Eigenschaften von Quantengraphen etabliert, die hinreichende, notwendige und meist explizite Kriterien f ur die Existenz e zienter Algorithmen liefern

    Speeding up Networks Mining via Neighborhood Diversity

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    Parameterized complexity was classically used to efficiently solve NP-hard problems for small values of a fixed parameter. Then it has also been used as a tool to speed up algorithms for tractable problems. Following this line of research, we design algorithms parameterized by neighborhood diversity (nd) for several graph theoretic problems in P (e.g., Maximum Matching, Triangle counting and listing, Girth and Global minimum vertex cut). Such problems are known to admit algorithms parameterized by modular-width (mw) and consequently - being the nd a "special case" of mw - by nd. However, the proposed novel algorithms allow to improve the computational complexity from a time O(f(mw)? n +m) - where n and m denote, respectively, the number of vertices and edges in the input graph - which is multiplicative in n to a time O(g(nd)+n +m) which is additive only in the size of the input

    Parameterized (Modular) Counting and Cayley Graph Expanders

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    We study the problem #EdgeSub(?) of counting k-edge subgraphs satisfying a given graph property ? in a large host graph G. Building upon the breakthrough result of Curticapean, Dell and Marx (STOC 17), we express the number of such subgraphs as a finite linear combination of graph homomorphism counts and derive the complexity of computing this number by studying its coefficients. Our approach relies on novel constructions of low-degree Cayley graph expanders of p-groups, which might be of independent interest. The properties of those expanders allow us to analyse the coefficients in the aforementioned linear combinations over the field ?_p which gives us significantly more control over the cancellation behaviour of the coefficients. Our main result is an exhaustive and fine-grained complexity classification of #EdgeSub(?) for minor-closed properties ?, closing the missing gap in previous work by Roth, Schmitt and Wellnitz (ICALP 21). Additionally, we observe that our methods also apply to modular counting. Among others, we obtain novel intractability results for the problems of counting k-forests and matroid bases modulo a prime p. Furthermore, from an algorithmic point of view, we construct algorithms for the problems of counting k-paths and k-cycles modulo 2 that outperform the best known algorithms for their non-modular counterparts. In the course of our investigations we also provide an exhaustive parameterized complexity classification for the problem of counting graph homomorphisms modulo a prime p

    On the Complexity of Enumerating the Answers to Well-designed Pattern Trees

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    Well-designed pattern trees (wdPTs) have been introduced as an extension of conjunctive queries to allow for partial matching - analogously to the OPTIONAL operator of the semantic web query language SPARQL. Several computational problems of wdPTs have been studied in recent years, such as the evaluation problem in various settings, the counting problem, as well as static analysis tasks including the containment and equivalence problems. Also restrictions needed to achieve tractability of these tasks have been proposed. In contrast, the problem of enumerating the answers to a wdPT has been largely ignored so far. In this work, we embark on a systematic study of the complexity of the enumeration problem of wdPTs. As our main result, we identify several tractable and intractable cases of this problem both from a classical complexity point of view and from a parameterized complexity point of view

    Data-Compression for Parametrized Counting Problems on Sparse Graphs

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    We study the concept of compactor, which may be seen as a counting-analogue of kernelization in counting parameterized complexity. For a function F:Sigma^* -> N and a parameterization kappa: Sigma^* -> N, a compactor (P,M) consists of a polynomial-time computable function P, called condenser, and a computable function M, called extractor, such that F=M o P, and the condensing P(x) of x has length at most s(kappa(x)), for any input x in Sigma^*. If s is a polynomial function, then the compactor is said to be of polynomial-size. Although the study on counting-analogue of kernelization is not unprecedented, it has received little attention so far. We study a family of vertex-certified counting problems on graphs that are MSOL-expressible; that is, for an MSOL-formula phi with one free set variable to be interpreted as a vertex subset, we want to count all A subseteq V(G) where |A|=k and (G,A) models phi. In this paper, we prove that every vertex-certified counting problems on graphs that is MSOL-expressible and treewidth modulable, when parameterized by k, admits a polynomial-size compactor on H-topological-minor-free graphs with condensing time O(k^2n^2) and decoding time 2^{O(k)}. This implies the existence of an FPT-algorithm of running time O(n^2 k^2)+2^{O(k)}. All aforementioned complexities are under the Uniform Cost Measure (UCM) model where numbers can be stored in constant space and arithmetic operations can be done in constant time
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