127 research outputs found

    Sparse representation-based synthetic aperture radar imaging

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    There is increasing interest in using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images in automated target recognition and decision-making tasks. The success of such tasks depends on how well the reconstructed SAR images exhibit certain features of the underlying scene. Based on the observation that typical underlying scenes usually exhibit sparsity in terms of such features, we develop an image formation method which formulates the SAR imaging problem as a sparse signal representation problem. Sparse signal representation, which has mostly been exploited in real-valued problems, has many capabilities such as superresolution and feature enhancement for various reconstruction and recognition tasks. However, for problems of complex-valued nature, such as SAR, a key challenge is how to choose the dictionary and the representation scheme for effective sparse representation. Since we are usually interested in features of the magnitude of the SAR reflectivity field, our new approach is designed to sparsely represent the magnitude of the complex-valued scattered field. This turns the image reconstruction problem into a joint optimization problem over the representation of magnitude and phase of the underlying field reflectivities. We develop the mathematical framework for this method and propose an iterative solution for the corresponding joint optimization problem. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of this method over previous approaches in terms of both producing high quality SAR images as well as exhibiting robustness to uncertain or limited data

    Sparse representation-based SAR imaging

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    There is increasing interest in using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images in automated target recognition and decision-making tasks. The success of such tasks depends on how well the reconstructed SAR images exhibit certain features of the underlying scene. Based on the observation that typical underlying scenes usually exhibit sparsity in terms of such features, we develop an image formation method which formulates the SAR imaging problem as a sparse signal representation problem. Sparse signal representation, which has mostly been exploited in real-valued problems, has many capabilities such as superresolution and feature enhancement for various reconstruction and recognition tasks. However, for problems of complex-valued nature, such as SAR, a key challenge is how to choose the dictionary and the representation scheme for effective sparse representation. Since we are usually interested in features of the magnitude of the SAR reflectivity field, our new approach is designed to sparsely represent the magnitude of the complex-valued scattered field. This turns the image reconstruction problem into a joint optimization problem over the representation of magnitude and phase of the underlying field reflectivities. We develop the mathematical framework for this method and propose an iterative solution for the corresponding joint optimization problem. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of this method over previous approaches in terms of both producing high quality SAR images as well as exhibiting robustness to uncertain or limited data

    Beyond â„“1\ell_1 sparse coding in V1

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    Growing evidence indicates that only a sparse subset from a pool of sensory neurons is active for the encoding of visual stimuli at any instant in time. Traditionally, to replicate such biological sparsity, generative models have been using the ℓ1\ell_1 norm as a penalty due to its convexity, which makes it amenable to fast and simple algorithmic solvers. In this work, we use biological vision as a test-bed and show that the soft thresholding operation associated to the use of the ℓ1\ell_1 norm is highly suboptimal compared to other functions suited to approximating ℓq\ell_q with 0≤q<10 \leq q < 1 (including recently proposed Continuous Exact relaxations), both in terms of performance and in the production of features that are akin to signatures of the primary visual cortex. We show that ℓ1\ell_1 sparsity produces a denser code or employs a pool with more neurons, i.e. has a higher degree of overcompleteness, in order to maintain the same reconstruction error as the other methods considered. For all the penalty functions tested, a subset of the neurons develop orientation selectivity similarly to V1 neurons. When their code is sparse enough, the methods also develop receptive fields with varying functionalities, another signature of V1. Compared to other methods, soft thresholding achieves this level of sparsity at the expense of much degraded reconstruction performance, that more likely than not is not acceptable in biological vision. Our results indicate that V1 uses a sparsity inducing regularization that is closer to the ℓ0\ell_0 pseudo-norm rather than to the ℓ1\ell_1 norm

    Image Decomposition and Separation Using Sparse Representations: An Overview

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    This paper gives essential insights into the use of sparsity and morphological diversity in image decomposition and source separation by reviewing our recent work in this field. The idea to morphologically decompose a signal into its building blocks is an important problem in signal processing and has far-reaching applications in science and technology. Starck , proposed a novel decomposition method—morphological component analysis (MCA)—based on sparse representation of signals. MCA assumes that each (monochannel) signal is the linear mixture of several layers, the so-called morphological components, that are morphologically distinct, e.g., sines and bumps. The success of this method relies on two tenets: sparsity and morphological diversity. That is, each morphological component is sparsely represented in a specific transform domain, and the latter is highly inefficient in representing the other content in the mixture. Once such transforms are identified, MCA is an iterative thresholding algorithm that is capable of decoupling the signal content. Sparsity and morphological diversity have also been used as a novel and effective source of diversity for blind source separation (BSS), hence extending the MCA to multichannel data. Building on these ingredients, we will provide an overview the generalized MCA introduced by the authors in and as a fast and efficient BSS method. We will illustrate the application of these algorithms on several real examples. We conclude our tour by briefly describing our software toolboxes made available for download on the Internet for sparse signal and image decomposition and separation
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