5 research outputs found

    Bibliometric study on set size information in business

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    A fim de entender sobre a publicação dos artigos sobre set size information na área de Administração, realizamos uma análise bibliométrica descritiva relacionada à evolução da produção científica sobre tema, do período de 1945 até junho de 2014. Como resultados, notamos que o tema é ainda recente e que tem adquirido relevância nos últimos anos. Notamos que, em Administração, poucos são os autores prolíferos sobre o tema e que os artigos falaram sobre decisões relacionadas à compra e ao consumo. Como limitações da pesquisa, não aprofundamos os métodos usados nas pesquisas sobre set size information, apesar de percebermos o uso de experimentos em muitos casos. Mesmo assim, esse trabalho contribui por oferecer informações sobre a produção científica em set size information, em Administração, proporcionando subsídios para direcionar os trabalhos de revisão bibliográfica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resistance and power in a security certification scheme: the case of c:cure

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    Using the lens of Clegg's circuits of power (CoP) framework, this study examines the resistance to a UK information security certification scheme through three episodes of power that led to its withdrawal in 2000. The UK authorities sought to generate market competition between a generic certificate scheme with lower costs and international recognition and one based on technical rigor, but they failed in their objectives because of resistance from organizational players. This paper makes contributions to the understanding of the discursive nature of resistance to change in the research of standards and certification, and contributes to the literature by formulating the concept of discourse resilience: the property of discourses to resist change. It identifies the non-agentic nature of resistance in the absence of coercive power and presents a reflection on legitimacy as a required attribute for the acceptance of a certificate scheme. The research finds that what organizations deem to be legitimate is the result of power

    Actor-Network Theory 관점에서 본 한국 전자정부 서비스의 진화

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 경영학과, 2015. 2. 안중호.ABSTRACT The Evolution of Korean e-Government in the Perspective of Actor-Network Theory Sulim Kim College of Business Administration Seoul National University In these days, as technologies has developed, it has changed our lives in everywhere. There is no exception for a nation. Since Information Technology (IT) was a criterion for deciding the national competiveness, it has been considered as a catalyst for the rapid growth in the knowledge information society. As a result, a government uses IT as a tool for accomplishing the national goal. E-Government is an effective tool to improve effectiveness, to elevate the quality of public service, and to promote active public participation in governance. (The Korean Association for Policy Studies, 2011) In order to accomplish the intended goal of e-Government, the Korean government has evolved its services and made considerable efforts. In this study, it shows the evolution of Korean e-Government services in details by using the lens of Actor-Network Theory. ANT considers that human and non-human actors are same and equal factors in its analytical view (Lee & Oh, 2006). Thus, this study focuses on the network between human actors (i.e. president and administrations) and non-human actors (i.e. law, standard and relay system). However, due to the strategy of top-down in the assimilation of Korean e-Government system, it caused the inequality between the central agencies. That is, ANT has the limitation in explaining the public sector cases in terms of the imbalance between actors. According to Naidoo (2009), Walsham (2001) made a valuable contribution by combining ANT and ST theories in the same cases, using ST to guide broader social analysis, and ANT to describe the detailed socio-technical processes that took place. Thus, this study decides to adopt Structuration Theory to overcome the shortage of ANT. This study involved six in-depth interviews with the key actors in the case of Korean e-Government. These interviews were conducted in face-to-face with audio recording from October 22, 2014 to November 20, 2014, and they progressed with specific and open-ended questions. The interviews with the key actors provided the overview of the evolution of Korean e-Government services process and meaningful insights on the success of e-Government in Korea. This case demonstrates that cases in public sector can adopt not only Actor-Network Theory, but also Structuration Theory to explain in both micro and macro contexts. Practical implications are given especially for developing countries in pursuing the rapid development process of Korean e-Government services. Keywords: Korean e-Government, Actor-Network Theory, Structuration Theory, Law, Standard, Relay system. Student ID Number: 2013-20463TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS III LIST OF TABLES III LIST OF FIGURES IV CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 5 2.1. Actor Network Theory 5 2.2 Limitations of Actor Network Theory 9 2.3. Structuration Theory 13 2.4 Standard 17 2.5 Technology Standard in Information System 19 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 23 CHAPTER 4 CASE: THE EVOLUTION OF KOREAN E-GOVERNMENT 25 4.1 Problematization (Establishment Stage: 1987 ~ 1996) 25 4.2 Domination (Promotion Stage: 1997 ~ 2002) 30 4.3 Enrollment (Advanced Stage: 2003 ~ 2009) 38 4.4 Moblization (Advanced Stage: 2010 ~ 2014) 46 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 50 5.1 Findings 50 5.2 Implications and Limitations 52 REFERENCES 54 APPENDIX: PROCEDURE STANDARD IN KOREAN E-GOVERNMENT 65Maste

    Exploring the Factors Promoting Team Effectiveness in the Process of Creating International Technology Standards A Case Study of ISO/SAE-joint Standard (21434) for Road Vehicle Cybersecurity

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    International Technology Standards play an essential role in supporting technology adoption and implementation. Emerging technologies are reshaping global commerce. New technologies have been shown to be an essential factor in boosting the economy as they offer great prospects for growth. It is a complicated journey from promising emerging technology to full industrialization and commercialization. However, the process of creating International Technology Standards itself is dynamic and complicated, consists of many underlying dimensions, and is influenced by political, economic, socio-demographic, and technological changes during the development process. Few theoretical frameworks exist to help in understanding the process of creating technology standards as well as to provide practical guidelines. This dissertation bridges this gap by conducting an in-depth case study analysis that aims to extend our knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the process of creating International Technology Standards. The case I selected is the first ever joint International Technology Standard by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, a Europe-based standards development organization), and SAE International (SAE, a U.S.-based standards development organization). The purpose of the standard in question is to setup global policies and guidelines for automotive 4 cybersecurity, in the era during which cars will become fully connected and will soon be autonomous. In this case study, data were collected through documents, observations, interviews, and questionnaires. A total of 18 semi-structured individual and group interviews, including 24 participants, were conducted within four months, and 25 completed questionnaires were collected. Coding was adopted as the data analysis method. The results reveal a set of Input-Process- Outcome (IPO) factors and components that impact team effectiveness in the process of creating International Technology Standards. To be specific, team structure is the most critical IPO factor that influences the team effectiveness. Additionally, an Input-Choice-Outcome (ICO) conceptual framework and several lessons-learned are offered for future International Technology Standards creation projects. The study contributes to literature and practice by providing theoretical and practitioner insights into the process of International Technology Standards creation