1,693 research outputs found

    Adoption of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Palestinian Corporations

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    This paper examines the extent of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) adoption and implementation among Palestinian listed corporations as a performance evaluation tool, and explores whether Palestinian corporations realize the importance of non-financial measures of BSC in their performance evaluation process as well. For that, collected data through questionnaire directed to top level management of Palestinian Corporation including Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Internal Auditor and Controller has been analyzed using statistical software of SPSS. Our findings show only 30% of surveyed corporations have fully adoption of BSC, 42% of them have partially adoption while rest corporations have not been adopted BSC at all. Although the majority of Palestinians corporations realize the importance of BSC adoption in full, financial measurements are still considered the most important indicators in evaluation process of corporation’s performance. In case of non-financial measurements, all surveyed corporations realize the importance of BSC customer perspective while importance of other perspectives has different views between corporations. Only Banking sector realize the importance of growth and learning perspective and has the priority in periodically performance evaluation process in order financial perspective. Finally, respondents of questionnaire who realize the importance of BSC implementation, indicate corporations readiness to bear cost and to recruit all needed human and non-human resources toward BSC fully adoption

    Impact of Balanced Score Card on the Competitive Advantage in the Jordanian Telecommunication

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    This study aimed at analyzing the Impact of Balanced Score Card (BSC) on the competitive advantage in the Jordanian Telecommunication, for that the researcher has adopted the descriptive methodology by using the questionnaire as a study tool. The results of the study showed that after testing the four sub hypotheses, the major null hypothesis (H0) will be rejected, and the alternative hypothesis will be accepted: There will be a statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α = 0.05) of the impact of applying balanced scorecard with its four perspectives (Financial, Customer, Internal processes and Learning and growth) on the competitive advantage in the Jordanian telecommunications. The researcher suggested assessing that the employees must obtain the skills necessary to support the strategy, and assessing that employees  should address some typical motivation and alignment issues by running the program that will explain strategy

    Factors Influencing Balanced Scorecard Implementation

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    In this research, based on O’Reilly et al and Denison models, we search for the relationship between organizational culture and Balanced Scorecard implementation (BSC) by empirical studies, through conducting 366 questionnaires on  Jordanian industrial companies , and using factor analysis and Logistic regression analysis.  The results of this study showed that the cultural factors have significant positive impact on the implementation of BSC. The results showed that the data analysis of team orientation, Innovation, and mission have significant relationship on BSC implementation. The results also showed that no relationship found between "outcome orientation and attention to Detail” and BSC implementation. Keywords: Balanced scorecard, O’Reilly et al. model, Denison model, Organizational culture

    Marketing Orientation, Customer Satisfaction and Retention: the Case of the Telecommunications Services Market in Jordan

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    A great deal of attention has been devoted by researchers to examine different aspects of the relationship between marketing orientation (MO) and competitive advantage, mostly within causal relationship style research. However, the mechanisms and intermediate variables underlying this relationship remain vague and poorly investigated. Drawing upon mixed method research utilising qualitative and quantitative techniques, this study aims to offer further insight into this relationship within Jordan’s telecommunications market, focusing on customer satisfaction and customer retention as two prominent performance indicators in this market. Hence, this research set out to investigate the mechanisms and interrelationships that link marketing orientation and organisational performance, the issue that seems to be highly justified in the matured and competitive market where consumers have more choices, switching cost are decreasing and retention of the market base is becoming more and more difficult. As a case study undertaken in Jordan’s telecommunications market, the main four telecommunications operators in the market were represented. Quantitative data analysis was used to determine the variations between the main operators in the market regarding their adopted levels of marketing orientation. On the other hand, the qualitative technique - namely semi-structured interviews - represents the main instrument the study utilises to gain an in-depth insight into the relationship between marketing orientation (MO) and organisational performance. This qualitative tool enabled the researcher to construct a rich picture of the mechanisms and ways by which firms manage the different attitudinal dimensions of customer satisfaction and the behavioural dimensions of customer retention. Results of the research confirm significant variations between high- and low-marketing orientation telecommunications operators with regard to the approaches, drivers and mechanisms by which firms manage their capabilities to achieve customer satisfaction and customer retention. Thus, two different patterns were indicated which were associated with the adopted level of marketing orientation of these firms. The most important finding to come out of the research was that genuine marketing orientation is an integrated attitudinal-behavioural perspective. Hence, any deficiencies or even ignoring of any aspect will weaken a firm’s overall value creation capability, the main mission of the marketing-oriented firm. In addition, internal culture emerged as a critical success factor for marketing-oriented firms. It serves as the glue that ensures a firm’s values are adhered to, and also allows a clearer understanding of a firm’s vision and mission, which in turn resulted in the fact that these firms are more capable to translate their attitudes into practice on the ground. Moreover, the role of marketing orientation was substantial as it worked as a supportive environment that stimulates a firm’s capabilities to integrate and coordinate its resources and competencies into new ones in such a way as to enhance its overall performance as well as to achieve congruence with the changing business environment. The importance of this research stems from its nature and approach in studying the relationship between marketing orientation and organisational performance. The main issue being evaluated is different from the bulk of marketing orientation works that have focused on examining different aspects of marketing orientation and organisational performance within causal relationship-style research, and mostly within a short-run view. In contrast, this study is concerned with gaining in-depth understanding of this relationship through evaluating its mechanisms and interrelationships, the aspect that was treated as a black box in prior research

    Service Quality Relationship with Customer Satisfaction and Business Profitability (A Case Study of Royal Jordanian)

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    The purpose in this research is  to find   the relationship  between service quality and customer satisfaction of the Royal Jordanian and the mediated relationships between the service quality and financial performance by customer satisfaction. To achieve this objective, the study utilises a quantitative instrument for customers of Royal Jordanian. A representative sample of customers (number=120) was recruited voluntarily in the study. The questionnaire sought information and financial performance, plus demographic details. The results of this study suggested there is a relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction and financial performance. Keywords: Jordan, Customer Satisfaction, Financial Performance, Service Quality, Royal Jordanian

    Examining the relationship between business intelligence adoption and marketing effectiveness: The mediating role of customer satisfaction

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    This study investigates the relationship between business intelligence adoption (Business Intelligence (BI), Data Analysis and Reporting (DAR), Business Process Integration (BPI), and Continuous Improvement and Innovation (CII)) and marketing effectiveness in the Jordanian telecom industry. It specifically examines the mediating role of customer satisfaction in this relationship. A survey design method using the cross-sectional survey was utilized during the research process, involving quantification. The data was collected from 285 employees across the Jordanian telecom sector via electronic response forms. As the analysis's method, the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was utilized. The results, which showed BI, DAR and CII to have a positive direct effect on marketing effectiveness, whilst BPI displayed a negative direct impact, were compelling. But clear signs of positive influence on CS by the four dimensions of BI (BI, DAR, BPI, and CII) have also been observed, and this result has been proved to be a mediator between them and business effectiveness. The above study is a source of invaluable learning for the managers of telecom companies in Jordan is a tool that managers in the Jordanian telecom industry will greatly benefit from in the sense that it brings out all the importance of integrating BI, DAR, BPI, and CII practices that emphasize high quality customer service. By properly utilizing these assets and up-to-the-market, companies can improve the effectiveness of marketing and the whole organizational efficiency. The study enhances the existing theory of the interrelationships between the adoption of business intelligence, customer satisfaction, and marketing power which can be viewed from both resource-based view (RBV) theory and expectation-based theory (EDT). It affirms an idea that the RBV was rooted in that when organizational assets are valuable, firms have a competitive advantage and better performance. Also, an EDT states that customer satisfaction increases if the expectations of customers are met. Innovation - The essay is innovative and takes an original angle to explore the multifaceted interconnectivity among business intelligence adoption, customer satisfaction, and marketing effectiveness in the framework of the Jordanian telecom industry. It highlights the steps to customer satisfaction problem solutions and the caution comes with process integration efforts, hence, helping to arrive at a full comprehension of the aspirations for organizational performance in the field

    The Complexity of the Application of Balanced Scorecard Method in Performance Evaluation: Case of Cote D’Ivoire Commercial Banks

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    In the recent past, business relies only on financial indicators as the measures for evaluating performance. There is the requirement to include non-financial and financial measures of performance and determine key performance indicators that connect measurements to strategy and Balanced Scorecard is one of such instrument because it assesses the performance of an organization from various stages, namely financial, customer, internal process and learning and growth. However, it appears that this powerful tool is not implemented yet by plenty of industries in Cote d’Ivoire including commercial banks. This study therefore aimed at evaluating performance of banks in Cote d’Ivoire using balanced scorecard framework. A sample size of three (3) banks was employed out of the population of eighteen (18) commercial banks for the completion of this research. A total of one hundred fifty (150) copies of questionnaire were distributed to the executive staff and customer of the three (3) selected banks out of which one hundred forty four (144) copies were properly filled and given back. A computation of several metrics/measures and the Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient were used as the techniques for data analysis. The survey concluded that BSC framework can be implemented to assess performance of banks in Ivory Coast and also argued that is a relevant measurement tool which can provide additional information on customer satisfaction, internal business processes and learning & growth perspective. Therefore the survey advised companies to carry out the BSC in order to fully take advantages from their investment. Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, Performance evaluation, Commercial bank, Cote d’Ivoir
