1,576 research outputs found

    IST Austria Thesis

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    In this thesis we study persistence of multi-covers of Euclidean balls and the geometric structures underlying their computation, in particular Delaunay mosaics and Voronoi tessellations. The k-fold cover for some discrete input point set consists of the space where at least k balls of radius r around the input points overlap. Persistence is a notion that captures, in some sense, the topology of the shape underlying the input. While persistence is usually computed for the union of balls, the k-fold cover is of interest as it captures local density, and thus might approximate the shape of the input better if the input data is noisy. To compute persistence of these k-fold covers, we need a discretization that is provided by higher-order Delaunay mosaics. We present and implement a simple and efficient algorithm for the computation of higher-order Delaunay mosaics, and use it to give experimental results for their combinatorial properties. The algorithm makes use of a new geometric structure, the rhomboid tiling. It contains the higher-order Delaunay mosaics as slices, and by introducing a filtration function on the tiling, we also obtain higher-order α-shapes as slices. These allow us to compute persistence of the multi-covers for varying radius r; the computation for varying k is less straight-foward and involves the rhomboid tiling directly. We apply our algorithms to experimental sphere packings to shed light on their structural properties. Finally, inspired by periodic structures in packings and materials, we propose and implement an algorithm for periodic Delaunay triangulations to be integrated into the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL), and discuss the implications on persistence for periodic data sets

    Towards Stratification Learning through Homology Inference

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    A topological approach to stratification learning is developed for point cloud data drawn from a stratified space. Given such data, our objective is to infer which points belong to the same strata. First we define a multi-scale notion of a stratified space, giving a stratification for each radius level. We then use methods derived from kernel and cokernel persistent homology to cluster the data points into different strata, and we prove a result which guarantees the correctness of our clustering, given certain topological conditions; some geometric intuition for these topological conditions is also provided. Our correctness result is then given a probabilistic flavor: we give bounds on the minimum number of sample points required to infer, with probability, which points belong to the same strata. Finally, we give an explicit algorithm for the clustering, prove its correctness, and apply it to some simulated data.Comment: 48 page

    Dimension Detection with Local Homology

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    Detecting the dimension of a hidden manifold from a point sample has become an important problem in the current data-driven era. Indeed, estimating the shape dimension is often the first step in studying the processes or phenomena associated to the data. Among the many dimension detection algorithms proposed in various fields, a few can provide theoretical guarantee on the correctness of the estimated dimension. However, the correctness usually requires certain regularity of the input: the input points are either uniformly randomly sampled in a statistical setting, or they form the so-called (ε,δ)(\varepsilon,\delta)-sample which can be neither too dense nor too sparse. Here, we propose a purely topological technique to detect dimensions. Our algorithm is provably correct and works under a more relaxed sampling condition: we do not require uniformity, and we also allow Hausdorff noise. Our approach detects dimension by determining local homology. The computation of this topological structure is much less sensitive to the local distribution of points, which leads to the relaxation of the sampling conditions. Furthermore, by leveraging various developments in computational topology, we show that this local homology at a point zz can be computed \emph{exactly} for manifolds using Vietoris-Rips complexes whose vertices are confined within a local neighborhood of zz. We implement our algorithm and demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our method using both synthetic and real data sets


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    Given a locally finite X ⊆ ℝd and a radius r ≥ 0, the k-fold cover of X and r consists of all points in ℝd that have k or more points of X within distance r. We consider two filtrations - one in scale obtained by fixing k and increasing r, and the other in depth obtained by fixing r and decreasing k - and we compute the persistence diagrams of both. While standard methods suffice for the filtration in scale, we need novel geometric and topological concepts for the filtration in depth. In particular, we introduce a rhomboid tiling in ℝd+1 whose horizontal integer slices are the order-k Delaunay mosaics of X, and construct a zigzag module from Delaunay mosaics that is isomorphic to the persistence module of the multi-covers

    Quantifying Homology Classes

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    We develop a method for measuring homology classes. This involves three problems. First, we define the size of a homology class, using ideas from relative homology. Second, we define an optimal basis of a homology group to be the basis whose elements' size have the minimal sum. We provide a greedy algorithm to compute the optimal basis and measure classes in it. The algorithm runs in O(β4n3log2n)O(\beta^4 n^3 \log^2 n) time, where nn is the size of the simplicial complex and β\beta is the Betti number of the homology group. Third, we discuss different ways of localizing homology classes and prove some hardness results

    The Localized Union-Of-Balls Bifiltration

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    We propose an extension of the classical union-of-balls filtration of persistent homology: fixing a point q, we focus our attention to a ball centered at q whose radius is controlled by a second scale parameter. We discuss an absolute variant, where the union is just restricted to the q-ball, and a relative variant where the homology of the q-ball relative to its boundary is considered. Interestingly, these natural constructions lead to bifiltered simplicial complexes which are not k-critical for any finite k. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that these bifiltrations can be computed exactly and efficiently, and we provide a prototypical implementation using the CGAL library. We also argue that some of the recent algorithmic advances for 2-parameter persistence (which usually assume k-criticality for some finite k) carry over to the ?-critical case