285,722 research outputs found

    Multiresolution Recurrent Neural Networks: An Application to Dialogue Response Generation

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    We introduce the multiresolution recurrent neural network, which extends the sequence-to-sequence framework to model natural language generation as two parallel discrete stochastic processes: a sequence of high-level coarse tokens, and a sequence of natural language tokens. There are many ways to estimate or learn the high-level coarse tokens, but we argue that a simple extraction procedure is sufficient to capture a wealth of high-level discourse semantics. Such procedure allows training the multiresolution recurrent neural network by maximizing the exact joint log-likelihood over both sequences. In contrast to the standard log- likelihood objective w.r.t. natural language tokens (word perplexity), optimizing the joint log-likelihood biases the model towards modeling high-level abstractions. We apply the proposed model to the task of dialogue response generation in two challenging domains: the Ubuntu technical support domain, and Twitter conversations. On Ubuntu, the model outperforms competing approaches by a substantial margin, achieving state-of-the-art results according to both automatic evaluation metrics and a human evaluation study. On Twitter, the model appears to generate more relevant and on-topic responses according to automatic evaluation metrics. Finally, our experiments demonstrate that the proposed model is more adept at overcoming the sparsity of natural language and is better able to capture long-term structure.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, 10 table

    Language Model Adaptation to Specialized Domains through Selective Masking based on Genre and Topical Characteristics

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    Recent advances in pre-trained language modeling have facilitated significant progress across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Word masking during model training constitutes a pivotal component of language modeling in architectures like BERT. However, the prevalent method of word masking relies on random selection, potentially disregarding domain-specific linguistic attributes. In this article, we introduce an innovative masking approach leveraging genre and topicality information to tailor language models to specialized domains. Our method incorporates a ranking process that prioritizes words based on their significance, subsequently guiding the masking procedure. Experiments conducted using continual pre-training within the legal domain have underscored the efficacy of our approach on the LegalGLUE benchmark in the English language. Pre-trained language models and code are freely available for use

    Rare Words: A Major Problem for Contextualized Embeddings And How to Fix it by Attentive Mimicking

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    Pretraining deep neural network architectures with a language modeling objective has brought large improvements for many natural language processing tasks. Exemplified by BERT, a recently proposed such architecture, we demonstrate that despite being trained on huge amounts of data, deep language models still struggle to understand rare words. To fix this problem, we adapt Attentive Mimicking, a method that was designed to explicitly learn embeddings for rare words, to deep language models. In order to make this possible, we introduce one-token approximation, a procedure that enables us to use Attentive Mimicking even when the underlying language model uses subword-based tokenization, i.e., it does not assign embeddings to all words. To evaluate our method, we create a novel dataset that tests the ability of language models to capture semantic properties of words without any taskspecific fine-tuning. Using this dataset, we show that adding our adapted version of Attentive Mimicking to BERT does substantially improve its understanding of rare words

    Mining Themes in Clinical Notes to Identify Phenotypes and to Predict Length of Stay in Patients admitted with Heart Failure

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    Heart failure is a syndrome which occurs when the heart is not able to pump blood and oxygen to support other organs in the body. Identifying the underlying themes in the diagnostic codes and procedure reports of patients admitted for heart failure could reveal the clinical phenotypes associated with heart failure and to group patients based on their similar characteristics which could also help in predicting patient outcomes like length of stay. These clinical phenotypes usually have a probabilistic latent structure and hence, as there has been no previous work on identifying phenotypes in clinical notes of heart failure patients using a probabilistic framework and to predict length of stay of these patients using data-driven artificial intelligence-based methods, we apply natural language processing technique, topic modeling, to identify the themes present in diagnostic codes and in procedure reports of 1,200 patients admitted for heart failure at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System (UI Health). Topic modeling identified twelve themes each in diagnostic codes and procedure reports which revealed information about different phenotypes related to various perspectives about heart failure, to study patients\u27 profiles and to discover new relationships among medical concepts. Each theme had a set of keywords and each clinical note was labeled with two themes - one corresponding to its diagnostic code and the other corresponding to its procedure reports along with their percentage contribution. We used these themes and their percentage contribution to predict length of stay. We found that the themes discovered in diagnostic codes and procedure reports using topic modeling together were able to predict length of stay of the patients with an accuracy of 61.1% and an Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC AUC) value of 0.828