14 research outputs found

    Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in SAP Fiori

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    This article presents a case study that was carried out in two companies that have implemented SAP Fiori. The As-Is and To-Be description of the process in which SAP Fiori was implemented was performed. The advantages and disadvantages of using SAP Fiori were also identified. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been used in order to understand the aspects that most influence users to consider SAP Fiori as an added value, and how it optimizes the tasks of users. TAM has two variables that will influence the acceptance of a technology, which are: perceived ease of use and perceived utility.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Investigating the Non-Linear Relationships in the Expectancy Theory: The Case of Crowdsourcing Marketplace

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    Crowdsourcing marketplace as a new platform for companies or individuals to source ideas or works from the public has become popular in the contemporary world. A key issue about the sustainability of this type of marketplace relies on the effort that problem solvers expend on the online tasks. However, the predictors of effort investment in the crowdsourcing context is rarely investigated. In this study, based on the expectancy theory which suggests the roles of reward valence, trust and self efficacy, we develop a research model to study the factors influencing effort. Further, the non-linear relationships between self efficacy and effort is proposed. Based on a field survey, we found that: (1) reward valence and trust positively influence effort; (2) when task complexity is high, there will be a convex relationship between self efficacy and effort; and (3) when task complexity is low, there will be a concave relationship between self efficacy and effort. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed


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    In recent years, the success of social media in the private realm has entailed an increasing awareness of opportunities that are linked to user-generated content in knowledge management systems. Alongside the benefits in terms of knowledge quantity, new quality risks arise from an unregulated knowledge contribution. Considering that, review mechanisms have been implemented to monitor the content and provide a basis to distinguish between good and poor quality knowledge assets. This paper proposes a model to uncover the role of trust in expert and peer reviews during the knowledge application process by considering its antecedents, its outcomes, and the influnce of perceived risk. The model suggests that trust in expert and peer reviews is based on the ability, benevolence, and integrity of the respective group and is positively influnced by a higher trustor´s propensity to trust. Perceived risk in a particular situation influnces the decision whether to apply knowledge based on trust in expert or in peer reviews. It is assumed that high-risk decisions are based on expert reviews more likely because the organizational and individual risk is perceived to be lowered, whereas peer reviews can only mitigate organizational risk

    Trust and Risk in Consumer Acceptance of e-Services: A Meta-Analysis and a Test of Competing Models

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    Consumer perceptions of risk and their trust beliefs are considered amongst the most important psychological states influencing online behavior. Despite the number of empirical studies that have explored the effects of trust and risk perceptions on consumer acceptance of e-services, the field remains fragmented and the posited research models are contradictory. To address this problem, we examined how trust and risk influence consumer acceptance of e-service through a meta-analysis of 52 studies followed by tests of competing causal models. The findings confirm that trust and risk are important to e-service acceptance but trust has a stronger effect size. We found that certain effect sizes were moderated by such factors as the consumer population under study, the type of e-service, and the object of trust under consideration. The data best supports the causal logic that positions trust as antecedent to risk perceptions. Risk partially mediates the effects of trust on acceptance

    Understanding Sustained Participation in Transactional Virtual Communities

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    Two research gaps in prior studies on knowledge sharing in virtual communities (VCs) are identified. First, prior studies have focused on VCs with no explicit rewards system, whereas VCs using a competition-based reward system (e.g., transactional VCs) is not explored. Second, prior studies have concentrated on the determinants of initial participation rather than sustained participation. In this study, considering that a social learning process is involved in sustained participation, task complexity and self-efficacy – two social learning factors – are proposed to moderate the relationship between motivations and sustained participation. A filed survey with 205 subjects in a transactional virtual community was conducted to test the research model. According to findings, extrinsic and intrinsic motivations significantly influence knowledge sharing intention. Negative interaction effect between extrinsic motivation and task complexity, as well as positive interaction effect between intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy, are observed as well. Implications and future research are discussed

    Aplicação do Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia (TAM) em SAP Fiori

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    Um sistema ERP é uma infraestrutura que pode assistir a empresa a integrar informação de todos os departamentos internos dos fornecedores e clientes. Liga todas as áreas internas da empresa, funções e processos, tantos os internos como externos, de forma a criar relações entre fornecedores e clientes. Os ERP também permitem que a informação seja partilhada entre diferentes parceiros, suporta a eficiência de fornecer a cadeia de abastecimento e melhorar o fluxo de informação. Isto deverá permitir os gestores tomarem melhores decisões baseadas numa informação mais precisa e atualizada (Al-Mashari & Zairi, 2000). Os sistemas ERP foram introduzidos por fornecedores de ERP como a SAP (Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkt in der Datenverarbeitung), Olacle, PeopleSoft, e outros sistemas, que forneciam uma plataforma singular e integrada, permitindo assim às empresas, obter vantagem competitiva e competir globalmente (Loonam & McDonagh, 2005). De forma a melhorar a eficiência e eficácia do uso do sistema ERP, as organizações necessitam de perceber quais os fatores que influenciam a satisfação do utilizador. Nesta área, o modelo de aceitação de tecnologia (TAM) é um dos modelos mais utilizados para explicar a intenção comportamental e o uso de determinada tecnologia. TAM pode também melhorar a compreender de como os fatores que influenciam o uso de determinada tecnologia podem aumentar a eficácia e eficiência no sistema ERP (Shih et al, 2009). Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo de caso em duas empresas da implementação do SAP Fiori. Procedeu-se à descrição As-Is e To-Be do processo no qual o SAP Fiori foi implementado. Foram também identificadas as vantagens e desvantagens na utilização de SAP Fiori. O modelo de aceitação de tecnologia (TAM) foi utilizado de forma a compreender quais os aspetos que mais influenciam os utilizadores a considerarem ou não o SAP Fiori como uma mais-valia, e de que forma é que ele vem ou não otimizar as tarefas dos utilizadores. Em TAM existem duas variáveis que vão influenciar a aceitação de uma tecnologia, que são: A facilidade de uso percebida e a utilidade percebida. Com este projeto podemos então constatar que após a implementação de SAP Fiori algumas das tarefas realizadas pelos utilizadores tornaram-se mais fáceis, realizadas de forma mais rápida e intuitiva. Tendo em conta o modelo de aceitação de tecnologia, o fator que mais influencia a facilidade de uso percebida é ser uma aplicação simples e fácil de usar; já para a utilidade percebida, o segundo fator que mais influencia esta variável é a possibilidade de realizar algumas das tarefas do dia-a-dia usando um dispositivo mobile, a mobilidade é então identificada como a grande utilidade desta implementação desta nova aplicação.An ERP system is a technology infrastructure that can assist a company in integrating information from all internal departments with suppliers and customers. It links all areas of a company’s internal functions and processes with the external ones in order to create a close relationship between customers and suppliers. ERP also allows information to be shared between different partners, supports the effectiveness of the supply chain management, and improves the flow of information. These should enable managers to make better decisions based on more accurate and up-to-date information (Al-Mashari & Zairi, 2000). The ERP system was introduced by ERP providers, such as SAP (Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkt in der Datenverarbeitung) (Systems, Applications, & Products in Data Processing), Oracle, PeopleSoft, and others to eradicate legacy system problems, provide single and integrated technological platform, and thereby assist companies in gaining a competitive advantage and thus competing globally. However, implementing ERP system requires changes in the organizational culture as a whole, takes a long time to implement, and consumes a considerable amount of money. Therefore, companies need to know clearly what ERP system is and in what ways the system could affect the company before thinking of implementing the system (Loonam & McDonagh, 2005). To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ERP system use, organizations need to research the factors that impact user satisfaction. In this area, the technological acceptance model (TAM) is one of the most widely used models for explaining the behavioral intention and actual usage and can improve our understanding of how influence on actual usage could help increase efficiency and effectiveness of ERP system use. In this project was made a case study in two companies that implemented SAP Fiori. The As-Is and To-Be description of the process in which SAP Fiori was implemented was performed. The advantages and disadvantages of using SAP Fiori were also identified. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been used in order to understand the aspects that most influence users to consider SAP Fiori as an added value, and how it optimizes the tasks of users. TAM has two variables that will influence the acceptance of a technology, which are: perceived ease of use and perceived utility